Thursday, November 03, 2005

New blog

New blog for critical psychiatry - please post your comments.


  1. Could people please tell me if they have problems posting on this blog.

  2. Months went by when Julian saw no one. Often he would close his eyes and try to recapture his youth in memory. The courtyard of the castle would appear before him, with grey hounds on the steps, pages in the armoury, and a fair-haired boy under a vine-covered arbour, between an old man wrapped in furs and a lady with a great coif. And suddenly the two corpses were there. He would throw himself flat on his bed, weeping and crying ‘ Ah, poor father! Poor mother, poor mother!’ and he would fall into a fitful slumber in which these funereal visions continued to haunt him.
    One night, while he was asleep, he thought he heard someone calling him. He strained his ears, but could make out nothing but the roar of the waves.
    But again the same voice called out:
    It came from the far bank, and this struck him as extraordinary, considering the width of the river.
    A third time the summons came:
    And this penetrating voice had the sound of a church-bell.
    Lighting his lantern, Julian left the hut. A raging tempest was blowing through the night. The darkness was profound, broken only here and there by the whiteness of the leaping waves.
    After a moment’s hesitation Julian cast off the painter. At once the water became calm, and the boat glided across it to the other bank, where a man was waiting.
    He was wrapped in a ragged cloth, his face like a plaster mask and his two eyes redder than burning coals. Holding the lantern up to him, Julian saw that he was covered with a hideous leprosy, and yet there was something kingly in his bearing.
    As soon as he got into the boat, it went a long way down in the water, under the weight of his body; then it rose again with a jolt, and Julian starts rowing.
    At every stroke the surf lifted the bows up in the air. The water, looking blacker than ink, streamed furiously past on either side. It hollowed out abysses and built up mountains, and the boat leapt up before sinking again into the depths, where it spun round, tossed by the wind.
    Julian bent his body, stretched his arms out, and arched himself backwards from his feet to get more power. The hail lashed his hands, the rain ran down his back, the violence of the wind took his breath away, and at last he stopped. The boat then began drifting away downstream. But realizing that this was a matter of the first importance, a trust he must on no account desert, he took up his oars again, and the rattle of the rowlocks cut through the clamour of the storm.
    The little lantern was shining in front of him. Birds fluttering past it hid it from time to time. But all the while he could see the eyes of the Leper, who stood in the stern of the boat, motionless as a pillar. And this went on for a long, long time.
    When they reached the hut, Julian shut the door and saw the Leper sitting on the stool. The shroud-like garment which covered him had slipped down to his hips, and shoulders, his chest, and his scrawny arms were hidden under patches of scaly pustules. His brow was furrowed with enormous wrinkles. Like a skeleton he had a hole where the nose should have been, and from his bluish lips came a nauseous breath as thick as a fog.
    ‘I am hungry,’ he said.
    Julian gave him what he had: an old gammon of bacon and the crust from a loaf of black bread.
    When he had finished eating, the table, the bowl, and the handle of the knife bore the same marks that could be seen on his body.
    Next he said: ‘I am thirsty.’
    Julian went to get his pitcher, and as he picked it up, there arose from it a scent which made his heart and nostrils expand. It was wine. What a wonderful find this was, he thought. But the Leper stretched out his hand and emptied the whole pitcher at one draught.
    Then he said: ‘I am cold.’
    With his candle Julian set light to a bundle of bracken in the middle of the hut.
    The Leper came near to warm himself. Squatting on his heels, he began trembling all over. His strength was flagging, his eyes had stopped shining, his sores were running, and in an almost inaudible voice he murmured: ‘Your bed!’
    Julian tenderly helped him to drag himself to it, even spreading the sail of his boat over him to cover him.
    The Leper lay there groaning. His teeth showed at the corners of his mouth, his chest heaved as his dying breath came more and more quickly, and at every gasp his belly was sucked in as far as his backbone.
    Then he closed his eyes.
    ‘My bones are like ice. Come here beside me!’
    And Julian, lifting the sail, lay down side by side with him on the dead leaves.
    The Leper turned his head.
    ‘Take off your clothes so that I may feel the warmth of your body!’
    Julian stripped, and then, naked as on the day he was born, he lay down on the bed again. And against his thigh he felt the Leper’s skin, colder than a snake and as rough as a file.
    He spoke encouragingly to him, and the other gasped out in reply:
    ‘Ah, I am dying! Come closer and warm me! No not with your hands, with your whole body!’
    Julian stretched himself out on top of him, mouth to mouth, breast to breast.
    Then the Leper clasped him in his arms. And all at once his eyes took on the brightness of the stars, his hair spread out like the rays of the sun, and the breath of his nostrils had the sweetness of roses. A cloud of incense rose from the hearth and the waves outside began to sing.
    Meanwhile an abundance of delight, a superhuman joy swept like a flood into Julian’s soul as he lay there in a swoon. And the one whose arms still held him tight grew and grew, until his head and his feet touched the walls of the hut. The roof flew off, the heavens unfolded – and Julian rose towards the blue, face to face with Our Lord Jesus Christ, who bore him up to Heaven.

    And that is the story of St Julian Hospitator, more or less as it is depicted on a stained glass window in a church in my part of the world.
    By: G. Flaubert
    From : Three Tales, Penguin Classics 1977

  3. So, Duncan, who are you hoping will 'blog'? (I have to confess that I don't know, exactly, what this cyber-term means, and haven't taken the trouble to look it up, but I suspect it is some kind of conversation).

    I think your site is - in a many different ways - a brave and bold step in a positive direction but, with all due respect, it hasn't followed through. I watched the boxers Audley Harrison and Danny Williams trying to avouid hitting one another at the weekend. Sure, they both 'talked' a good fight in advance but didn't really 'follow through'. It kinda reminded me of this, and other 'critical' or 'psychminded' sites. Some people want to be indentified as 'critical-minded' or even 'post-psychiatric', but are not at all keen to talk about this, in any open, ordinary sense. Maybe this would involve them 'dropping their guard', 'exposing themselves' or otherwise, risking 'being flattened'. Whatever the rationale, it makes for pretty dull proceedings.

    In this special context, this seems strangely ironic, given the public misconception that psychiatry is all about 'communication'. So why don't all the assorted, concerned, not to mention 'radical' minds talk to one another? Just begging the question.

    I guess the more direct question is, where are, all the august 'names' that grace the significant positions of the Critical Psychiatry Network, not to mention the assorted 'other contacts'? It would be nice to hear what lies behind the name.

    Yours in Friendship

    Phil Barker

    Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

  4. This cyberspace and your mobile phone that can send and receive your calls and take a movie picture of your daily life and navigate you around the city and keep thousands songs and connect you to millions sites and soon becomes as small as your pen is the result of courage and power of imagination of their creators. They assume things that does not seem possible. They look at things a little different from normal people. They can sum up the findings of previous people and refute them. R.D. Laing was a little more interested in his job than his colleagues. Perhaps he should become an engineer and make a new gadget. He looked a little further from another angle. One name in one hundred year. He was digested by the main stream as if never existed. Waters are poisenous. There is smell of gas in the air. Are these delusions of paranoia? Then what is Kyoto and Montreal conferences about? Daft politicians should solve them? Paranoia means sensitive alarming bells of human specie. Even beasts have them. They persecute! They persecute! First communists then jews then you and me.
    Have some courage and imaginations mates.

  5. Paranoia is the shouting:"wolf!Wolf!" The man was not a liar or a sick person. He was drilling the people for the time of danger. The people of that village were too paranoid about their own sanity. When the time came and wolf came they could not believe and disaster happened to them.

  6. I'm sorry that Phil does not find the Critical Psychiatry Network radical enough. Personally I have gone public about my suspension from my NHS Trust Pat Bracken and Phil Thomas have a book on post-psychiatry coming out at the end of this year and my edited book on Critical Psychiatry is due out next spring. How else do you want us to follow through?

    We are here! Sorry if we seem a bit dull. We are very happy to engage with you or anyone else. As you know I have posted your What chance post-psychiatry? on my Critical psychiatry site.

  7. Somebody asked what a blog is. It is a means of communication safe guarded against emerging email control and censorship technology. You become sure immediately that your mail has been posted immediately to the target audience you have addressed.

  8. Hi Duncan

    Is it my turn to say 'sorry' for bvegging some questions/ I do find the Critical Psychiatry site radical enough, I was only wondering, in the context of your original query as to "what no users os this blog", where were all the 'big names' - I acknowledge that they may be writing books etc, but this was blog-talk.

    Yes, thanks for publishing our piece on 'What chance post-psychiatry". But, what is the point of writing/publishing such stuff if there is no discourse - which is where we came in with "where are all the bloggers?"

    The story about your 'suspension' makes for sobering reading - all the more sobering when I realise that I was unaware of this (not a regular reader of the BMJ) and, more importantly, that people have not been shouting baout this from the CP rooftops.

    Keep on keeping on Duncan - i do like your site very much indeed.

    Yours in Friendship

    Phil Barker

  9. I wrote this to a Behind Closed Doors website but postmaster returned it back. I hope they read it here.
    Dear Friends,
    Users and survivors and the so-called mentally ill people are being considered as deviants in the society. Their opinions never go further than their own circles. People and specially the authorities do not consider the 'lunatics' as serious. They laugh at them. They believe the 'lunatics' thoughts and actions are under the impulse and non-consistent. Does anybody ask a horse where it wants to live or what condition it needs for its stable? I read in Nursing Time about a seminar of authorities about mental health. Idea of police representative was expressed as " if anybody had a diagnosis in the past he should be locked up immediately with any episode!" Nobody gives such an idea even about a sick dog. Confinement is the only solution of authorities. Government people have not the faintest idea about Laing or Szasz or ‘no- coercion’. Remember gays thirty years ago. But they had many lawyers and celebrities among them. They made them winners. Gays who lived in slums and brothels had no or a limited effect. Lunatics have had many celebrities such as J. Nash and Dali, and Van Gogh, but authorities do not appreciate anything in them. Still they believe photograph of a tree is better than its drawing by Van Gogh. The photograph is reality but the painting is the distorted delusion of an erroneous brain. We need to go and gather psychiatrist, psychologists, sociologists, authors and artists, lawyers and people of established status. It is like the movement of the workers which needs some leadership of intellectuals. Who could believe in the nineteen fifties or sixties or even in seventies that Queen might put the sword of knighthood on the shoulder of a gay? One of the first editions of a book written by a famous British psychologist includes many cases of curing transvestite ‘patients’ by gradual avoidance behaviour therapy. He writes that at the end of one of his speeches a famous QC came and asked if he had facilities for curing gays because the QC was a gay. There was not such a possibility for the psychologist. That QC later killed himself for being gay. Movies were full of accusation of gays and transvestites doing crimes. Celebrities are particularly very important. You can see how the Tom cruise’s remark about traditional psychiatry echoed as a bomb in the USA. The American body for the psychiatrists had to react and for a week it was at the headline of world news. That body even do not bother to answer to their own colleagues such as Szasz and Breggin. They know them as crackpots or ignorant to their profession. What is the use of so many website against coercion? Drug companies pay money to MP's (within legal limit) and they pass the bill dictated by them. When a psychiatrist talks with a mentally ill person his face is full of hatred and mockery toward his patient. Then you want to beg him to be fair with you.
    We should join the little streams together to gain the power.
    We should not interfere with political issues such as war in Iraq or globalisation or greenhouse. They know us as deviants who are subject to immediate and deliberate open-ended detention without any court. What is the percentage of people who will be released on an appeal to a mental health tribunal? From the moment they lock you they give that painful medicine such that you cannot organise yourself on a chair, let alone talk to a tribunal. Tribunal is already biased and looks for the least evidence of symptoms. We all are aware of quality of the solicitors. They even cannot remember your name. If it was not for the sake of the victim’s sister who was a diligent physician, the Bennet enquiry would not existed. Even after that prestigious enquiry the psychiatrists were disgruntled of its verdict.
    Hence we should limit our goals. For instance, they can detain us for the sake of well-being. That is, without having harm for self or the society they can lock us to improve our mental health, as a medical hygiene action. It means if they recognise you as odd or eccentric or crazy they can lock you. The second opinion about your craze is always given by a more cynical peer who is very tough. I was locked with a lady teacher who had fainted in the school. She was asked to stay as a volunteer for four weeks. Then they asked her to stay for six months. Nothing was wrong with her. She was craving to go to her family. She was begging like a child.
    We should push the legislators to accept us legally as disabled people.
    We should push to prevent making films that show lunatics as criminals. When I was a child some intellectuals believed criminals were actually mentally sick people and should be cured in hospitals instead of imprisonment. I do not argue if this is correct. But because I was teacher of logic, I am sure that this sentence for non-analytic minds such as politicians and police means the mentally sick people are criminals. We should ask scientist to come forward and show the biases in statistics. Social psychologists in the USA changed drastically the outlook of the judges and attorneys by arranging foiling experiments that discovered many of jurists’ flawed pre-judgments. Now those trivial assumptions have been replaced by more careful practice. We should fight for the sake of our children. We should prevent screening of children for newly invented mental illnesses. Screening of children means suffocating of potential rebel minds such as Monet or Picasso or Bob Dylan or Beatles, or at least some trade union activists or whistle blowers in the shop-floors. This is like physiognomy gauge of Nazis in occupied Poland. They used to separate blonde haired children from dark haired in the school.
    We should not call ourselves as a movement. We should use a more humble title.
    We cannot give the traditional psychiatry scientific evidence. They are not like physicians to use methods of science. They are like police in this country and act as tools of social control. You can see the changes in medicine during last hundred years. Physicians revise upon conflicts and test new ideas. Even they sacrifice and test on their own bodies. Traditional psychiatrist has not these capacities. They are passing years of their duty toward their retirement. They should be stopped by new legislations and legal acts of parliament not by using scientific discussions.
    I know this humble letter needs many amendments and revisions but if I do not send it to you right now, I can never finish it. I hope you honour me to give your idea about it.
    Truly yours
    P.S.: What is your current email connection, I hope you read this Blog.

  10. John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave,
    John Brown's body lies a-mouldering in the grave,
    But his soul goes marching on.

    Glory, glory, hallelujah,
    Glory, glory, hallelujah,
    His soul goes marching on.

    He's gone to be a soldier in the Army of the Lord,
    He's gone to be a soldier in the Army of the Lord,
    His soul goes marching on.

    John Brown's knapsack is strapped upon his back,
    John Brown's knapsack is strapped upon his back,
    His soul goes marching on.

    John Brown died that the slaves might be free,
    John Brown died that the slaves might be free,
    His soul goes marching on.

    The stars above in Heaven now are looking kindly down,
    The stars above in Heaven now are looking kindly down,
    His soul goes marching on.

  11. This was sent to amnesty international.
    Dear Sir,
    Violent patient sentenced over attack
    Press Association
    Friday November 18, 2005
    A man who attacked a nurse and a hospital security guard was today
    sentenced to a 12-month supervision order and ordered to undergo
    psychiatric treatment. (He) was also ordered to pay £1,600 in
    compensation by a judge at Birmingham crown court for the unprovoked attack
    This is another shame for administration of justice in this country. If the
    man had done this violence in a pub or in a bus he only had to go to
    prison or pay the compensation. But in a hospital there is a private system
    of justice at the disposal of doctors with private jails and guards. That
    is, to stigmatise the person for the whole lifetime as a lunatic. He never
    can assert himself in the society or else it is because he is a lunatic who
    has spent one year under psychiatric treatment. I know that this is used to
    intimidate weak and elderly to prevent them to protest against mal-practice
    of doctors.
    Contradictory is the fact that the man should also pay the compensation.
    Doctors believe that a violent mentally ill person is not accountable for
    his actions during his episodes.
    Yours Truly
    End of the letter to Amnesty International
    Unfortunately many of convicted people especially those who are not originally from developed industrialised countries and also those who have not enough awareness due to lack of enough counselling or education pretend them as mentally ill, because they believe it is easier in an asylum to live than in a prison. Since, in contrast to physical illness, there is no proper gauge and boundary of definition for mental illness, sooner or later their claim might push forward and be accepted. That is very dangerous because it might conclude to the lifetime open-ended imprisonment of the convicted in the asylum.

  12. Two roads were diverged in a yellow wood,
    And sorry I could not travel both
    And be one traveller, long I stood
    And looked down one as far as I could
    To where it bent in the undergrowth;
    Then took the other, as just as fair,
    And having perhaps the better claim,
    Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
    Though as for that the passing there
    Had worn them really about the same,
    And both that morning equally lay
    In leaves no step had trodden black.
    Oh, I kept the first for another day!
    Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
    I doubted if I should ever come back,
    I should be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a woo, and I-
    I took the one less travelled by,
    And that has made all the difference.
    Robert Lee Frost

  13. This looked very surprising story.
    The crisis began when his parents called in a mental health assessment team.
    He was doing things supposedly on delusion of a plot against him, but exonerated by the court as having personality disorder not a mental illness. I am very confused about this case. For seven years nobody complained from him.
    His minimum confinement term was referred to Home Office because it was exceptional.

    Friday, 9 July, 2004, 15:26 GMT 16:26 UK BBC News
    'Britain's worst stalker' jailed
    Jan thought there was a conspiracy to section him
    A scientist dubbed "Britain's worst stalker" after pursuing 200 people over seven years has been jailed for life.
    Richard Jan, 37, terrorised health officials, solicitors and others he believed were trying to section him under the Mental Health Act.
    Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court heard he fire-bombed a house, slashed tyres and made crank calls over seven years.
    Jan, of Streatham, south London, was convicted last month of two counts of arson and of causing a public nuisance.
    Police felt that charge was best able to embrace all aspects of his seven-year campaign.
    Judge Henry Blacksell told him: "You cunningly set out to unnerve and ruin people you thought had crossed you".
    'The Fascist Horde'
    Police found several items in a search of his home.
    They included a loaded airgun and a document entitled "The Fascist Horde".
    Its flow chart layout linked individuals and organisations and had entries like "terminated", "torpedoed" "obliterated", "bombed" and "disabled" next to the names of some of his victims.

    You, who claimed your motive was to protect your own rights, completely ignored and abused the rights of others

    Judge Henry Blacksell
    The court heard Liz Brookes, a west London councillor, and her family were lucky to survive when Jan fire-bombed their home.
    And social worker Shauna Bailey twice ended up in hospital after she was attacked near her front door late at night.
    Many others had their car tyres slashed, were followed home or pestered with unwanted pizzas, taxis and in one case, a visit from a pest control officer, the court heard.
    Jan was linked to 4,500 threatening or silent phone calls but police say that was just the "tip of the iceberg" and called him Britain's worst stalker.
    'Devious, manipulative bully'
    The judge said Jan's obsession began when his parents called in a mental health assessment team.
    Jan then "declared war", embarking on a campaign which terrified his victims.
    The judge said Jan was "devious, manipulative and a bully".

    'The Fascist Horde' document listed victims names
    But he added that a psychiatrist found no evidence of mental illness and said at most Jan might suffer from a personality disorder.
    "Her Majesty's subjects need protection from you," the judge told Jan.
    "You, who claimed your motive was to protect your own rights, completely ignored and abused the rights of others."
    Some of his victims had left jobs and homes or changed their names - some testified from behind a glass screen during his trial.
    Others are still suffering stress-related illnesses.

    I think one of the really sad things about this case is that in seeking to ruin the lives of so many others, he has also wasted his own life

    Victim Shauna Bailey
    The judge added that because of the exceptional nature of the case, he was not going to set a minimum sentence and would leave that to the home secretary.
    Outside court Det Ch Insp David Poole said: "There has never been a case like this before.
    "He is undoubtedly Britain's worst stalker, a very dangerous individual who ... ruined lives.
    "This man was remorseless and relentless in the way he inflicted terror on people."
    Ms Bailey, whose car Jan set alight, said: "I'm relieved that this trial is over. I see the verdict as appropriate and the sentence as proportionate.
    "I think one of the really sad things about this case is that in seeking to ruin the lives of so many others, he has also wasted his own life."

  14. I have recently retired after 36 years as a psychiatric nurse and now is the time to look back over the years in order to contrast the past with the present and, possibly,use these observations to speculate what the future might bring.
    In 1969, nursing care in acute psychiatric wards was based on the philosophy of the 3Cs and the most prominent therapy was the 3T therapy.
    The 3Cs were -containment, constraint and coercion.
    3T therapy consisted of tea, tobacco and television and was pretty much self administered because the qualified nursing staff were kept busy drinking coffee and gossiping in the staff room.
    Most nurse patient interaction took place at meal times and drug rounds plus extemporaneous occasions when nurses would force patients to the floor and inject them with drugs against their will. I believe that the business community hijacked this last technique in the 1980s for use in their team building exercises.

    How things have changed.

    Patients now have a greater choice of television channels for their therapy and some wards actually provide video recorders.
    The quality of staff coffee has improved dramatically but, it is a tribute to the resilience and flexibility of staff that many will accept a colombian cafetierre brew if kenyan filter is not available.

    The 3Cs have demonstrated their longevity and still provide the backbone of what is described in the profession as 'care'.

    The serious message behind this commentary is that society would never accept such stagnation and inability to deliver results from any other branch of medicine but it does so with psychiatry.

  15. As time goes by, society assimilates the words used to stigmatise the portions of the society that already have been isolated due to those stigmas. People use those words naturally and in a natural context to show that it includes all individuals in a continuum of occasions; such as, mad, maniac, schizophrenic. It seems that psychiatry walk behind the society and tries to create new intimidating, isolating words to keep up the stigma. For example, they started to call people mentally ill instead of lunatics. But society continued to cure itself. People started to use the word ‘mental’ instead. Recently the psychiatry uses personality disorder. Again as the society has started to annihilate that word, the psychiatry has come with invention of ‘seriously or dangerously personality disorder.’
    The words are very important.

  16. Never fear big words
    Big long words name little things
    All big things have little names
    Such as life and death, peace and war
    Or dawn, day, night, hope, love, home.
    Learn to use little words in a big way
    It is hard to do
    But they say what you mean.
    When you don’t know what you mean
    Use big words
    They often fool little people
    “Arthur Kunder”

  17. BBC: Saturday, 27 August 2005
    Professor Crow of the mental health charity Sane's Prince of Wales International Centre in Oxford, suggests the division boundaries between certain areas of the brain, particularly those which are concerned with language and thought, are "blurred" in people with psychoses.
    People with these conditions may hear their inner thoughts as external voices, or believe thoughts have been inserted in their head, suggesting the normal divisions do not exist.
    The reason for this, he says, is that their brains do not have the bias, or asymmetry, seen in healthy people.
    Brain asymmetry means that areas control certain things, so the left-hand side controls language.
    He said: "Asymmetry appears to be less pronounced in people with psychoses."
    Professor Crow suggests there is an "asymmetry gene" on the sex chromosomes, that gives human brains the capacity for language.
    He suggests that variation in an "asymmetry gene" in one of these areas could be the factor which determines if someone is going to develop schizophrenia.
    The search for this key gene is still ongoing, but Professor Crow believes it could be the answer to the explanation for the continuing presence of schizophrenia in societies around the world.
    End of the BBC news.
    Is this scientific work? Or it is passing the time. Nobody works in that charity to answer him? He himself is suffering from a "blurred" language by hard evidence.

  18. Comment on the above item:
    In the full text of the above news I understood that Professor Crow believes schizophrenics are somehow an animal near the apes.

  19. BBC Radio4: Wednesday 28/12/05
    All in the minds:
    A lady talks that She was diagnosed as a schizophrenic when she was 17 and after 25 years as a schizophrenic patient then at age 42 has receieved a revised diagnosis as an autistic. She was very thankful for her revision. Who pays for 25 years?

  20. Professor Crow's assertions have these symptoms:
    # The maximum effect that is observed is produced by a causative agent of barely detectable intensity, and the magnitude of the effect is substantially independent of the intensity of the cause.
    # The effect is of a magnitude that remains close to the limit of detectability; or, many measurements are necessary because of the very low statistical significance of the results.
    # Claims of great accuracy.
    # Fantastic theories contrary to experience.
    # Criticisms are met by ad hoc excuses thought up on the spur of the moment.
    # Ratio of supporters to critics rises up to somewhere near 50% and then falls gradually to oblivion.

  21. Professor Crow also believes male humans learned language before the females; sometimes between 100,000 and 150,000 years ago.(My comment: or perhaps between 99,000 and 151,000 years ago. He was not there.) But then after that, female showed great interest and talent and learned language even faster than male. (My comment: perhaps by help of some support groups for equality of genders after females chained themselves to trees asking for equality of opportunity for talking.) He said these things in Princeton.
    My comment: if you have a child he communicates first with his moher - 'oomm' means milk or breast or food or mum or comfort is the first word.

  22. Here comes the meaning of deliberate poisining in the name of antidote, the meaning of iatrogenic:

    “It is as I thought,” Doctor said. “The poison has gone inward and it will strike soon. Come look!” he held the eyelid down. “See – it is blue.” And Kino, looking anxiously, saw that indeed it was a little blue. And he didn’t know whether or not it was always a little blue. But the trap was set. He couldn’t take the chance.
    The doctor’s eyes watered in their little hammocks. “I will give him something to try to turn the poison aside,” he said. And he handed the baby to Kino.
    Then from his bag he took a little bottle of white powder and a capsule of gelatine. He filled the capsule with the powder and closed it, and then around the first capsule he fitted a second capsule and closed it. Then he worked very deftly. He took the baby and pinched its lower lip until it opened its mouth. His fat fingers placed the capsule far back on the baby’s tongue, back of the point where he could spit it out, and then from the floor he picked up the little pitcher of pulque and gave Coyotito a drink, and it was done. He looked again at the baby’s eyeball and he pursed his lips and seemed to think.
    From: The Pearl by John Steinbeck
    Everything is written already. All people have read them. But when it comes the time of putting them in practice our knowledge become so limited.

  23. Another group indicated by professor Crow's machinery are lefties. Left- handed people are 'something' for now, but in future might need some care. They are mostly from the females. I am not sure whether he has got some more ideas from genetics in his wardrobe that cannot openly be declared, but I assure him, those have been flushed out in 1945. He should watch History channel instead of Discovery Channel. I'll be back soon.

  24. Where did I find Professor Crow. I was searching for John Read (or Reed) from NewZealand. He was talking with BBC4 Radio news about schizophrenia. Then A lady came from the Rethink to overreact and to telling that we should not blame poor parents who already suffer from illness of their schizophrenic children because schizophrenia is a genetic disease! It means that parents have passed it to children. what is that ? cheating people. Her tone was that tone of support groups. I prefer to go to hell than hear that type of talking. It is so degrading. They also have in their website that now a days thousands of supported schizophrenics and maniacs are living and working in the society. If by that they mean lunatics, they are living like Zombiees with fear of detention and without legal validation.

  25. Other discovery of professor Tim Crow is that schizophrenic have smaller brain than 'healthy' people. We should add to his beliefs, from the Sane institute that he runs, also that African Caribeans are more "at risk" of getting or perhaps infection (or infliction , when their GP's ask for their ethnic origin)of schizophrenia. Hence, they are more at risk of having a smaller brain. It is unbelievable!

  26. With sucn ensemble how it become possible for professor Tim Crow to become a professor? People know recognition of human scelton from cousin primates dates back to a million year ago is based on the differences that talking bring to jaws and skull. Saying that male first learned talking seems too frivolous. So How? It is easy. One should become tenured in a woodberryville college. then one takes 200 things - subhumane as asserted by Sane or ant other roddent or even inflateable dummies - give half of them something and give the other half pure water. Then you can draw curves and tables and figures. At the end there is a journal to print it. The better way is a conference proceeding. The editors have less time. After 15 years you can have a professor.

  27. It is not that easy.

  28. If you go softly then you go safely. If you go safely then you go far.

  29. But there are so many scientists around: those who develop Positron Emission machines, electron microscopes, supercomputers, etc. Don't they know better than you?

  30. No. They have trust to people of other professions and disciplines. They do not have expertise or background or any ground for suspicion. They say they are doctors and use the artillery for finding the pathology similar to the broken leg under the X-ray. They medicate similar to headache or heartburn. Well, if their patients won’t be cured it is like hypertension or diabetics patients. Doctors do not cure them only put the disease under control.

  31. Isn't it that they say peer reviewed work? Also you said "to put the disease under the control." This word 'the control' is very important in this context, I believe.

  32. Yes, peers always judge the work. this take us to higher tiers of discussion. But, before going to that point and also before discussing issue of control we should sum up the work of professor Tim Crow who is Sane. I should add that in Princeton his peers only smiled (similar to smile of support groups)when they heard his theory. In 'Dummies book for Dummies’ language he believes, first a man was created then from him a woman was created. Schizophrenics are possessed by Satan because, Satan did not knew 'the words' or 'the names' but man knew. Also when he says Homo sapiens, he conceives (in the wardrobe) one of those Viking look people we watch in the movies.

  33. But there were also some elements of experimental objectivity in terms of regions of aactivity in the brain of somebody who pretends to himself he is hearing voices with schizophrenics who really are hearing voices. Then what is that?

  34. If you read the Frankenstein story you notice that the young lady explains the basis of returning life to dead tissues by recent stunning discoveries in natural philosophy by Galvani. Galovani noticed the twitching of a frog dead muscles upon connection to some metallic tools. That discovery is related somehow to physiology, done by a physician, but not to the 'life'. In effect, it was used to make electric batteries and opened a way for another branch of human activity which is not related to 'life' at all. But Frankenstein remained as the symbol of a pathological physician who compromise morality for frivolous pseudoscientific delusions. Later by flourishing of chemistry as a established discipline writers started to attribute weird outcomes to chemical potions. Electricity remained only for doing 'something' with brains - something unknown. Second half of the last century was the time of rays and neutrons, electrons and positrons. Now it is time of lasers, software, computers and writers create stories about mutants and similar factious things. they have another goal: that is, enlightening of people and especially warning the scientists to inhumane temptations that might exist in front of them. I regret that modern psychiatry is one of the best hunting places of cruel science. What is that? I am not a physician. Perhaps I understood wrongly. This professor Crow has measured weight of thousand dead brains to get the result that schizophrenics have a smaller brains? It is disgusting. Now people have to repeat it thousands more and sure they get other results.

  35. It seems that you are evading answering my question about regions of brain. Also somehow you do not explicitly reject the brain weights. You only know it disgusting. Is not it true that people like Michael Angelo and Ramón Cajal got a lot of knowledge from the anatomy of dead people?

  36. No, I am not evading. But you should remember that only peers of professor Crow should review his works and as his work is already has been published they believe it satisfies their criteria. You can see that even Dr Shipman was arrested for the theft or swindle not medical misconduct. Police and his peers believed people complaining were due to bereavements and the poor old doctor was only doing his best. I want to say that for the people outside of that profession it is almost impossible to indicate the faults of the insiders. Therefore the repetitive hymns of the users and survivors of the psychiatry about R. D. Laing and Szasz does not go further than a yard.

  37. So you have reached to a coclusion about professor Crow brain regions. Haven't you? I am inpatient to hear more.

  38. Well, I believe I should bring different parts in scope to get an integrated picture of the 'thing'. Explaining the 'thing' is the most difficult, and at the end only few might understand it. A biologist cut the wings of a fly and put it on his desk. Then bend his head over the fly and whispered "jump." Fly didn't move; then louder: "jump," with no effect; at last he shouted, "jump." Still, fly did not move. He wrote in his notebook "when you cut wings of a fly it becomes deaf.'” Result that professor Crow should get from his mimic experience -although it is subject to controversy and should be repeated by his peers- is that the 'hearing voices' is a spectrum of -perhaps- brain activity that can be created even by self induction and hence is not necessarily genetics. Stress can create it. There are thousands ways to ignite it. Should I elaborate more and finish revealing the secrete. I use professor Crow experiment as hard evidence against him. There is a spectrum of situation that you hear voices: sometimes you enjoy; sometime you suffer. Trauma can ignite it.
    As far as I know with my very limited knowledge this is a novel idea based on positron emission study of brain done by somebody else.

  39. I am somehow convinced, now, about regions of brain. At least we have an explanation for assumed Galileo telescope when he asked ‘Inquisition’ to look into the telescope instead of scholastic discussions. But I need elaboration as you claimed that you had. I have also some ambiguities about ‘hymns’ so you called it. And if you believe these are novel ideas why you do not publish them somewhere?

  40. Some Chinese reporters asked Ho Chi Min why he did not write a book. Ho Chi Min said: "Comrade Mao has written everything already; we have a war to fight."

  41. Still I am not convinced until I know what is your elaboration.

  42. First of all, if confirmed by more careful repeating of experiment, then it could be the so called sensitive test for psychological origin of schizophrenia or hearing voices or what they may call it. It is organic and that good-doer voice of the Rethink or Sane or RCP cannot reject it. Then suddenly everything would become clear: dream, hypnosis, telepathy, group attachment, super-ego, body language and also schizophrenia to name a few. It is simple and has characteristics of the real good science.

  43. Wait a minute! Your list became too long. Also, I am not sure if you have anything related to the weight of brains to add. Perhaps it can be inferred from this theory.

  44. Perhaps in future we can find out some other explanation because now that we could blow the trumpet from its right end instead of professor Crow and his associates who blow it from the wide end, they might decide to leave the idea of mimic hearing voices and go to graveyards to dig for smaller brains. Already a tribe of South American living 1500 years ago was found to have all a type of deformed skulls. This was first attributed to a disease. But later investigation showed they could form the skulls from the childhood in that shape due to some religious idea. This story is also related to us for describing the 'thing' and also to induced trauma and schizophrenia.
    Yes, my list is very long. It is theory of everything. It includes linguistics, matriarchy, totems, salmons that swim and jump upstream and a host of other ideas.
    Some more items:
    Schizophrenia is ontological. It is surprising for you. Should I say other way because this site is a critical of traditional psychiatry and traditional psychiatry believes psychosis is ontology? Well, traditional psychiatry does not know how to spell this world, let alone have any understanding of it. Ontology means the son of Mozart cannot even play a recorder, but he likes to be a sailor though Austria has not a way to any sea.
    Next item: what is the effect of chemicals on psychosis. Well, least knowledge of medicine knows it has not any effect even it cannot make you a little calm. Only attention makes the patient a little calm (in spite of traditional idea). Some students take the so-called phosphorous pills near the maths exam to help them in mathematics (with no use). Mathematics understanding is ontological.
    Next item: Coercion has negative effect, because you cannot kill rebellion without killing the rebellious

  45. Is it a grandiose or a grand theory?
    By the way, one could believe that catching the remarks of other people in paranoia also could be related to this accentuation. Isn't it?

  46. Let me explain what is a grandiose theory: Consider the factory that makes playing cards. They produce ten thousand of each card, every day in fifty two batches then a machine takes one from each batch give them to another machine to shuffle them. A third machine puts them in a box, seals the box and sends it for the sale. Somebody decides that if he buys many decks of cards from the market and carefully write the order of incidence of each card in the deck, after a while he can find a pattern for the occurrence of cards in the deck. Well, he has every right for that haunch. Shuffling is done by machines. Those machines follow mechanical rules and it is likely to find their pattern. In the next stage he announces that he has found the pattern. Then you ask him what about those cards in your drawer, do they also follow the pattern? He says:" no, they are only fifty percent of the cards, but I assure you investigation of my colleagues and me are on the way to extend the pattern to cover all the cases." No, the story is not finished yet. He believes every time that people shuffle the cards, after certain amount of shuffling, cards return to the original factory-shuffling pattern. He only needs some more time, some more deck of cards, some more assistances, and some more computers. He can create works, papers. He publishes diagnosis and statistical manual to help his colleagues around the world to put every new deck of cards in one of the many categories that are instructed in the manual. Always they are just about to solve the problem. Of course, of course the problem has a solution. Isn't it?
    This is something partially I can remember written by chemist Irving Langmuir written in Physics Today around 1990.They teach these things to freshmen in some disciplines.
    Why did I write this story? Because we have a war to fight.

  47. But you have not answer many questions arise yet. For example, what is relaion of salmons to schizophrenia? I am surprised.

  48. Another simple being: Why a sell 'started' to create another cell by dividing two parts. It, or actually let me say he or she, had a place to store fat to use in the famine time when there was abundance around. but he had even more food available. he tought if I lose food I have some in the storage but what happens if I lose myself or become damaged or hurt then I do not have me anymore. So he decided with 'pleasure'to copy a replica of himself to be there in case. When the copy became complete, he - actually at this point he converts to she - she separated it from herself with the 'pain' of tearing apart. He (or she) even in the cell stage could remember the ‘pleasure’ of having a replica somewhere there; could remember the 'pain' of being separated from it. They (here both in the same cell) added something to their life: EXISTENCE. Their life extended to the existence. So those individual cells are not localised in a place anymore to hear only their own voices. They are extended in existence and when they become distressed they hear the voice of each other. The parent cell put a tag of two-way communication to be able to use his replica. It has been put there out of selfishness. He needs his clone if feels danger or become hurt or 'fear' of being annihilated. The copy passes the 'information’ to next copy: "I am from there!" Is this a fantasy? No, unfortunately I am not a poet. This is the meaning of sex, existence and ontological for me. I have based them on an experiment done by positron emission.
    Next I go for salmons.

  49. Hence, you believe units of living organs have a communication card similar to those we have in networks of computers, but they are wireless and based on something so far unknown that you call 'remembering'. Also I am not sure what is in Switzerland you mentioned. Do you mean that machines that is going to imitate the Big Bang and all that?

  50. I do not know those things. I am a crippled teacher labeled as paranoid. I have only some good news for people.
    Allow me to go to salmons. Salmons go upstream from the ocean to where they were born. Before being born their parents had died. They had come downstream from their birthplace to the ocean. Now after some years they should go back to the same place for mating. They remember the way and they remember the information passed to them for existence. Under the stress of that information they change from their sane behaviour. None of them is an individual hearing only his own voice. They hear voices that show the way back to the upstream. None of them dies on the way even though they are caught by predators. They are all replicas for the same thing. They are not under sex agitation. They are extended existence of a non-localised salmon. Only one salmon should reach to mating place and that one will reach. If professor Tim or else put them under positron their brains show the regions of paranoids. But when they are back, calm in the ocean, their brains show the regions of healthy fish.
    Now Sane people say genes are involved and they are going to find them in future. If somebody understands the story of patterns of shuffled playing cards in one of the above comments, he understands what is the chance of finding those genes. If there is a gene it would be found in all individuals. Then at the proper time it could be turned on.
    But genes are not involved. Only information are passed; from one individual to another individual. It is not known that, still, that human can decipher that encryption.
    It could be propagation of an effect.

  51. But I read books sometimes. I know there are new ways of transmitting information not similar to digital information used in computers. They are based on quantum mechanics. They are drastically different with the logic we know about sending information by computers. Quantum mechanics, similar to what you said, does not localise objects in a place, and I believe you purposefully evade such a discusssion here.

  52. I have no idea about those things.
    We should not forget that at the end we want to create legal bases for extension of freedom and justice.
    See, if you go to doctor with common cold he cannot cure you or prescribe anything useful for you. He advise you have some rest plenty of fluids, keep warm, take over the counter pills, and if you insist he says that he is sorry because he cannot do anything for you. in the bus people notice your symptoms. In the work your boss notices and helpfully ask you if you want you are permitted to go and rest at home. When you come back everybody forgets your illness. the disease recurs frequently in year within each year. It wastes a lot of society money and working hours. Scientists work to discover more about it, but none of these people humiliate you or detain you to cure you, or pretending that they know everything and they know the cure and ask you for conforming and cooperation for your own good.
    All these words the words taken from John Stuart Mill remoulded for the common cold? John Stuart Mill did not prove that the Almighty God does not exist nor he proved that He exists. He said if somebody do not believe in God he could be as human (or cruel) as a Christian. At that time atheists had not any legal right (perhaps anywhere in the world) if the 'authority' would know about them. if we get to number 1000
    Everything would be clear. To proceed we have two things to defeat:
    First the 'senior' who is in the outside world and has the authority; then the ‘junior’ which is stigma and infringes to inside world.

  53. Before anything else I could find the citation of experiment that you interpreted as rejection to genetic basis of hearing voices. It is from
    A briefing document prepared for the Royal Society and Association of British Science Writers by Wendy Barnaby December 1995

    When people use inner speech they activate part of the brain in the
    left frontal lobe known as Broca's area. This can be seen on PET
    (positron emission tomography) scans which map regional blood flows
    in the brain. It has recently been shown that when patients are
    hearing voices, Broca's area is active. This suggests that the
    hallucinations are a misinterpretation of inner speech. We now also
    know (see The Lancet of 2 September 1995, McGuire et al) that the
    same area of the brain is activated when normal subjects repeat to
    themselves in their minds the sorts of sentences typical of
    hallucinations (eg "You are stupid.") If the same subjects imagine
    an alien voice saying the same sentences (to mimic schizophrenics
    hearing alien voices), their brains show activation in a region of
    the temporal lobe which monitors internal speech and differentiates
    between it and external speech. Schizophrenics, on the other hand,
    when asked to imagine alien voices repeating hallucinatory messages,
    do not activate this monitoring area of the brain. This suggests
    that the brain of a person with schizophrenia fools him or her into
    thinking that an internal message is coming from the outside.

    But you did not mention anything about lack of 'monitoring area' in the so-called schizophrenics. Additionally, this does not belong to Professor Crow.

  54. Yes, professor Crow is very gibberish and people will not consider his ideas seriously. He is only the head of the Sane people. Your professor McGuire has never heard those voices, otherwise he knew when that, the so-called monitoring area, would stop monitoring. The emulation is stressful for the subjects. (Yes, I am God and I Know.) When you do public speech, at first you cannot see the audience; then after some time you can see them individually; when you become very skilled again you do not see them anymore. Also memorising timetable and so on.
    If the healthy subject goes under frequent trauma and repeat those words induced to him while he is hopeless and sad in his mind then gradually hears voices. Not only the induced words but also other voices.
    Then the primitive mind of a shaman or an oracle or a witch may (perhaps reasonably) believes the voices that the victim hears are the voices of gods, or their ancestors or dead people and those words are good for the protection of their society. Then all of them

    Frequently they would sacrifice the victim for the satisfaction of the beings that were connected to him.
    The so-called schizophrenics are skilled and do not activate that part. I omit something here.
    Witches knew these things three thousand years ago.
    Schizophrenia is not genetics.
    Schizophrenia is a talent.
    Schizophrenia is ontological.
    Schizophrenics hear the voice (thoughts) of other humans and might become able (perhaps purposefully) to transmit their voices (thoughts) to other humans (like ants).
    This was a part of the big picture.

  55. All of them what? you forgot to finish a sentence. Was it purposefully?

  56. No. I meant, all of them would repeat those words. Crucifying of Jesus was the last one done by witches. But because already civilisation had been well established it was only done symbolically and for mocking Jesus. Jesus then left to live in fear and sanction among lepers. It is the reason that Christians believe He was seen resurrected after death. Some antique Christian factions and Moslems believe Crucifying was a play and Jesus disappeared from the society. Christians sacred the cross which is both the Jesus' phallus and his cross to remember the man who was raped in mind by witchcraft and raped in social honour by agreement of the whole society to chase him, alleging he was mad and profane, and the society should do something to him to make him correct. Stories about Jesus been sodomised is actually that social raping. Later, Church decided to burn anyone who claimed of being a witch. This painful punishment was an extremely humanist safeguard that society should not approach to those types of 'things'. It was a real anti-psychiatry. Mystery of spells that witches believe to repeat is also related to this. Prayers are done to counter-measure against those spells.
    But who was Jesus? He was a polite, mild, calm, very skilled physician. But he was family-less and they knew him bastard son of a hooker. He had too much humour (craziness) and used to quarrel with temple people for their superstitious obsessive acts. Because nobody was there to protect him, he became a good target when the 'thing' recognised him.
    All these things are around schizophrenia. Hence we could upgrade Freud's ideas from neurosis to psychosis. We return to this story later. How do I know? Because I am Jesus Christ Himself

  57. I cannot imagine. Are you saying you are Jesus, Sun of God or something?

  58. Now listen to this:
    The smoke upon your altar dies,
    The flowers decay.
    The goddess of your sacrifice
    Has flown away
    What profit then to sing or slay
    The sacrifice from day to day?
    “We know the shrine is void," they said,
    “The goddess flown
    “Yet wreaths are on the altar laid
    “The altar-stone
    “Is black with fumes of sacrifice,
    “For, it may be, if still we sing
    “And tend the shrine
    “Some deity on wandering wing
    “May there incline;
    “And, finding all in order meet,
    “Stay, while we worship at her feet."
    Rudyard Kippling

  59. Dear Professor,
    I have writen the 'salmon' comment. I did not mean a metaphore. They 'really' do it. You can go there in Alaska and watch them. They are there. They are mad. I am interested in the way that they pass information to each other; they are coordinated in one entity. Many primitive tribes wanted to reach to such stage by dancing before a war. They even choose the salmon as their totem. They wanted to hear the voices of each other in unison, like salmons. The others choose other totems, for example a parot, such that during the dancing they can engrave the word and image of the parot in their minds as the key for their communication at the time of the war. It could help to extend their existence. Modern people, still, follow these ideas in armies and elsewhere. I am not a rocket scientist; I am an anthropologist.
    My name is:

  60. I understood the last comment much better than the other comments. Sentences were short. You tried to write more detailed. I believe, you are a foriegner and sometimes you use your native grammar. I ask you, please, write short sentences. I did not understood your story about cells please write another version of that story, again, for me. I appreciate. By the way my name is:

  61. Look, What is life? It is a tiny accident happened in a thin layer around the earth: ten kilometres, at most. Down, it is warm and molten. Up, it is almost empty and cold. Why somebody does not become surprised? Why?
    Why my cat looks into my face when she asks me for something? How does she know it is my head? I could not find out any answer.

  62. Life is limited, but existence is extended to everywhere.
    I believe the cat cat can communicate with you if you extend the concept of the body language.

  63. Now consider the aggregate of cells. Each cell remembers its own replica. each cell remembers the aggregate.
    They have split remembering. One piece of the aggregate should specialise to coordinate. To coordinate what? We know a small fraction of the story about organic coordination: nerves and all that. But we know nothing about the coordination of remembering. When aggregate produces a replica, they should remember the replica, all of them, from a distance, as you remember your children and your parent. This remembering is verbalised in human. But deep in the internal texture of matter, remains the ontological interpretation of remembering to be known: creation of replica is to call it and to use it, "I am not here, but you are!"

  64. What is the meaning of these things you are writting (I mean the last comment)?

  65. Yes Yanis, words, grammar, syntax and semantic is very important. Linguistics is related to discussion of schizophrenia in humans. Later we discuss it. But the more important is the level of the stress of the writing: the tone. People who write to defend the lunatics should be able to tune their writings in a certain level of stress. Users and survivors like other under trodden people, most of the time, have not the right tone to write in an authorative way to be convincing. They are excited and lacking confidence. They are defiant or defending and apologising. Bitter experience is good but it is not sufficient. It is not, even necessary. J. S. Mill who defended the tolerant society, or Bertrand Russell who defended gays in 1950's (who also, in 1930's, advocated the committed couples living without marriage, which is now completely legal, authorised and normal in a large part of the world) was enjoying having a very authorative pen. While they were from the higher class, their defence of civil liberty were very effective.

  66. Do you mean a language of jurists and social reformers, not a language of mocking, and newspaper writer and those you mentioned? Then why are you discussing cells and these things? I do not understand if you are the same person. Why don't you use a name?

  67. Look! If you have hypertension and go to doctor, he asks you to do things: medication, food, reduction of salt, fat, alcohol, quitting smoking, obesity and other things. see how many things sometimes you should do. Many people do not follow any of these advices. Friends and family tell you, "are you mad? You are self harming" CCU staff tells stories of people having fish and chips or pies brought for the patients by their families. Patients consume them. Doctors tell the patients seriously, "are you mad? You are self harming" Patients are allowed to discharge themselves if they deem it necessary.
    Having said that, now there is the danger that tools of social control come and say that these people also should be coerced to medication. Depression is related to homelessness. Obesity is related to depression. Twenty percent of people would be affected by depression. But, wait a minute, who (or WHO) have resources to sort out this frenzy? Upstream- downstream dialectic gets to its crisis. Synthesis: nobody knows what is correct to do. Antithesis: leave them to do what they do. This is freedom, as well as lawlessness.

  68. People go and study something created four thousand years ago, then they say, "How it was that people at that time could create such works? Perhaps somebody from outside of the earth has helped them." They do not consider how human has been intelligent during at least, the last twelve thousand years. How many invention they have done. How those Egyptian kings were right to say that they would be resurrected and their bodies and tombs and all the details of their lives would endure the passing of the time ideas of Plato and Aristotle are as fresh as ideas of Wittgenstein. We use iron, glass, textiles, and pottery, invented thousands years ago. Still, we say they were savages and believed stars looked like a hero or something. Perhaps, they had had some other arts as big as the Pyramids that we cannot notice yet

  69. I sent the following comment:
    "I am sorry that I could not read the full article of yours, because I am not subscribed to that publication. I have a humble comment on, "Genetic attribution did not affect reproductive restrictiveness or social distance from the ill person..." Perhaps you have mentioned it in your paper. I believe it is because there is already enough distance and there is no more room socially to increase the distance between stigmatized person and the normal society. As you have appreciated in the next phrase, "...but did increase social distance from the person's sibling, particularly regarding intimate forms of contact involving dating, marriage, and having children." It extends it to the whole family. For example, in the neighbourhood you might hear "I knew that child has damaged your toy; he is a maniac like her mother. He is genetically a lunatic. Don't ever go near him again." Consequently, a 'mini-slum' will be created that takes social opportunities from the whole family. You know many ethnic minority people, at least here in the UK, stop their geographical mobility to avoid having distance from their neighbouring people. This creates secondary effects in terms of social opportunities and social mobility for the whole family. That 'mini-slum' also can create secondary effects such as depression, trauma and deviance that later would be attributed to and confirmed as genetically pre-disposition in future studies and snowballs another big issue beside the mental health issues.
    In responce to following abstract I read:

    "Geneticization of Deviant Behavior and Consequences for Stigma: The Case of Mental Illness
    Author: Phelan, Jo C.
    Source: Journal of Health & Social Behavior, Volume 46, Number 4, December 2005, pp. 307-322(16)
    Publisher: American Sociological Association
    One likely consequence of the genetics revolution is an increased tendency to understand human behavior in genetic terms. How might this "geneticization" affect stigma? Attribution theory predicts a reduction in stigma via reduced blame, anger, and punishment and increased sympathy and help. According to "genetic essentialist" thinking, genes are the basis of human identity and strongly deterministic of behavior. If such ideas are commonly accepted, geneticization should exacerbate stigma by increasing perceptions of differentness, persistence, seriousness, and transmissibility, which in turn should increase social distance and reproductive restrictiveness. I test these predictions using the case of mental illness and a vignette experiment embedded in a nationally representative survey. There was little support for attribution theory predictions. Consistent with genetic essentialism, genetic attributions increased the perceived seriousness and persistence of the mental illness and the belief that siblings and children would develop the same problem. Genetic attribution did not affect reproductive restrictiveness or social distance from the ill person but did increase social distance from the person's sibling, particularly regarding intimate forms of contact involving dating, marriage, and having children."

  70. Yes, Yanis, I have done these things until now: theory of professor Crow about language, McGuire about regions of brain, genetic stigma. I also started to see if there is a possibility of communication in nature between living organisms. Additionally I scratched the surface of the legal actions for liberation of lunatics from coercive treatment. Now, gradually we expand these chapters. One last thing about professor Crow theory is its source. When professor Crow was young theory of Bernstein was in full swing: "Every year thousands of 'O' level Sociology candidates used to trot out garbled versions of elaborated and restricted codes arguing not only that working-class children are linguistically deprived (they can't speak proper) but that they are even 'depraved'." One of those students was professor Tim Crow who swore the theory when he would become grown up. So he upgraded it to a genetic (insurmountable) misery for poor lunatics.

  71. Perhaps you mean: "One of those students was professor Tim Crow who swore to use the theory, when he would become grown up." I am not sure if you are one person or a group, like Nicolas Bourbaki people in France, calling yourselves as one person.

  72. Yes, that is correct. Politician who ultimately decide for legislation, detest the language of intellectuals. They are always wary and worried less the intellectuals want to create Bolshevism. Language of jurists is the proper language.

  73. -"Doctor why the patient died?" -"Because he had a horse for the dinner." The second sentence is a proverb from a story in Japanese language. By this, people mean that a doctor can create any excuse for death of his patient. Hence, if you went to doctor and he asked you if your parent had had any disease you should deny. It is not of any use almost in all occasion to say, "yes my father was diabetic." Doctor dose not revise anything. He only might tell you that you should be more careful about your diet. Doctors have all necessary tools to measure the parameters they need: weight, chemistry of fluids, and the most hidden pathology. They are equipped with most sophisticated instruments. People are also able to learn how they should be more careful about their diet and general health - if actually they resolve to care - from education material in the society. That information goes to data banks of statistics, which are of a non-significant use. Do not ever bring the job of scientists to your daily affairs such as visiting your doctor. If scientists have decided to mass-produce 'Antonio Vivaldi', let them do it. Then, perhaps, you can buy one.

  74. I read in material related to traditional psychiatry that now they are moving powerful magnets back and forth to the head of the people who are hearing voices to eliminate those voices. What is this? They are doing things. On the other hand, I contacted with a consumers group complained about remarks I catch. They believed I was paranoid and this effect was called catch twenty two. Are they swapping the place?
    I do not understand the effect of the magnets. But I put my friend, who was complaining about voices, in a Farady cage and he could not find any change in those voices. He became convinced that no radio wave was involved, and something else should be the source. Of course, he knew a little bit about waves. I do not know if these things ever have been experimented in the process of elimination of the sources of errors.
    I do not know; it is painful to advise people to put on that metal foil hats. I put on MP3, such that I cannot catch the remarks. I have noticed that many normal people do it.
    Leon Panther

  75. Dear Leo, catching remarks is in the stress level common in human and other living things. Hearing voices happens only in human due to having language. This is part of the grand unified theory we are discussing here. Now this is vague, but gradually it becomes more clear.

  76. RE: Articles Critical in this site: There was something about J. Nash. It is that he is crying in his heart without telling anyone. If there was some humanist approach toward him at the time of crisis allowing him to settle for couple of month instead of straight jackets and chemicals cousin of LSD, he could have ten more years of fruitful creation in his discipline. He still is cautious to protest. "He says what would happen if Zorost was at this time? He would be detained for having delusion of hearing from God, while we know how much he has had effect on the history." He says Zorost because people do not have information about that name. He, naturally should say Jesus Christ. But if he says 'Jesus' they might detain him for recurrence of symptoms. I know how much he has been frightened from the action of the society.

  77. RE: Articles critical in this website: Teen screening
    Bertrand Russell writes in his biography that before age twenty-five frequently the thought of suicide had come to him. He had an active life and died at age 98 while was writing a letter in defence of a human rights cause. When I was younger, students used to read Kafka and Camus. Almost all, yes all of them believed one should die with a suicide. Even, one case did not happen. If they drug young people, society will not create Kafka and Camus.
    Already people in the US were gauged by criteria created for custom officers to find out truants and problem makers to prevent them entering US. After abolition of slavery it was necessary to allow only to those people who are extremely obedient and conforming in a level next to slaves. Even though, as Elia Kazan depicts in his movie picture ‘America, America’, this criteria could not be met. Two people shown as being about to enter were the schizophrenic type screaming and whirling around himself and the silent suicidal maniac who jumped in the sea and left the visa for Elia Kazan. These criteria later exported to the remaining part of the world and still is pervading.
    Now it is time, of media and corporate meetings. This is changing the criteria to ‘people are functional if they can perform’. Hence you can hear from little children that “John is camera conscious, and Ann has not the proper body language.” Students shy at age 14 can later become great performer, and vice versa.

  78. RE: Articles critical in this website. Schizophrenia: Medical students are taught...
    The most important fact about Professor Kandel is that he writes authoritative. What he says, he claims them as absolute facts. He does not bother whether they are in the real world happening or not. He is him who is writing. He too is paranoid about his knowledge. He has a backpack full of compromises he has done all the way toward Nobel Prize and should take those into consideration. This is also applying to sir some one we are reading in this site related to David Inglby in Cambridge. But the writer of the above article write scientifically as the student of Kandel submitting his course to him, trying to protest and show himself as a learned person to his teacher. If Kandel, out of his fully booked schedule in meetings with different fund giving companies can find a minute to look at this paper, he draws red circles randomly around some paragraphs, suggests few grammatical changes and a complete revision. At the bottom he writes, "Fail, with a second opportunity to resubmit." He never thinks even for one second, that there is anything wrong, or misleading in his book. All the time he was looking at the catalogues for buying things he was waiting for the news from publisher of his book. (These are not joke. It is Kuhn's idea written in dummies way.) Writers of that paper, at the end, starts to apologise by mentioning Kandel as a great scientist winner of Nobel Prize and reduce himself to a humble student. Why? Kandel is a teacher of future doctors around the world and according to the writers of the paper, does not bother about the truth; the truth that can have effect on the life of millions of miserable people. Perhaps Nobel Prize has a compromising way. To write that book and even for next editions he has got leave and fund from the university and copyright from publishers. I know in Uganda, a student pays three hundred pounds to buy it (alternatively, he can sustain one year with that money). He knows it as sacred and absolutely correct as the Bible. When he graduates he gathers information for WHO, based on that book. Then WHO snowballs those data as facts. I do not say that Dr Leo and Dr Joseph should write like me. I am mad. They should defend the truth, as the truth deserves. They should write as if they are explaining the facts for their students. In this way ‘the brook’ becomes mainstream.
    No.1 has faith in himself, tough, slow, sullen, and unshakeable . He has the most solid anchor-chain of all. Mine has worn thin in the last few years.... A. Koestler, Darkness at Noon."

  79. Now, what about the problem of statistics related to schizophrenia in real twins? I believe it is possible to accommodate it in the Grand Unified Theory by considering the process of acquisition of language in childhood. Language in its verbal form - anyway only humans have language - is something that exists in us. I do not want to say it is a genetic thing. Well, I leave it for later. Children, by interaction, extract the whole language: grammar, syntax, semantic, accent and intonation and dialect every detail without being taught. You cannot teach them. They follow something by themselves. Japanese children have the same machinery as American children but they learn Japanese using that machinery. American children learn American English. British children learn British English.
    What about deaf people? They also learn language. They are not chimps. They are humans. So they have the language like others. Like other humans their language is somewhere. If you put non-deaf child of deaf parents in front of TV, He cannot extract the language, not even a word, from TV. He only can 'talk' with American Sign Language or Japanese Sign Language. A psychiatrist from planet of Mars might think he is genetically deaf.
    (That psychiatrist actually exists in the Red Locust by Ray Bradbury. Half of it is about schizophrenia, in a way.)
    But at the end, when I was student, statistics showed that seventy percent of female students in maths department were married while only ten percent were married in chemistry department. In maths there were three female students; two married. But in chemistry there were twenty female students; again two married.
    Leonardo Panther

  80. I am surprised. Government has said, "Ah, now we understand what are these noises all about. People do not feel safe unless we catch all the lunatics and make their confinement tighter." I believe, lunatics should find jurists to defend them. We should address moral issues related to human rights of ourselves. After all, we lunatics (and our families) are human beings.
    We should not write about Habermas. Government supposes him as another Marx or something.
    We should not write post-modern. Government believes post modern is Fashion TV or MTV, or Mohican hairstyle.
    We should not write phenomenological or ethno linguistics. Government might think, we believe world is governed by a group of lizards.
    We should not write (see Brown, etal. 1997). We should write Brown vs. Muffat 1997.
    We should not say neurotransmitter. We should write habeas corpus.
    We should overcome.

  81. One example of more complex aggregate of living things is ants. They are god example for Grand Unified Theory. We do not have an ant. We always have ants in plural. Individual ants act as organs of one living specie. There is not a fair game between them and they do not conflict. They are interesting for physician (or biochemists, I do not know) in that they have antibiotics for fighting bacteria. But they allow antibiotics to evolve in pace with the resistance in bacteria. But this is not of my interest. My interest is the split mind of individuals. They can swap their 'personality', that is, contents of their minds. Their memory is small and short. Their brain is always in their home, resting and reproducing. We cannot decide whether it is she or he. We are used to call it a queen by analogy. It is reproducing part, but we are not sure if it is also functioning as main part of the brain. Perhaps brain is scattered. What does make them coordinated? Something existing somewhere: Existential signals that all of them can hear. They are completely schizophrenics, all the time, all of them to be able to glue themselves to each other. A rough analogy is that when the modern people want to use computers for difficult tasks such as Hollywood picture effects or genetics and such things. They connect many, perhaps, thousands computers to have more capability. Ants prepare the foundation such that later at the top of the evolution, living things, i.e., humans can have social behaviour. You can see from this, and I have experimented on myself, how schizophrenia is related to something somewhere in aggregate of humans for Existence; the existence which is related to the texture of the universe
    Leonardo diPardo

  82. Something, somewhere; what is the meaning of that? One example is stuttering. One type of that exists in the fear of embarrassment in both parties: One who stutters and the audience. Both parties destructively build up the stutter.
    Wolfgang Strauss

  83. Hence ants act as if the all aggregate is one individual with a queen thing at the top (we are not sure if it is a top in command of anything or not). Different group of ant items act as different organs. Each item has not an identity alone. Today it is John, but tomorrow it becomes Peter. It is possible for an item to change its role. Each aggregate is not social and cannot live with another aggregate; i.e., you cannot have two queen items with its ants. Now, an imaginary experiment is to see if each 'ant' have a defected brain or bad genes for this lack of personality. No, the better is to assume that they exchange information. One 'ant aggregate' is an extended existence. How do they communicate? What is the motivation of each individual? They say some chemical is involved, or patterns in the genes, or god destine them; similar to answers we give to children: a stark brings the baby. If we want to research, it is a very big project. But we do not want to do philosophy or theology. We want to do a grand hard science.
    Grant Hardy

  84. We, perhaps, learn something from study of the ants. Each 'ant item' has a piece of brain, but there is only one mind that is shared by all. We do not know the relation between the mind and brains. We just say they communicate or exchange the information, as until recently people believed the heart was centre of emotion, now we say the brain is the centre of mind. But we only know a little. Isn't it?
    Anthony Queen

  85. No, we do not say those things about not having knowledge or amazement about nature. They already have been told by others. We use evolution as a lab of experiments about things that are not possible to be experimented by us. In sociology they use history as such a lab. In evolution, you can find any intermediary stage. you can watch gradual change in different times. You also can observer different stages living at our time.
    Ants are interesting because they are connected like organs of a living thing without having nerves to connect them. Something somewhere connects them: an odour, dance, or perhaps all of these things plus something else. We want to postulate for our grand theory, and use these things as evidence.

  86. You should say 'The Silver Locust' by Ray Bradbury, and I could not find any refer to schizophrenia in that book.

  87. We want to create an integrated theory of madness based on something in substructure (in imitation of working class theory) that can interpret the mad behaviour and help to clear the horizon for changing the human rights related to mad minority group and relieve them from a slave subhuman group to equal citizens of the planet. That should substitute the current legal practice.
    If according to WHO, twenty percent of population of the world are in the risk of depression, so they are in danger of being diagnosed as mad and lose their human rights. It is because there is no clear boundary between madness and other stresses.

  88. There is always confusion about moral issues. A prison warden knows himself amoral person who has a respect for moral behaviour. Conversely, he considers the prisoners as immoral and even amoral. He has respect and kindness towards other moral people such as the judge, lawyers, and prison guards and even workers who do their job honestly. He is harsh and ruthless and merciless towards inmates. We should clear that by moral behaviour we do not mean a mutual behaviour. It is an individual characteristic regardless of the behaviour of the other party. For example, based on this, some people reason for abolition of capital punishment (there are other reasons, e.g., possibility of wrong judgements). Declaration of human rights is based on this idea. Socialism, originally, is based on this idea. Declaration of human rights is interpreted by WHO or governments based on the altruism of doctors towards their mentally ill patients. This is the interpretation of prison warden. Dr shipman believed it was good for his patients to die and the patients could not understand how much it is good to die and should thank him in advance by a written consent. He believed due to their diminished understanding they should not decide for themselves. In this respect, he was a conscientious doctor.
    Declaration of human rights means that the humanity in its totality has a moral behaviour. Hence the law scholars who are in that level of legislation are not aware that human rights of a wide range of people named as mentally ill are ignored because there is not enough safeguard when the internal legislation of countries go to action. For example, psychiatrists can subject any mentally ill person to experiments that they consider are appropriate on the assumption that it helps to developing the knowledge of psychiatrists. As if a doctor ask the police to arrest somebody and open his stomach to learn more about gastro intestine physiology.
    Those legislators are not aware of those details expressed by critical psychiatrists or the page I read from Manchester Mind Organisation (Mad not Bad).
    Declaration of human rights is written after the Second World War, in reaction to things that happened in Germany. In Nazi Germany most of the people were happy with the situation. Army and SS were doing things according to laws and regulations. If you asked them they would say,” Well we have not enough time and resources to keep the situation under control and sometimes things happen that is the responsibility of individuals.” Gears of a society should be lubricated to work in crisis and lack of resources. Otherwise, what is the difference of good and evil? We read in bible that, even bandits are kind with their own gang.
    Declaration of human rights is written to help society to deal good with those people that society believes they are bad.
    I'll be back again.

  89. In developing the grand theory, we might encounter sensitive issues. We must discuss them in accordance to practice of teachers in the modern world; we say it is sensitive. You know the story of music teacher who became convulsive when he wanted to say ‘white keys’ and ‘black keys’ of piano. Once I told to my English colleague who was teacher of politics, "In Anglo-Saxon Law...." He stopped me and became angry. I was a crazy foreigner. I did not know that this world is an issue here contrasted with something else. I was surprised. A teacher of politics did not know that in the law we have two methods of jurisdiction. One is called Latin system like Belgium law, and the other is Anglo-Saxon system like US law. So I might say Vikings or Jesus or Mohammad or Moses. We are in discussion and in humour and good faith. Moreover, we are a group of mad not accountable for anything similar to jesters of antiquities. We are in search of wisdom and freedom. I said this because later I discuss the Anglo-Saxon practice of the law and criticise it. It is related to situation of mad people.

  90. Some clarification of the meaning of existence: Ingredients are:
    1.Logical philosophy of Aristotle.
    2.Idealistic philosophy of Plato.
    3.Mysticism Of Ben-Arabi (the Spanish Saracen who amalgamated mysticism of Judaism, Christianity and Esslam).
    4. Amalgamated theology of those religions.
    These are alloyed together somewhere in the East by a philosopher called Sadoroddin, in16th century. He call it existentialism. His works has been translated by a Sorbonne professor, Henry Corbin. to English by McGill University and in Harvard by William Chitique and also to Japanese By Isotsu of Tokyo University during 1950's, 1960's and 1970's. It's more mature than Jaspers and Kierkeghard and Sartre.
    In that place if you ask a philosopher, "are you having the dinner first or you are doing the prayer?" He answers in humour that, "Well, I am an existentialist not a priest." He means 'the dinner'. I related this humour to the fats in cells. But, existence is more than fat.
    From R. D. Lang I read only 'Facts of Life', which made my idea about mental illness upside down. Before that I read the famous book' Brain, mind, and behaviour'in 1988 A chapter was abou schizophrenia, showing the picture of young schizophrenic man. The book believed that soon by mapping the brain and picturing the genes and inventing new chemicals, it is possible to cure the misery of this gentleman.
    In 1994 I sold all my assets to come here and talk with R. D. Lang. I escaped without a passport and came here. The Officer in the airport opened my brief case. Officer immediately told me, “Are you a scientist?” The only things that I had for this expedition were five or six books. One was 'The facts of Life' the other was ‘Critical Psychiatry’ by D. Inglby.
    Next day I wrote a letter to publisher of RD Laing. After a week a note came from him saying, “We are sorry, RD. Laing is deceased.” Later, I could understand that nobody took his flag after he fell.
    Here, in Britain people have clubs for Titanic shipwreck for hundred years. Hence, I searched for David Inglby and found out he had moved to another country. Hence I searched scores of telephone books of the Britain, in public library, from Aberdeen to London and found telephone number of somebody else (at that time the internet was not like this). His wife a little became frightened but gave his workplace address to me. I went there. In visiting room a jar full of condoms with a not, “please help yourself,” attracted my attention. He briefly told me he was not in that position anymore. I went to a human rights organisation very close to that place. The good humour psychiatrist asked me who was my GP. Then he prescribed stellazine (?) for me and sent a letter for my GP asking him to take care of me. So the GP sent the crisis team to my house and took me there.
    Now I want to add to this pet idea of existentialism that I have been soaked in from my childhood the idea of the Big Bang and evolution to interpret the experience of Jesus Christ, or Moses, or Mohammad, which I believe is similar to mine.
    I bring news from somewhere else. I do not need any resources. I always like to give rather than to take. If anybody could find anything interesting out of this distorted foreign language he can use it. We do not have Bible © by Jesus. Even we say Mathieu Bible. I am completely illiterate comparing with anyone of scholars here. You can compare Jesus with Plato or Romans such as Cicero, Lucretius, or Virgil. Mohammad even could not read or write. All things should come together that such things happen. If they were scholars or of high and wealthy family their family would protect them and these things would never happen to them. If I were wealthy, I would go and live like Paul Getty and Howard Hughes. Then people would say he is a little nervous in socialising.
    Hence, it is Existence.

  91. Mahdi, that place you mentioned (condom, etc.), and that gentleman are dealing with people received trauma for sexual diseases. This was the reason for promoting using preservatives. That gentleman also, due to legal responsibility (job licence, etc.), could not accept you. It is like working class leaders who put themselves in bourgeoisie positions. If the workers movement gets momentum, they put their resources available. If you are not a scholar, I have studied all the political ideas. I am going to help you to convey your experience to the society. I have written books and articles.
    Leonardo diPardo

  92. I have chewed that book, 'Brain, Mind, and Behaviour', bit by bit. I was chief editor of a magazine related to communications. One of the subjects of the magazine was communication inside the human and between human and machine. I had to have some basic ideas about sensory systems and function of brain. At that time I did not think about psychiatry, and I did not know difference between psychiatry and psychology. I noticed that the gentleman, mentioned by Mahdi, was secluded from school, from any job, and even was discouraged to do any sports activity as something useless for his well being. He also was secluded from any family member, because their family happily allowed (they perhaps even enjoyed) the publisher to USE him as the humiliated corpse of a scrapped human being. At those times I did not think about these things.
    There was also photograph of twin psychotic ladies taken at a time when they were giggling in a stereotype manner of lunatics. They were celebrating their fifty-third birthdays in the lunatic house. They had been there for decades. They were waiting for mapping of their brains to find a way to go back to their homes.
    At that time I thought in hard engineering manner and later completed this picture that if the relation of brain and mind could be interpreted as the software and hardware of a computer. A computer with the sound hardware can malfunction if it does not receive the correct order of information. It happens sometimes that the hardware is faulty. You can find that fault, then.
    Now consider that computers are connected together and malfunction of remote computers might be reflected to yours. This is analogy of individuals in the society.
    These two analogies are reasonable and could be correct in view of understanding of the information. If you put baby of an American family in a Japanese family, he learns Japanese with all details. No genetics interference happens. This is a good example that shows we have hardware (the baby) and we have software (wait a minute!) and we have the information (the language).
    I said wait a minute, because wherever there are humans, they develop languages. For instance, Spanish and French language both are inherited from language of Latin, mostly from Roman soldiers (vulgar Latin) and Roman administrators (literal Latin) From sixteen hundred years ago the French and Spanish languages started to become separate independent languages. There is only a mountain between them, which is not difficult to pass even in ancient times by lonely travellers. In those mountains people are bilingual; that is their mind and body can create both languages as mother tongue. But for the French people it is difficult to learn Spanish accent and vice versa. Don't you become amazed? Sixteen century is a short time comparing with the time that humans can talk. It seems that human being is armed with a meta-language software; that is, a collection of housekeeping information that helps him to create instances of languages. This is the reason that we say deaf people have language though they cannot talk. Japanese deaf talks Japanese deaf language. But we know the Japanese deaf can understand a little of American deaf language. It is like French people who can understand some Spanish by comparing roots of the words. If deaf people left for centuries separate from each other they develop completely different sign languages.
    But we do not know how information is kept by human or even ants.
    Grant Hardy

  93. Mahdi, I have the book you mentioned, 'The Facts of Life' by R. D. Laing. I got it from a clearance sale! It was put among poetical books. I took it and put it in my bookshelf of poetries. I had four thousand books at that time. Later, when I joined to mad folks, I sold all of them for four hundred pounds. Once, it happened that , I opened it and read something about the cruel scientists. Some other part was something of Laing's own experience. When I was young I had the idea of God and used to become very frightened; of course, after doing it. I frequently ask the God to send a fire and burn me if I repeat it again. I even sometimes would go bare feet on my book (I cannot remember, Bible, Ghoraan, or Torah, which one was my book) to commit myself not to do it again, without any use. That part of Laing's book relieved me from that sin forever and I never caught the remark of people about it. I noticed that Scheff mentioned that job as an important fear when he was observing interviews with depressed patients in Napsbury in London Colney. Laing used humour when explaining it.
    The other book by Inglby was selected by university scholars to be imported by the university bookshop. I bought it and had it there. When I decided to read it, I had learned much about psychiatry. Hence I read it as if I want to pass an exam on it. This was a real piece of excellence. It gave me a lot of knowledge. The Trieste part attracted my attention extremely, because I met the 'THING' for the first time in that city. After that encounter I started to catch remarks from people. For a while I believed the 'THING' was a part of the Trieste group.
    When I was younger, because of my interest in symbols I studied some Freud, K. G. Jung and E. Fromm. I had a study of Karen Horney somehow. I could never stop to catch all the symptoms she mentioned for each of her three types of personality, or decide which category I was in (horoscope – Barnum – effect).
    This is important for Grand Unified Theory. It is because all the people with any level of stress catch remarks of these types as their own characteristics. It is couple of stage next to catching remarks when they call you a paranoid. Next stage is when some body stress by intonation that he means you. These are related to software.
    Mahdi, I wrote these few words to tell you that I might be helpful in expanding your idea.
    Wolfgang Strauss

  94. There is something depicted about the gentleman in the aforementioned book, 'Brain, Mind, and Behaviour'. The publisher thanked the family of the man for allowing printing his picture. It shows that informing of the gentleman was not necessary, as if he did not exist at all. This is the reason that many people might decide that they are under persecution without being informed.
    Already, in one of the comments in this page, we had the story of a man, Mr Richard Jan, who was convicted to life imprisonment because he believed some people were persecuting him for his supposed mental illness. So he was stalking those people and made prank with them to retaliate their actions.
    Because it is allowed for psychiatrists to chase people and impose on them treatments that they deem appropriate (for example provoke them), and they know how to bend the law (for example a social worker can sign in place of the next of kin), many people with a certain level of stress are prone to roll back to paranoia state. (This has been noticed in one of the papers in the articles in this website (Sami Timimi).) Later as part of the Grand Unified Theory, we show that fear of persecution, in turn, can roll back to hearing voices. Other consequences will accompany this, for example, violence, as we saw in People vs. R.Jan.
    Many, many people who have been labelled as mentally ill are completely aware of what is going on around them. If coercion were not allowed, they never would believe that some type of authorities was persecuting them.
    It was in 1995 that I heard from BBC radio4 interviewing with …from Royal college of Psychiatrists that as a new way of treating schizophrenia psychiatrists contacts with friends and colleagues of the patient informing them of some stress of the patients. Then what is the meaning of confidentiality? It means that the informed parties are asked not to tell the patients that they know that he is a lunatic, except when they want to blackmail him. They do not think that your today friend might be your tomorrow adversary. Confidentiality, actually, is used against the person.
    There is another point regarding the picture and descriptions of those ladies and gentleman in the aforementioned book. What is the significance of putting those things in that book? It did not add any information to the content of the book. It was a legal degrading behaviour toward those poor souls. It is extremely immoral. They are used as graphic materials. These things should be banned. It is like bear dance show and kangaroo boxing.
    I’ll be back again.

  95. Yes, people are aware about the things happening to them. For example, in the article 'Assertive Treatment...' we read in this website, there is description of a young being who has been under treatment from age 9 months. She has been described as somebody with a damaged brain. She is suffering all physical tortures and poisoning by chemicals and assaults; still she does not yield to coercion. Have you seen the advertisement of World Society for Protection of Animals in the TV? The bear has become mad to be prisoner for show.

  96. What you said in previous comments about how to gain professorship , nobel prize, if it is easy or not is discussed in a very better way in
    Thomas J. Scheff, ACADEMIC GANGS; Crime, Law, and Social Change 23: 157-162. 1995
    Hence this reference goes toward Grand Unified Theory.
    Leonardo diPardo

  97. WHEN at the first I took my Pen in hand,
    Thus for to write; I did not understand
    That I at all should make a little Book
    In such a mode; Nay, I had undertook
    To make another, which when almost done,
    Before I was aware, I this begun.

    In more than twenty things, which I set down;
    This done, I twenty things had in my Crown,
    And they again began to multiply,
    Like sparks that from the coals of Fire do flie.

    Well, so I did; but yet I did not think
    To shew to all the World my Pen and Ink
    In such a mode; I only thought to make
    I knew not what: nor did I undertake
    Thereby to please my Neighbour; nor not I,
    I did it mine own self to gratifie,

    John Bunyan

  98. I was able to find some information from the Internet about recent ideas of Hearing Voices Network. It is good news. Now, some people are approaching to solve the problem. Sometimes, teachers when they find a problem difficult they rub it off the black (or white) board (instead of solving it). As I was searching I understood that it was already like that for hearing voices. They believed the lunatics were lying when claiming they were hearing voices. Simply, they used to rub off the problem.
    Now, they are on the right track.
    Wolfgang Strauss

  99. Let's see if with this assumption we better can proceed...-Kant
    Kant knows himself very influenced by the "Copernicus revolution" in developing his philosophical system.
    Basically, Copernicus revolution is based on the idea that the sun is centre and planets are rotating around it. This is contrasted with what already known as the earth being the centre and sun and other planets were revolving around it. The latter is the Ptolemy system. It was not that the Ptolemy system was wrong. No, it was very complicated. If you wanted to add any new object to it you have to accept the toil of drawing circles (or heavens, as they used to say) superposed on other circles to conform it to more detailed observations. If you discard the idea that the earth is centre and put the sun in the centre then you have an equally correct system that makes the calculations much easier. Certainly the idea of sun being the centre existed. Somebody should take it and show that it is easier and also correct to interpret things accordingly. You should be able to interpret things happening there with your postulate without stretching and modifying and amending and branching your postulate. Once you start doing these things then your postulate is on the way to join to Ptolemy’s. In Ptolemy once beautiful system, you had to superimpose new circles to previous sequence of superimposed circles to justify more accurate observation. It was because, at the beginning Ptolemy needed only seven circles or heavens to be able to scientifically explain heavenly phenomena. Then religions (happily, all three of them) adopted that seven heavens system as part of their beliefs. So poor Ptolemy joined to the authorities and social power. Now denying it meant denying people who can decide for your life or death. But much ahead of Copernicus people had to add heavens to those seven heavens to make more accurate. Even the religious Christopher Columbus used those calculations for his expedition to India. Church was not informed of those technicalities and was happy as far as astronomers were talking about seven circles. No upheaval had happened in basic postulates to make an intervention necessary.
    But at last the upheaval happened and retired the religions from pursuing further progresses of science as part of their institutions. It is comparable with present day psychiatry. Because it is part of the government institution, it prevents flourishing of ideas inside its domain of control. Hence people has moved every debate and innovation, surreptitiously, to outside of its guaranteed territory.
    I said this because I want to postulate to make interpretation of madness easier not because I believe this postulate is definite. It is definite for a while.
    Mad’dieu Bourbaki

  100. Mad’dieu, all of these are fully investigated by K. Popper, Kuhn, and even A. Koestler.

  101. Conspiracy theory is a conspiracy!
    Leonardo diPardo

  102. Also, what you have said about language already has been fully, to the wildest conceivable limits have been investigated by Wittgenstein, Carnap, and Chomsky.

  103. Perhaps they have not said this. Copernicus did not know and did not say anything about why those bodies are revolving around the sun. Why they keep moving on their tracks and do not disappear and some other objects replace them, or they change their tracks and new objects come to new tracks between the earth and the sun. In this vast sky all or some of these things can happen. He said that it would have to be like that. Later, Newton proposed that they are attached by the gravity. He said gravity was something like an invisible string attaching all the objects in the universe and things could not happen haphazardly such that one object change his track or a new object comes from a far place and starts to move around here. But still he did not say what is the nature of this invisible string. He just called it a field, a gravitation field. It is interesting that we do not know what is that field, yet. People can gauge it, by putting a second object there. If you do not put the second object, you can never say you have a field of gravitation of that massive thing, the sun. It always is reality upon a mutual relation with some other object. Similarly, a magnet is like that. You cannot say you have a magnetic field, except that to put a gauging object there.
    The same idea was about the light. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, they used to say that there should be a mechanical medium like a liquid between the sun and the earth to bring the light from the sun to the earth. But at that time they understood that it is easier to put the idea of the liquid aside and assumed that the light itself is the medium of its own propagation. It was just easier to progress without that liquid.
    These things were possible because there was not an authority around to force the scholars to follow a certain paradigm. Scholars are enough for themselves to bully each other to take the burden of another controlling instrument.
    Human mind gradually unveil the nature. It is not that we get to the ultimate truth.
    Hence, Copernicus did not know anything of real nature of the celestial movements and their causes. He only made the explanation of happenings easier.

    Grant Hardy

  104. What they left behind, in the Article section of this website, it churns and churns my stomach, specially the girl who was graduated from Sorbonne, and planed to go to study philosophy in Columbia University, with her sheets of music. Two generations of doctors could not revise her situation. Doctors change their minds every other year about the effects of beta-blockers. I was locked up with a young lady, a young musician, Jennifer. She was excellent in violin, cello, guitar and all the other string instruments. She used to say, "I am an accomplished musician, but a sick woman." Beside the last phrase, I could not notice anything unusual with her. I did not know why she had lost most of her hairs, due to chemicals or ECT. She would play guitar and sing for patients. I did not know if they were supposed to release her soon.
    (Her father who was a violinist and violinmaker had her to become an accomplished musician – perhaps.)
    That girl Madeline was put to gauge inside a gauging instrument. It is immoral, and against human rights. It is also scientifically invalid. Yes, they still practice it. Asking lunatics funny questions and later laugh with their friends.

  105. Leonardo, the sentence you wrote, conspiracy theory is conspiracy, is the type of sentence that I needed to discuss the language. (I have no knowledge of politics and those things of your interest.)
    This sentence whirls and whirls in the mind. Its meaning comes and then fades.
    It is different with that famous paradox in logic. It is a real ‘spell’ that distress the brain.
    Wolfgang Strauss

  106. Wittgenstein and Carnap and Chomsky; Chomsky has started to begin to see how the sentence, "Conspiracy theory is conspiracy," can be interpreted (?) or whatever. He says there is a faculty of language and then.... He has nothing related to schizophrenia. Some people say there is cognition and then it creates language and understands language. Cognition is part of mind. I like to know what is deep down there not receiving circular definitions of a dictionary. I said a meta-language, not the faculty of language, creates instances of language. Perhaps I should say a para-language because meta-language has another use in logic. Chomsky is helpful because he shows how many – infinite – shades of attributions can be created to give a full range of fuzziness between two logical boundaries of 'yes' and 'no'. It adds to our humbleness when we want to interpret human 'cognition' by colours on an MRI picture of brain.
    Grant Hardy

  107. But his students ask him – or wish to ask him – what about the vision. Perhaps they want to ask when we look at a scene how much are we interpretive? Is there a semantic related to vision? When Madeline interviews what do we understand of her grimace? Chomsky asks which of the two sentences, a) she better can read and b)she can better read, is from a non-native English speaking person.
    This comes from the faculty of language. This is different from our par-language or whatever you call it. That is deeper and is strive for communication in verbal language. It creates instances of language. Faculty of language perhaps could be mounted at its front-end.
    Grant Hardy

  108. Unfortunately, I sometimes return to my bad habit of reading. The postmodern terminology annoys me a little for enlightening.
    In nineteen ninety-nine there was a lot of excitement about millennium catastrophe or 'glitch'. It was because in the 'program' of many 'computers' it was possible to take back clocks and calendars to midnight of first of January of nineteen hundred instead of two thousand. Some believed missiles might fire themselves, planes might crash and banks could be bankrupted.
    Happily, these gadgets continued to work properly, but nevertheless, somewhere a glitch happened. Here and there were a lot of things one century behind the schedule that should be done. For many, it is the twentieth century revisited, or the twentieth century revenges. For those, again everything is fixed, immobilised, and mechanical. I call it ‘The Millennium Glitch’.
    Leonardo diPardo

  109. At the beginning there was omnium accumulated in one point. There was no time, and there was no space. It was only mass - perhaps. Where was it? In the nowhere in the nihilum. Well, everybody knows this. What I like to add to it is that that there was also a whim or a wish – but not a will (I am tired of this description) – inside the omnium to explode and push back the nihilum. So it decided . Omnium had existence because it had whim and decision. Joy was with the omnium. Pain attached to nihilum. Pieces of omnium torn apart from each other but they are attached and can remember their unification. They are carrying whim and decision, attachment and remembering. They were carrying existence. If you whim you can decide to experience it at any moment.

  110. Hormuz
    Tradition of detention of lunatics started not from the danger they impose on the society but from altruism to shelter them. These people , as it is noticed also similar to modern time, were subject to abuse and danger from the cruelty of some parts of the society. Detention, or chaining began by some families to prevent their dear ones to go out and disappear, whenever it was possible for the family to care. Asylum was something like orphanage and it did not exist out of the Christian territories. In those areas there was not any stable organisation to sustain such institutions. Christianity took the organisation of Roman Empire and made a very detailed and integrated heirarchy that was attached to a head and was completely under its command. It had an ultra status and respect that preventing to be destabilised by local powers. It also had money and resources. Out of that territory, such opportunity did not exist for any religion. Detention still cannot be seen outside of North America and Europe and Japan. They do not have any resources for such a population. They throw out the lunatics to reduce the inmates without any consideration about their danger or DSM or WHO.
    Another origin of detention is conspiracy. Yes, the stereotype that shouts,” I am sane! There is a mistake! Leave me; I want to go home!" while they are shutting the door of the ambulance. or pushing him in the asylum cell. This used to happen when somebody with enough social influence wanted to rip off the money from a young person or make his opponent silent. This is the point that the declaration of human rights should explicitly be modified against the coercion of lunatics into the asylum system (open or closed). It is because a very extremely tiny number of the so-called dangerous lunatics are used to threat the whole population.

  111. There was a discussion of existentialism already. It included mostly amalgamation of Abraham (Judaism, Christianity, and Esslaam) mysticisms and theologies. But a very vast source of mysticism is from India. Somebody in 17th century in India has tried to add that source to Abraham's source. He was Prince Dara-Shokouh. He was the son of the king who built the Taj Mahal monument in India. He knows the existence ('asti in Sanskrit) beneath all phenomena. But he understands it as eternally unchanging. Ideas of Zorost and Mithraism in the East has been mixed with Esslaam and has created a faction which is called Shia' (Shi’ite). Mithraism also has influenced Christianity through Roman Empire in celebrating the longest night (Birth of the Sun - Christmas), Equinox (Resurrection of the nature - Easter) and weekly worship of the Sun (Sunday). St. Augustine was a Mithraism believer at first.
    This shows that all the individuals of the laughing mammal (humans) are communicating with each other through the time and the space (just like salmons).
    Mad'dieu Bourbaki

  112. It remains China wisdom. They passed the 'human sacrifice' stage much earlier, either through their own wisdom, or through the influence of Buddha from India. There were other societies with their wisdoms. I believe many of them remained in pre-Abraham stage. Why Abraham is so important for me? Because of the element of human sacrifice that stopped at his time. It is related to hearing voices and our postulate of Grand Unified Theory.
    Mad'dieu Bourbaki

  113. Well, in those parts of the world, what do people do with the lunetics? They keep them at home if they can or leave them in the streets if they can't. They join to other shapes of poverty. What if they commit a crime? In the part that I was living, I never heard they separate the case in the news and say, “ a lunatic killed somebody.” Perhaps they take him and hang him.
    Law is in the Latin system. Part of it is traditional law from past times and is actually from the influence of Roman Empire law mixed with modified modern Belgium civil code.
    After this little introduction what is related to my Grand Unified Theory is the criteria of the society for lunacy. In the law they say you are adult if you are beyond the physical puberty. But they say you could be adult but not 'mature' or grown up. They have a term 'idiot' if somebody do not know how to bargain when he wants to purchase things, or if someone spends too lavishly without aim. This person should spend under a 'monitor' appointed by a judge until he becomes mature. Hence it may happen that one is sixteen year old, but in average people do not know him mature until he is twenty. This little gap is the source of many old stories about swindle of judges and monitors, when a rich orphan was involved. But now-a-days this law cannot put in practice anymore. Cities are too populated and nobody becomes informed how you are spending. Still, perhaps from Belgium code, one who becomes bankrupted, normally business people, by default of his cheques and bank drafts, has to spend under monitor of a court.
    This means that if a person could not participate in the social 'game' they knew him 'idiot'. If somebody cannot participate in the social game, then it is likely that he starts to paraphrase the social game of other people. He creates a source of hatred for others towards him by betraying what other are used to conceal as they play their role. This is then breaking the norm. He reads minds of the others instead of their lips. They call him 'abnormal' everywhere in all cultures. The para-language we proposed earlier creates a new instance of language, which has everything common with the language of other people except that it is not normal. It is another level of stress conjugate with what a paranoid catches remarks from the people. Idiot says, “I know what they think”; paranoid says, “They know what I think.” This is a language of madness. If one can be quite skilled in this language and already has got a talent of performing art he is qualified to be a jester in the Middle Ages courts. Standing humour and social wit are in this spectrum. I always mention the spectrum of each stress to assure you that there is no boundary. It is gradual. (This conjugacy perhaps can be related to introvert-extravert in the spectrum. I am not sure if introvert-extravert terminology correctly reflects the mind.)
    Wolfgang Strauss

  114. My mother died when I was born. I joined to step mother and my stepsiblings immediately. Nine years later my father died. In one of the previous comments we noticed that life flourished in a tinny layer between hot and molten rocks at the bottom and cold and empty space above. I received my baccalaurean in eighteen while I was amount first one percent of the nation, in spite of those two layers: house and society. Then I went to university. Many things happened later until I became two times eighteen. Then I married and I got one daughter. I never attacked anybody or did any immoral or illegal thing. Now, I am three times eighteen or more.
    I have come to this society and have respected all its norms, traditions and laws.
    I am noticing that the authority in the society has engaged with me without having any reason or legal cause. I do not know anybody in the world. I do not have any contact with anybody in the world that police of a country harasses me. I am disabled and housebound. I do not receive any benefit, medical care (though I pay for private care) or whatsoever. I do the job of the housewife and my wife who is a ccu sister works hard for bread. She is also being harassed. When she was after a second job to cover my house bounding, BNA nurse agency in WGC wanted her marriage certificate. It was at a time that the local MP who was also the health minister was in the parliament with four children without being married. Other places used to say they would be informing her later. She is a graduate of Britain with diplomas and degrees.
    How it is possible in a democracy to create criminal record for a disabled old housewife without checking the complaint in a court of law? How is it possible to endanger me by letting me out in the cold midnight without proper clothing to shiver? But, most surprising of all: why a police car accompanied by a cab should catch me in the midway and force me to go by cab for the remaining part. How did they know which route I would take when I was walking back home? Why should they care after more than half an hour to find me? Who could remember me in the busy Friday night police station? Story of the convicted Mr Richard Jan is already here. He was a native citizen with enough familiarity with the details of the society. He was young. He was not committed to a family. He had enough money and could arrange for his haunch of persecution that I infer from the tone of witnesses, was with reasonable ground.
    You may ask what is the relation of these things with Grand Unified Theory. It is related to conscience and altruism. It is the place that brings hearing voices and coercion and people such as R. D. Laing, Mosher, and Berke come together. It unifies them. How? We see later.

  115. In the part of the world that I was born there is a law for marriage. Both man and woman can join the family institution on their own will. If they do not like they do not marry. When they got married the man can divorce the woman if on any whim he decides, but the woman cannot divorce the man even in the worst situation. Yes, if the family of woman are rich or powerful they might bribe or threaten the man and force him for divorce. Woman goes by her will but cannot return by her will. Well, gradually rich family talked with lawyers, judges, and jurists and found a way. It is similar to advance treatment direction proposed by some people here for mental illness. Before signing the marriage certificate by woman, the husband signs a watertight document that in all conceivable situations in future that life might become bitter for the woman, she is the attorney-in-fact from the husband to take that document to the court and take the order for her divorce. Husband waives his right of dismissal for the whole period of contract (i.e. lifetime). Also countermeasures are devised for one-sided actions of the man. One should sign in ninety places. First it was handwritten or typed by the notary public offices. Then gradually it became a printed template. Later it was included in the marriage certificate bundle with all the gilds and silks that come with it. Now most people believe they must sign those documents compulsorily. Courts, also gradually started to intervene what is the content of any complaint. Hence, without changing the traditional civil code the practice became similar to an advanced liberal country.
    This is an example of an institution that one can enter by will and then they use force to keep you there. (Happily it was sorted peacefully.)
    In Catholic Church marriage, both parties could be the victims of forced institutionalisation; the institutionalisation that they entered by will and volition. (Sensitive, limited scope, only in this brief study) you are better familiar that all the story of execution of Sir Thomas Moore and changing the Church of England to independency from Vatican, and perhaps the recent turmoil in Northern Ireland was because the church could not admit to dismiss parties from the marriage institution.
    There are other examples such as working in the ships until recently. joining army, employing someone (this one for owners of capital), and at last going to mental hospital or complaining to doctors about "being a little shaky". Psychiatry and Catholic Church institutionalisation are different from others. You cannot do any legal actions against it or circumvent it. They know their institute heavenly and 'ontological' that there is no way out of it except death. If you refute they burn you on stick or on ECT.

  116. Conscience is a voice that you hear when you decide to do something when that thing is not within the boundary of your stable background stress. What is stress? Perhaps it is the connecting point of mind and the individual body. It means that when you want to, the voice tells you, "sit!" When you are moving and want to rest it tells you, "Move!" It acts like physical inertia. If you work against it, it continues to blame you, i.e., giving you stress until you get used to a higher level of stress and be successful to overcome it and make it silent. Now what if after sometime you doubt about what you have already done then again it comes and start to distress you even after many years. Now you overcome it and you become happy of the feat that you have done, it does not celebrate with you. It goes to next stage and tells, "Are you happy? Soon a bad thing happens and washes you out of happiness!" If you want to overcome extreme levels of stress then it becomes louder. If frequently you want to overcome those levels then it is possible for you to start to hear voices.
    But conscience thing does not leave you. It brings the level of stress back to you when you are not listening to inside because you are busy in some social action for example watching the people. If it can increase the stress to a proper level you might also start to believe that voices that come from the people are related to you. In average, people believe conscience come when you want to do something against social norms like shoplifting etc (we can seal flaws later, let me go ahead). No, when you are at a height it comes to check you for stress level. It tells you, "Jump!" But you become frightened then it enjoys because it has increased your stress. Then next time you are more frightened. It comes a time that you believe there are two persons there: you and it. My people believed when you are at a height Satan is with you to push you down. They believed Satan puts its finger in your hole and push you. They knew it is inhibition: phallic inhibition felt as pushing rectum inward. It comes from the pipe that was our ancestor in primitive oceans. It would twitch its bottom hole to prevent escape of ocean water when it became frightened due to shortage of food.
    We also become constipated and consume food when we become depressed, i.e., a little frightened. When we become very frightened for example when they take us to fire squad or in the war zone we let it go, because we know fat is useless for us and we should call our replica to exist.
    When you wash your hands because you have some stress about germs, conscience tells you "wash again!" But even if you become used to wash many, many times you do not start to hear voices then they call you only neurotic.
    This is the reason that people do not say extreme of moral behaviour is having conscience. In contrast you are moral when you are autonomous of your conscience. What is criterion that separates you from amoral? It is altruism.
    Altruism was the reason that they started to take lunatics to asylum for food, shelter, and if possible help to recovery. Then asylum institution gradually became militant and was used as a detention centre. People such as Laing, Mosher, and Berke returned the asylum to that altruistic position. Their scientific achievements are perhaps beyond the understanding of most of their clients.
    But one word about Berke: “Excellent! Attaboy! You passed your existential test!” What he said about the ‘cutter girl’ and his reaction. This is autonomous altruism. “If you give life to one person you have given life to the whole people.” This is not moral behaviour of prison warden. A prison warden would rape the girl and tell her, “ If you complain people will not believe you. They believe me.” Or would put the lass in the straight jacket in a lifetime asylum. We study him again later

  117. What happens if people do not follow their conscience? Well, there are many of them. Some follow. Some do not follow. It is uniform mixture. Most of them follow rituals of a religion. It asks us not to listen to the voices that come from within and pay attention to words and phrases and shapes and things that exist outside you. From scattered prophets that we call them lunatics we can assume that perhaps in twenty percent of times voices are not evil. And some percent of human being reach to autonomous altruistic position. They do not need voices and they do not need religions (we can add something from Espinoza- I am crippled; we make it flawless later). Now we are puzzled what are the voices? They are the voices of the mind, from the other ants, other salmons, I mean other humans. You are prey and predator. You should not sleep like a lug. Others are awake to guard you. You should not eat too much because other wants to have all the food. You should not go to that height. If you fall the total will lose one. Now that you are at the height you should jump because there will be more food. Because all the time, up and bottom push to squash the life in between, all should be vigilant. Because all are competitors they should suffer each other. One lives in this dialectic. We all have one mind. It is materialistic. It is like quantum mechanics. It exists somewhere: just there. It has engulfed you. We copy it by making villages, cities, nations. It is a flare; one step ahead of us and drags us to far and further, high and higher.
    But some one said Satin is there to push you down. Who is Satin then? Satin is the being that shows you a way to that hidden world. It paraphrases the whole game. It pushes you to get the knowledge of that world. Then you feel naked, like Martians in the Ray Bradbury's The Silver Locust. They had to take a mask in front of their face to hide from each other (fig leaf in front of their sex organs). They had not personality. They lost their paradise. Paradise means to say, "I do not know" if you say, "I know" you lose your paradise. What happens if a salmon becomes aware that he is an individual going upstream for mating? He lose his existential erection (all we say is genderless). When I was young I always used to regret why Milton did not make so many legends such as Beowulf, King Arthur, Nordic legends into his monumental epic, as he planned at first. What is that boring fight of God with Satin? God is almighty and can burn Satin in a moment without any fight. I said, "what a ridiculous religious fanatic he was." Only now I understand what is that fight about.
    Wolfgang Strauss

  118. Those interested in a number of articles that are critical of psychiatry might begin with this article "A Reevaluation of the Relationship
    between Psychiatric Diagnosis and
    Chemical Imbalances" or this "On the Banality of Positive Thinking" or "ADHD and Other Sins of our Children"
    Good luck with this topic

  119. Beautiful! Now, do you allow me to postulate for Grand Unified Theory? Let me advertise it as following and perhaps later add a second axiom, or amend this.
    Human can hear thoughts of other individuals.
    This makes life easier. No, it makes it much more difficult.
    Grant Hardy

  120. Life is created from very basic materials such as methane, carbon dioxide, ammonia and nitrogen oxides in salty oceans. Those things after two billion years are very different with human body. I say only human body because I do not want to use human brain and chemicals inside body, which are extremely amazing by their own right. To get to this level of sophistication living organ has to devise cunning way for survival. Human mind is much more amazing. Your eyes can recognise certain number of colours. But your mind understands a shade of infinite interpretation from the word of 'beauty'. I am not sure and gradually most of people will join me in this idea that human mind “is contingent with his body”. This assertion looks like the scholastic discussion of how the soul is synchronised with body. It is like it but one order of magnitude more advanced.
    Grant Hardy

  121. Actually, with that postulate we do not need much convincing arguments. We need only to show that it is consistent with what has been observed before this time.
    Grant Hardy

  122. Now, please allow me to postulate for moral behaviour in Grand Unified Theory:
    Moral behaviour comes from para-morality, which is similar to para-language discussed earlier. It creates instance of moral behaviour. It has evolved with human evolution similar to evolution of para-language.

    Corollary: Conscience is a type of stress. It is not related to the moral behaviour. A matured morality is autonomous of stress. It creates altruism. Autonomous altruism is the manifestation of the hidden para- morality.

  123. I sum up what I understood from discussions we have had so far:
    # We have assumed a concept in the background, called it existence.
    # Living things communicate with each other via their existence.
    # There is a para-language that creates instances of language.
    # There is a para-morality that creates instances of moral behaviour.
    Mad'dieu Bourbaki

  124. You have taken these things from the once famous book 'Human Zoo' and the not so famous book 'Psychology of Moral Behaviour' by Derek Wright. Why don’t you mention your references?

  125. We are a group of ants. We do not read books. We do not have many books around. We write under fit. Whatever sparks and whatever we can remember at the time we put on the paper.
    Anthony Queen

  126. No, our investigation is different from those people you mentioned. Later you will see. We have assumed a capability of communication between living things. As already we agreed we want to know why living organisms keep creating copies of themselves. If you say because of survival, then you become gibberish. Once you mentioned Wittgenstein. Now I use him. Wittgenstein became interested that if such answer is reasoning at all. First, he believed like most of the people no. Then he believed like most of the people, again, yes. (He was a good target for screening when he was fourteen, had he been at our time.) Well, survival means if have a copy of yourself. If you keep a copy of a document in a fireproof safe somewhere, then your office goes on fire and your document burns you have a second copy to prove your ownership or something. It has a use for you. You know where you have kept it. You go there or you ask someone to go there and fetch it. If you do not know how to recover the copy for example by throwing it in the ocean, then what is the use of the copy. You understand it has a use for you because you are intelligent, but microorganisms appeared on the ocean at the beginning they did not know why they should create a copy of themselves if you go backward stage by stage in the evolution? What is the drive of that complex molecule to copy itself? Why it should be written somewhere in its structure, "Now, make a copy." The important thing is that the machinery of nature as now we understand is much different from the mechanical machinery that we knew at the beginning of the twentieth century. It acts extremely strange and unpredictable, and it has created in overall such a beautiful product such as, such as sunset in clouds in my mind.
    The secrete is that, in my humble idea, in the salmon story that was told by Siddhartha, none of the salmons come to world at the spring become separated from that point in a special type of space. They always live at that point. They are ready to be used as the second copy. They are motionless there. It is not that simple mechanical mind of some people believe they have a magnet to navigate. They are ready to show off their stone axe to the nature.
    Wolfgang Strauss

  127. Why are we adding a postulate for moral behaviour in our Grand Unified Theory? Because we are interested to consider all the spectrum of behaviour of human being. Is not it true that crimes are attributed to craze? For example, coercion is fuelled by the idea that psychotics are more prone to crime? Is not it that we believe psychosis has a social root? Then we should seal flaws as much as it is possible for us.
    If we can separate moral behaviour from the inner stress then we have been successful to show that morality is related to social interaction of mind. Hence, it is like language. We believe totemism is driven by the existence signal. What is the source of the taboo in our Grand Unified Theory? Para-morality is responsible for creating instances of moral behaviour completely like the language. If human mind creates an instance of language in a remote island, similarly it can create moral behaviour and it evolves in the same way that the language evolves.
    We know children do not learn language by instruction. It is of no use if you force your child to use the correct grammar when he is developing language. He becomes frustrated and does not obey you. He learns by examples and by interaction. He listens carefully and uses instances until he complete the rule then he adds the rule to his faculty of language. If he is in the border of France and Spain he has one para-language like every other human child, but he creates two instances, two faculties of language: one French and one Spanish. He needs a lot of interactions with peers and parents.
    In the same way children do not create moral behaviour by obeying the instructions. They learn it by taking examples, acting, and refining. When the rule becomes complete it goes there.
    As we do not need an inner voice for correcting our language behaviour similarly we do not need an inner voice to help us in our moral behaviour. They were right it is the voice of Satin, that is, the voice of a plotter, or the voice of an enemy.
    Why, so much emphasis, because it is in the range of ‘hearing voices’. They were right that it is demon there. They used to help and support (in the range of their abilities). Who started to say that you should not show mercy and attention and compassion when somebody complains of hearing voices (later we generalise it to other types of stress)? If you prop up the spirit of the victim, then the enemy retreats. The voice uses the loneliness and despair of the victim.
    Whenever I become warm this replica harasses me. I should give the Internet to her.
    Wolfgang Strauss

  128. When hearing voices starts, the voice claims an authority over the victim. At this stage the victim needs immediate support to make him able to defy against the authority claimed by the voice. The victim should be assured that any authority is on his side. Here, I have seen that the first thing that traditional psychiatry shows to victim is that he is a cheating, tricking, deceitful, legally minor, prone to crime, fugitive lunatic that should be locked up immediately, and we are extremely nasty unapproachable gang that do not allow you to use us for your hysteric, unpredictable, all the time changing, childish whimsicality. Then they give him the chemical that increases the power of the demon instead of the victim. (Yes I have evidence that the chemical acts against the victim, what is that s... dopamine blocker they say. They never get feed back from the victim. "If you say you are not all right yet they increase the dose or add to the batch." or they say that you are seeking their attention. You should not attract the attention of the 'doctor' to your 'illness'. Just let him to sleep in his dreams.)
    In contrast the society should release the victim from the demonic conscience that might vanquish him fatally. He is used to think twice upon hearing that voice when the voice had been in the association stage accompanied by guilt. Now it might ask him to kill himself to injure himself or do these things to others. They should bring religion, tradition, whim, fancy, whatever makes the instances of a mature moral behaviour on the side of the victim to falsify the accusations of the demon. And now these have been tested by the hearing voices network or whatever.
    We use their experiences as support for our Grand Unified Theory postulate on moral behaviour and later for postulate on coercion.
    But our story has not finished yet.

  129. I sum up what we have understood about hearing voices (demon):
    # Stress alpha: At first it blames us for whatever we have done (phallic inhibition-fear).
    # Stress beta: Parallel to that, it encourages (tempt) us to do things that we do not like to do (phallic assertion-anger).
    To create those two types of stress demon takes advantage of moral behaviour. It acts in the same way from inside similar to those who want to brainwash a subject.
    Then it goes to where that the victim has deposited his own instances of language:
    # Accumulation of stress alpha results into catching remarks from the society (paranoia).
    # Accumulation of stress beta results into paraphrasing the social game (idiocy)
    # Stress alpha creates self-harming behaviour.
    # Stress beta (is also self-harming anyway but) manifests itself as attacking behaviour.
    Demon gradually learns more portions of the language of the victim and finds their relations with the stressful parts of the victim’s memory. Until in a climax of victim’s stress starts to put words in shapes of verbalisation of the victim. Then:
    # Either or both of these two types of stress can create audible voices in the mind of the victim.
    Demon asks victim to do things on request of the voice. These are the things that increase the stress of the victim. Voice pretends that if victim obey his commands soon the voice would terminate its mission and leave the victim sound and safe otherwise it has to continue its mission with due punishments which is from God, government, people from the other planets, secrete police of the country, dead parents or grandparents of the victim. If the victim cannot find help and confidence in the society, demon can increase the stress, because it has started from moral behaviour instances of the victim and terminated in the language of the victim. These two are social elements of mind and are related to social nurturing of the individual. Society should reduce its pressure on the victim by harbouring and empowering him.
    The ultimate goal of the demon (it is regardless of the gender; later we discuss) is phallus, where the existence signal is attached.
    # The resulting immense phallic stress comes to nonverbal language of the victim in shape of obscenity of behaviour, disorganised behaviour, shame and embarrassment, and in sever cases a discernable fit and seizure.
    Conclusion: Based on our postulate we demonstrated all spectrum of stress created behaviour.
    Wolfgang Strauss

  130. Now in view of the previous comment, let me explain some 'symptoms' I have heard about schizophrenics I read in the book, 'Mind, Brain, behaviour' or whatever it was. The gentleman who was abused by the book as a sample of schizophrenics used to say to him, every now and then, "Oh, God forgive me!" This is clearly the action of the voice that we believe is the same thing that people know as the conscience. The voice (demon) has found the place of the victim stress over some action that he has done and believes that it has not been correct. Then repeats that stress in the mind of the victim. It brings the victim the feeling of compunction. Victim feels qualm and regret and ask god (actually the demon) to forgive him.
    He should be relieved from that alleged sin. That sin could be some transgression, or other harmless things, or be the victim of violations which were not in the power and control of him, such as being raped. We have many examples. If they give him drugs and leave him in a corner then he can never overcome the guilt imposed on him by demon. He should practice the mature moral behaviour that most probably he has parallel to his language but have been attacked and withered in a corner of his mind by the demon. Empowering that angel will help the victim to overcome the demon. What if there was something greater than a simple transgression, something bigger than any norm or taboo. The answer to this question takes to the most remote boundary of knowledge about human mind. How it is simple mindedness to attach to chemicals in the body and pictures of MRI or PET.
    If we like to wrestle with that we should gather what we have in the panoply of human knowledge in the last twelve thousand years.

  131. Another symptom I read about that gentleman or somewhere else was that he had written essays indicating in them that he loved people as a witness against allegation that because of schizophrenia he had been adversary and hateful to people. Generally, as it is explained in the famous critical sensitive experiment of 'being sane ...etc', one symptom of schizophrenia is suggested as love to writing.
    My idea is that when they give that dopamine blocker or whatever to you, then you cannot sit or stand up or walk or sleep or talk. You just want not to be, let alone if you want to write.
    This ridiculous symptom I do not have any idea.
    Next symptom of that gentleman was that he would attribute shapes of human to cars and other lifeless things as if they have eyes and face and limbs.
    This symptom is very important for us. It is parallel to catching remarks from public and its conjugate, i.e., paraphrasing the social game. People feel deja vu when they are under very low stress, as if somebody else remember in a lapse of a moment after you want to take the picture in your memory. It is worth mentioning that I have done these things with mathematical calculation to convince myself that there is not a group of scientists who sends radio wave to monitor my friend when he had the idea that it was a radio wave involved in hearing voices. Briefly, you watch a scene and want to send it to your memory, and then the demon receives that scene and tells you to catch by increasing the level of your stress. Then you feel your original catch as the old memory and the demon catch as remembering being there.
    If your level of stress becomes higher then the demon wants to watch with you, but because it is gibberish, it disintegrate the scene to some basic feature similar to computer vision. It is because when you are a child you are doing a similar thing to be able to interpret vision. It is completely like the learning language but it is much older in term of evolution. Even when we were in the oceans we had eyes and we could see. Even before that the sense of geometry had been one of the strongest in the living things. If we can explain the entanglements of minds of human and other living things, perhaps it could be shown only by geometry of space and time.
    When the person sleeps at certain time intervals his mind communicates with other minds. If the demon can already has succeeded to possess him the victim sees lucid dreams. That is, clear colourful dreams with large pictures completely out of the context and mostly painful for the victim.
    In a higher level of stress you might catch visions which are completely unknown to you. People have described them as holograms, because they look like hologram. They are moment pictures from the memory of the demon. My friend reached to extreme unbearable level of stress such that he could not see or remember anything from around himself except his 'I'. Everything became holographic from an unknown source. But his ‘I’ made a humour with the demon. That broke the demon’s will.
    In a steady but higher level of stress the demon tries to talk with other people by complete possession of the victim. He might become able to catch the mime of the conversing party in a mirror type to the memory of the victim. That mirror picture comes to the mime of the victim for a passing moment. (I saw this as the symptom of borderline personality disorder on the website of a lady from the Netherlands. She was a happy complying victim of traditional psychiatry as well). That fraction of second makes the victim and conversing party very embarrassed. Victim tries to fight back with the demon that creates grimace.
    This little comment elaborates the symptoms of vision explained in our Grand Unified Theory. It is based on the first postulate that living things can communicate with each other from distant.
    Wolfgang Strauss

  132. During last three months we tried to establish a Grand Unified Theory that can explain all aspects of the human behaviour based on simple and economical set of postulates. This spectrum begins from what people are used to call normal, neurotics, and psychotics. Sometimes people are interested to add ‘personalities’ such as asocial, amoral, and sociopath to this. The term antisocial does not bring a deep meaning. If we want to create more ramifications then we might decide that the number of branches is equal to the number of living and dead people. Now I should expand why this theory is not pathological.
    First of all, we are moving to pull together scattered things toward our postulates and we are at the beginning of the road. We have a hidden variable that can serve well to any other theory ever existed. Hence the principle of completeness will be applied to our theory. According to this principle any new theory should be able to explain the empirical findings of previous theories. I regret to advise that I could not find any consensus on these empirical findings. Many findings have been accepted because nobody at earlier stages scrutinise them for criticism. Such are the real twins case and statistics of crimes committed by lunatics. It seems that the traditional psychiatry has retreated to the central citadel and as a matter of honour fights to death to keep it for themselves.
    We, the Bourbaki group of lunatics, bring something from other disciplines to make us able to interpret the phenomena of our discourse. We, yet, do not know how to prove or disprove it or what is the nature of the events we observe and explain thereby. But we have a hunch.
    An example from world of physics might clear the situation. Gellman, the American physicist during nineteen sixties tried to categorise all elementary particles base on very simpler entities. He became successful to do that in a beautiful way on supposition of a more elementary entity. He needed a name for that entity. As he was reading a book by James Joyce, [‘Three quarks for Muster Mark’ from James Joyce’s ‘Finnegan’s Wake’] he called those three entities quark. Then he created ad hoc properties for them such as charm, beauty, top, and bottom and strange. The world of physics immediately accepted the idea because of its simplicity and beauty in unifying different objects on a uniform structure. After forty years still there is not any confirmation for those entities, but still governments spend billions of dollars to accept or reject that model.
    Our model tries to follow that principle. We have noticed that among us, lunatics, there have been very functional people such as Salvador Dali, Howard Hughes, Van Gogh, John Nash, and Louis Althusser Ernest Hemingway, and recently Winston Churchill, and George W Bush Jr exist. That is a strong sign that we are following the same natural rules that explain the Sane people and vice versa. We have among us jurists and political scientists who can show the biases and unfair impartialities. Future belongs to a unified explanation of and dealing with crazy and non-crazy people. We have a speculation that some unidentified agency related to traditional coercive psychiatry is about to engage with us. Then, it will be similar to voices that schizophrenics hear. In that case it will be the first time that a group of lunatics hear voices with al its cruel characteristics and authority assertions on the internet which is copied extrinsically from the human mind. That is another proof for our assertion that human minds are attached together to create a single Platonic idea of mind.
    Mad’dieu Bourbaki

  133. # Science offers the boldest metaphysics of the age. It is a thoroughly human construct, driven by the faith that if we dream, press to discover, explain, and dream again, thereby plunging repeatedly into new terrain, the world will somehow come clearer and we will grasp the true strangeness of the universe. And the strangeness will all prove to be connected, and make sense.
    # I recall that during one walk Einstein suddenly stopped, turned to me and asked me whether I really believed that the moon exist only when I look at it. The rest of this walk was devoted to a discussion of what physicist should mean by the term ‘to exist’.
    # All understanding begins with our not accepting the world as it appear.
    Grant Hardy

  134. In this comment we like to see if we can relate the intelligence of human to his brain or not. Also could be of our interest if dysfunction of intellectual activity could be related to brain malfunctioning.
    First of all we do not know what is the meaning of any of these terms, and nobody ever has come forward to give any definition for them.
    Normally, in term of physiology, they say as human intelligence improved his brain is also became bigger and new areas and shapes were created in the skull to accommodate new areas and shapes of the brain, or perhaps conversely (it depends whether you are a Marxist or non-Marxist).
    My humble idea is that we are not sure that this enlarged brain with this shape is for mental activities or for motor activities. We know that if you want to program a robot for a simple standing move on the floor, we need millions of lines of programming. Still it is for a very predictable limited terrain. People who are our comrades among lunatics do not like us to go and use analogy of computers. I tell them that the analogy of computer is relevant and useful for us. It is abused by the pseudo-science of traditional coercive psychiatry. We already in one of the above comments has shown the flaw of their analogy and contrasted it with ours. This analogy shows that for the robot we need huge amount of memory to accommodate that simple toddling. Because standing walking in full is specific only to human being, only for doing this job, we become sure that the brain of human should be completely different and extremely more complicated than even nearest primate to him. We are still extending our motor activities further and further by using our minds, hence if we can survive for another say hundred thousand years, then we push evolution to change our brains more and more to meet the new motor requirements. But they say a lot of things about blood and oxygen in areas of brain and they relate them to intellectual activities. You should remember the story of the single cell. If you go back in evolution you see there are two completely different (now let me pass) mechanisms: accumulating and burning fat and manufacturing and delivering a replica. Both are existence, but the former is local and the latter is global. Your brain is local uses sugar and oxygen or whatever they know. Your mind is global. It uses whim and decision, joy and pain. Whim and joy remains for existence. Decision and pain remains for nothingness. Yes there is love there and wisdom too.

  135. Perhaps vision also can be related to a space of a para-vision reservoir in the mind. What do you believe? That might accommodate the question of Chomsky students.

  136. There is a Gestalt psychology that supposedly has studied components of vision in mind. Regretfully I never studied Gestalt. Perhaps one can add things to Grand Unified Theory by further investigations. Even standing moving have something in the mind. I believe child becomes stressful that starts walking. I get this hunch by observing animals. They become stressful watching humans standing. They try to stand up on their feet. Sometimes people who become tired and sad of certain types of stresses avoid standing up and walking and become paralysed. Even their minds block their brains to receive sensory signals from their feet. This is parallel to avoiding using language reservoir in children who play the so-called mutism or whatever it is. Stupid or naughty and playful children that recently have been honoured by an official label ADHA, might also avoid using one of these reservoirs or they might have bad teachers or bad parenting or perhaps they want to bring tea for corporate meetings instead of participating in it when they become grown up, or perhaps they want to become like Forrest Gump movie a millionaire later in the life. Perhaps they are just too busy planning silently in their mind for future if they do not castrate them in mind.
    Summing up, we have two reservoirs or two spaces in the mind: Para-language, and Para-morality, and perhaps a Para-vision. But we are not sure about the last one
    Wolfgang Strauss

  137. There have been recently some studies on older people who have not sight from childhood but have gained it in adolescence by new techniques of surgery. It has evidences of some learning related to gathering information in mind rather than brain sensory.

  138. But we cannot relate vision to a global mind in the same way that we can relate the language to the humanity mind. But we are eager to discuss it further. For example in development of language of deaf people through the sign language, vision is exploited and comes as the conjugate of talking. What is the conjugate of vision, then? It could be touching. Touching gives the sense of space to brain, and is used by blind people. Helen Clair used touch as replacement of hearing and seeing. She developed her language in that way. She even could learn to talk being taught by touching.
    I have seen attribution of delusive smelling to schizophrenics as if they have reported smelling of poisonous gases such as ammoniac in the air.
    You know I discuss anomalies to make me able to support The Grand Unified Theory.
    We should be able to decide what is global, what is local and what is organic to discover our madness.
    When a vase falls and breaks in pieces, those pieces remember each other in term of their geometries that is in term of their shapes. Every piece talks and tells the story of its separation. All pieces play the symphony of being a vase. They want to attach to each other another time. Then what is just and fair? Justice means to put each place at its real position. Otherwise they scream, “We do not belong to there.”
    We are interested to recognise that remembering element in human and perhaps in the nature. I mean in the universe.

  139. This things is similar to say, "I want to know what is god?" You use a safe and modern replacement as,"what is global?" When you say 'global mind', already Hegel has a very complete version of it: Weltgeist.

  140. "Ja! Ja!"

  141. Hegel was contemporary to Holderlin. Holderlin was a lunatic. He was paranoid and would catch remarks of people as hostile and did not talk with anybody and would become suddenly angry, and had mood swing. But at that time there was not any instrument in the society to castrate him in mind. Hence, he could become one of the greatest, actually the greatest after Goethe, poet of the German language.
    I would like to add his name to the list of famous lunatics. We should search and find similar people in the history who brought fame for the lunatics
    Leonardo diPardo

  142. One thing that Hegel believed was that a human can capture the content of another human's mind from a distance. Nobody vilified him ever in his life or later. He believed this could be happened in a state of trance. I use this as a support for my postulates. Of course, I should say that I write only under a fit. I am not writing in capacity of a scholar. I do not have that motivation. Any similarity is by accident, or perhaps from my memory when I read those things at past, or as my own experience; also the element of decision in nature, and dialectic of existence.
    Wolfgang Strauss

  143. Is not it that we like to put pieces of the vase together; that is, to unify them? Well, one piece is Hegel. We also owe you something about Wittgenstein and Carnap. We hope to bring more pieces together. We have vases in the vases, like Russian dolls. We are at the beginning of the road. But we hope to go more.
    Mad'dieu Bourbaki

  144. But he was vilified for attributing decision to nature.

  145. Hegel was a philosopher. Philosophers loved wisdom and reasoning. In ancient Greece there were a group of people who were working as lawyers. They used to call themselves wise people. Criteria of wisdom were similar to what I mentioned as people who can buy and sell in a profitable way. People were subject to harassment for their wealth, and if they had not any money, their own freedom and freedom of their dependents. People could go to court and claim financially against you. You should defend yourselves as innocent. The plaintiff should not prove. (What a surprise!) Your defence depended on your verbosity and skill in reasoning. You should impress the court and avoid blundering or pausing to think or pausing to try to remember the events or revise your story or give further comments as what you actually mean. Those people would take a lot of money and teach you how you can reason in a court. They also would accept to defend you but then they took a big share of your wealth. As it is well known Socrates transpired their flaws of reasoning and said we should love the wisdom and should not call ourselves wise. Because he was not wise enough to call himself wise they took him and he could not defend himself and they killed him. Socrates was schizophrenic and one of the symptoms of schizophrenia is that they cannot defend themselves, as described by coercive and traditional psychiatry. Hence they have devised instrumentations as Assertive Therapy and Cognitive Therapy to provoke and punish the lunatics such that by operant behaviour modification he learns to defend himself. Well, it may take fifty years. They can begin when you are twenty and they do not give a damn how many years it takes. When you get to Socrates age at seventy then you can defend yourselves like Kafka’s trial, and the other story that you should find the door to justice; otherwise dog eats dog. This is how the texture of society with a full spectrum of lunacy weaves together. What is the synthesis then? Socrates died but what he founded became the jewel of the crown of the human intellectual activities. It is amazing. Some learned people in the history of my part of the world say, “Perhaps he was a prophet.” He would hear voices, like other prophets. Yes, he was a prophet, but for what types of people. He was prophet of intellectuals of all nations. All the problems he put forward for reasoning are still fresh and subject to discussions as new ones. He is the source of inspiration for materialists and idealists, for theologians and for politicians, for gentiles and for diasporas.

  146. In previous comment and one of the other comments we mentioned a measure for idiocy between many nations or perhaps all nations is when you buy or sell you do not act in a profitable way: buy expensive and sell chip. We believed this returns to a substructure in mind as the reservoir or space of language that createsinstances of the language. We said that this behaviour will end up to paraphrasing the social game in an instance of language which people know it abnormal, although it has everything similar to normal language. we want to know if this is related to sanity and insanity, or in milder language to be wise or unwise. Why people regard it independent of intelligence. The person whom is known as idiot has the intelligence of recognising the value, but he does not functionally participate in the game. For example, if he wants to buy a pen offered as ten shillings but its real value is two shillings, he tells, " I know the value of the pen is two shillings!" He makes the other party angry and force him out of the bargain instead of playing the game and bargains the pen to four shillings. You believe this example is very ridiculous, don't you? No, you can take this example everywhere. Can you remember the article by Scheff – Academic Gangs? You can take it to politics. Everywhere, in the social arena there are examples of this language of idiocy. It is the language of nonconformity. You can find the full spectrum. We already said that Wittgenstein was a good target for screening when he was fourteen. People do not appreciate. It is because people are wise. They wait. When you win with whatever craziness you have had, then they say you are the great one. But if you lose with all the wisdom they say you were crazy. This was related to paralanguage space in mind. The reservoir that creates instances of the language from idiot to nonconformist to wise and conformist to demagogue to poet and orator, to language of prophets. But we do not know the best order for sorting the spectrum. Perhaps, just perhaps, Wittgenstein wanted to mean this when he was speaking of the language games.
    The other criterion for idiocy was that if one (normally a man) could not receive the cues of intrigue or attraction from the opposite sex. They call him in my part of world a quiescent or mute or petit idiot. When some young men show symptoms that are considered here as schizophrenia, they believe he is petit idiot. (Sometimes they believe he is doing that thing too much.) In any case, they arrange marriage for him. This, I have seen change the person to a wise person, as they say. But those places, people receive a lot of money to collect data for WHO. They should report. Now, this type of idiocy, I believe, is a sign of existing a paramorality space in the mind for creating instances of moral behaviour. Similar to paralanguage space, this reservoir brings out a full spectrum of moral behaviour. We could not decide which language was the top of the spectrum which one in the middle and which one in the bottom. But we could say any instance of language should be free from the stresses that can come from the inner world. In the same way we believe the best instances of morality are autonomous of inner stress come from the inner world, and like language you should use it by giving it. I live the creation of spectrum to reader’s judgment, but later I develop it. To have some rumination, let me put a dilemma forward to have a taste of the problem. When I vilify my boss, definitely I am using an instance of the idiot language. I should conform and push me upward for everything which is dear for me such as the scientific achievement and mortgage and other accepted norms, while I know he is wrong. But, on the other hand, I cannot comply and conform to his wrong ideas and allowing him to humiliate many others and me. If I teach him a lesson I have fulfilled my sense of altruism (giving). Well, I know this is a very classic ancient question. When, your language and your morality conflict the inner stress comes out and starts to talk with you. It can be louder and louder until you start to hear voices. This, of course, does not happen in one conflict. If it happens everyday to you then in a course of ten years you are a good psychotic or whatever. Yes, we can weave the carpet with all its details but we do it later.
    We studied the language and morality further.

  147. I notice that the space of language is overlapping with space of morality in the mind. If that happens we can add a few other things to it and it becomes the same thing already known as cognition. You believed you have something new which is different from the empty notion of cognition. You should resolve that overlapping areas back to well-defined concepts. I believe after a year you might have something similar a Henri Bergson's, at best.

  148. We are mending the broken vase of intellectualism around craze of Socrates. Bersgon was there near people such as Poincare. He could become a great mathematician. He decided to become a philosopher. He became very learned and famous philosopher. William James recommended him. But, but he decided to use basic maths and physics he could remember from his bright work as a high school student, while de Broglie and Poincare were around. I mean, at last he could not cover his craze he inherited from Socrates.
    No, Bergson’s morality is based on conscience. That conscience includes an inner voice from an inner world. He knew the inner world as safe and secure and sealed off from an outsider inner evil intervention. (I try to talk like him.) He knew that that inner world subject to free volition and choice could be kept free. Well, still he knew mind independent of body. He wanted to prove there is a free will against matter that dictates its action through (our sensory system of) our bodies. He postulates a time mechanism inside the mind. He is a piece of the vase.
    When we say the salmons do not move from their birthplace at the top of the stream is something new. Perhaps Bergson’s notion of duration is something similar to our idea.
    When we say there is space of morality separate of language, but similar to that component, in the mind, it is completely a new idea.
    These two ideas are gift of a lunatic to other lunatics. They are empirical findings of a lunatic who carefully has observed the sequence of events as they have happened.

  149. If you believe pharmaceutical companies are on your way for better non-coercive psychiatry, now they have found accomplice in electronic industry. IEEE Spectrum Magazine is distributed among half a million engineers each month.
    "I had nothing to lose," says Karmen McGuffee, who suffered from severe depression for a decade and was hospitalized five times for it. So she had surgeons cut open her neck, gently wrap an electrode around one of the nerves there, and plug the electrode into a pulse generator, which they slipped under the skin of her chest. About every 5 minutes, the pocket-watch-size device sends a buzz of current through the nerve and into her brain.
    Six months after doctors switched on the pulse generator, called a vagus nerve stimulator, McGuffee's world looked totally different. "I had no idea that life didn't have to have a dark veil over it all the time," she says. Once unable to concentrate enough to read a newspaper, McGuffee is now an executive secretary.
    Depression is distressingly common, affecting more than 120 million people around the world and sucking tens of billions of dollars out of the global economy through the cost of care and lost productivity. It's also deadly. Every year 850 000 people worldwide take their own lives, and 9 out of 10 of them are suffering from depression, another mental illness, or substance abuse. Statistics show that of those who had had treatment for depression just through visits to a doctor's office, 2 percent ultimately committed suicide, as did 4 percent of those who had to be hospitalized for depression.
    Twenty-five percent of people with depression have no access to any form of mental health care; of those who do have access to care, only a quarter seek treatment. Of those who consult doctors, some 80 percent find relief in the form of drugs or some kind of talk therapy, such as cognitive therapy. But for the rest—people like McGuffee, prone to the most severe and chronic forms of depression, about 11 million of them in the developed world alone—drugs don't work.
    For decades, the only other option for these people was electroconvulsive therapy, which because of the frightening side effect of amnesia is often rejected by patients. But this grim outlook is at last beginning to change. McGuffee was one of the first to benefit from a new crop of electromagnetic brain stimulation technologies that psychiatrists are testing, with the hope of curing—or at least helping—patients for whom little else works. By electrically manipulating specific portions of the brain with implanted electrodes, electric current, or magnetic fields, doctors aim to succeed where drugs fail, by producing long-lasting changes in the brain—and to do it without electroshock's significant side effects.
    For a variety of reasons, including the large number of potential patients and the accumulated knowledge of how the disease works, depression is the primary target of most of these technologies. But some of these methods are already showing great promise for treating such other mental maladies as bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and bulimia.
    The technology McGuffee uses, vagus nerve stimulation, was the first to enter routine clinical use. A pacemakerlike device about the size of a pocket watch, implanted under the skin of the chest, pulses a nerve in the neck [see illustration, "Vagus Nerve Stimulation"]. In about 16 percent of patients like McGuffee, according to clinical studies, that electric pulsing completely quashes the symptoms of depression. It was approved as a depression therapy, for use in conjunction with drugs, by government regulators in the European Union and Canada in 2001. Last June, it became the first psychiatric device to be reviewed and approved in the United States, which has more stringent requirements for medical devices. Nevertheless, a number of psychiatrists remain unconvinced that the therapy works in enough people to outweigh the risk and cost of surgery.
    Grant Hardy

  150. I sing the body electric,
    The armies of those I love engrith me and I engrith them,
    They will not let me off till I go with them, respond to them,
    And discorrupt them, and charge them full with the charge of soul.
    Was it doubted that those who corrupt their own bodies conceal themselves?
    And if those who defile the living are as bad as they who defile the dead?
    And if the body does not do fully as much as the soul?
    And if the body were not the soul, what is the soul?
    Walt Whitman

  151. Bergson knows memory as the connecting point of body and mind. We already had a hint to stress as connecting point. When the child is in the mother's womb at some stage he starts to hear voices of his mother. He becomes stressful. His memory starts to work(we are a bit mechanical now; still we do not know what is the memory). From that point he should start to communicate, perhaps with the mother, perhaps with both parents. Does he receive and interpret other stresses of his parent(s)? If so, does he accumulate them in his memory? What malignance or benefit in his mind might he receive from these stresses?
    Hopefully we could unify Bergson’s idea with ours.
    Wolfgang Strauss

  152. How the child gets existential signal from the components of parents. There should be a lot of communications in the sense that we have postulated. The people who believe in the chemistry of the genes as the key to all secrets of life say that the genes can carry some ten billion tera bytes of information. This amount of information is ten times of the capacity of all the computers currently working on the earth. But gradually there are novel ideas that it is nothing compared with some emerging ideas about the capacity of information handling of a single living cell.
    I do not prove anything. Just as an introduction. The puzzle is this: "why a cell divides?"
    Grant Hardy

  153. I believe you have had a great discovery similar Einstein. But you are scared that if you report it to the academy they come and take you with straightjacket because they do not understand you. Perhaps you have done it in your cellar lab on a subject and with the instruments you have made with your own hands.

  154. Well, yes!
    And we have not a subject, but three of them: one male and two females. And they are going to tell their own stories and sometimes we garnish their stories with more technical and scientific details. And we are at the beginning of the road and we have, still, too much to write. And we made some gadgets to test our findings. And also we used chemicals.
    They write their stories because I have not ever noticed that coercive and traditional psychiatry tell what the lunatics tell to them. I have only seen they write the symptoms such as delusion and hallucination and mood change and negative symptoms. They never gathered the day today story that is told by their patients. They say they cheat and lie and deceive and make ploys and want to attract the attention and like these. Some of us have taught and studied System Analysis. If a system analyst goes to a company to solve their problems he listen carefully to stories of people at all rank of hierarchy inside the company He carefully take a note or record on a tape every detail, not only just consider the façade symptoms of the company such as growth and gain or loss and general problems of the company. Then he compares these stories with the stories he already knows from his educations and his previous experiences. Then after ten years bright and learned theory makers. come and compare all the stories of many analysts of many companies and many countries, and throw out ploys and deceptions and cheatings and manipulations of both the companies and the system analysts and the solutions and their short term and long term effectiveness of the solutions and create a new framework for understanding of corporate behaviour. They want to push the humanity forward and have some reason for their life not just passing the years to become retired. They are altruistic in a way that is not tangible.
    I believe this is supported and practiced by some psychologists and psychiatrist (as they emphasis on ‘narrative’ or something). Hence we are still around some pieces of the vase.
    At the beginning we started by some shouting and some slogans but gradually we are reaching to more flat and calmer parts of the river, then we go to the ocean and after a while we go back to the upstream of the river to get to the source of the spring and then we disappear.
    Mad’dieu Bourbaki

  155. Here, Here! Why not? The thing that we started has changed to the highest issue at the top of the all the political issues of the world. And if you turn on the media news right now perhaps you can guess what it is.
    Leonardo diPardo

  156. Hello, I am a subject of Mad'dieu Bourbaki Grand Unified Theory. I am male.
    Manny Butterfly

  157. I believe you are at the beginning of the road. And you cannot move further. By the way you should say "Hear! Hear!" not "Here, Here!" Why do you catch my humble remark wrongly?

  158. I do not catch from the people whom I know their names and their stands. I am Hamlet not Claudius. This is my discovery of Hamlet story based on Grand Unified Theory in practice:
    He was an idiot and would paraphrase the hidden game of the court people. He could not play the role of a serene crown prince. He wanted to annoy his uncle who out of kindness had married his mother and was ruling in place of his dead father. But Claudius was also paranoid and would catch the remarks of the Hamlet. He was not less than Hamlet in being crazy. I have experienced that anger. He became so angry at the hint of the Hamlet in his small theatre play that created a real suspicion. They destroyed their own kingdom by their own hands and subjugated it to their enemy. The Swedish who conquered their kingdom without any war could only cry for them.
    I do not catch from people with signature. I catch your remarks because you write anonymously.
    Leonardo diPardo

  159. No, no, I am not paranoid. I just want to support you. I believe you have pinned down to your starting point like your salmon metaphor. You should move a little forward, upward. I have no information about you. Where and how can I get any information while I do not know you and do not know if you are one person or more? In the same way I cannot reveal my full name. Yanis is my first name.

  160. All of us have been pinned down there. Only it is that every time I come and take you in your dream down there in the ocean and then take you back to the spring up there. Some of you in return do not have existential erection and the 'Thing' eats them in their dream. So you never wake up again. You make all the precautions to erect by reading books, ritual and other things. But when the time comes you do not erect. You forget all of those preparations. Yanis wake up and come with me. Nothing happens. Do not talk too much.
    Mad'dieu Bourbaki

  161. Why at least you do not improve your English language, if it is not your native tongue. If you are in Britain, you can find a nearby college and enrol. There are support groups that can help you to develop your language. Otherwise, I know me as part of that cracked pot you mentioned.

  162. it is OK! I know! You can stop. I did not take you from that place to come here and teach these people. Now go somewhere and complain. Go get lost.
    I do not like to put that Nisty name on me. I tell them whatever you dream you know. This is post sychiatry you asked for.

  163. I was not playing your role. I was playing the role of R. D. Laing Ghosat as the host of this Blog; that is the father of Hamlet or the father of St Julian the Hospitator. I had a little wit and mild evilness of average human beings. I was the gift of god.

  164. Should dance all NIGHT to THIS DJ.

    Carlo di Juliani

    Anthony Queen
    Jesus Christ
    Leonardo di Pardo
    Wolfgang Strauss
    Grant Hardy
    Manny Butterfly (I could not talk)
    Madeline Butterfly (I could not talk)
    Cordelia (Lear) Butterfly (I could not talk)

  165. We have manned our positions again. But, but with this sunshine and Madeline Butterfly at home for a day or two and Cordelia Butterfly out, let us go and watch the blue sky. Remains one thing why we have chosen butterfly as our family name. It is related to story of cinderfella' (that is the male Cinderella). When he was ten one of his ugly stepsisters who was sixteen got a butterfly from the garden and pinned it to the wall, by passing the pin in its head. Cinderfella asked her why? She said because she could keep the butterfly alive to prevent its body damage then she could show it to her friends for show off. Cinderfella used to touch the butterfly every now and then and could notice that the poor creature was still alive. It was alive even after a year. It could not fly and escape. His head was pinned down by the cruel being.
    Cinderfella could not remember what happened then to the butterfly.
    What is the relation of the story to Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ's head was pinned by the 'Thing'. He even shares the suffering of the butterfly. What ever we write is related. Nothing is against us. We are not frightened of anything. Courage is our creed. We are the fountains of courage. Thousands and thousands, waves and waves of passionate head will be pinned for our cause. We do not encapsulate anything.
    Manny Butterfly

  166. But actually Jesus and Moses and Zorost and other prophets were great dissent intellectuals and orators and political rebels and philosophical think tanks of their time. By the way, I do not understand what is their relation to Grand Unified Theory? Are you a theologian or something?

  167. What a philosopher or think tank or dissent can only gather twelve people in the whole lifetime. And one of them becomes traitor?
    It is not known that He even could have twelve followers. Number twelve refers to overcome of Mithraism solar year of twelve solar months in place of Babylonian Hebrew lunar calendar of thirteen months. The thirteenth became traitor whose name was Judah. That is the thirteenth month of Jewish calendar was ousted. This story is the influence of pagan Roman Mithraism (worship of the sun) solar calendar. Jesus went and died among lepers. They believed him as they noticed his kindness as healthy person toward the lepers. Nobody knew this story.
    How do I know? Because I am Him. We know the same things. We are unifying and ecumenical.

  168. I am not interested in continuing in this place. They are parallel organisation and their commitment is subject to suspicion. A genuine mad organisation is outspoken and should tolerate the consequences of its positions clearly defined in their manifest.
    Can you remember the Fred Halliday and his new left review magazine and his life living with Southern Arabia people and his skill in Arabic. After the cold war it came and he acknowledged that he was not a left in any shape and shade and he was spying for imperialists.
    But Soviet Union knew, without telling him. They feed him with wrong information. They knew there was possibility of one type of left: only those who were loyal to them. They knew other shapes of left were parallel organisations to divert the interested but dizzy individuals.
    How did I know that Soviet Union knew? Because, I am Messiah.
    No, I was just humouring. Actually mad people use any tribune that is available to them. This was why Jesus would talk to any population, though he knew at the end they would be going to stone him.
    Leonardo DiPardo

  169. Leonardo, I believe you should not talk too much. You always talk about politics or some of you about the theology. I do not understand their connection with psychiatry and agenda of mad people. Fred Halliday is still in full swing and has not acknowledged anything. Are you a communist and something? You should keep the boundary of discourse limited to Grand Unified Theory.

  170. You did not understood. We never become tempted to use that instance of the language we hear as voices. Because we are pure and immune. It is not possible for us to create that language. That language never has developed in us. In the story of snake, Eve, and Adam, the snake asked Eve to tempt Adam that they should have the forbidden fruit and to gain the power of God. Yes, that language was created at the end of Matriarchy. If we want to say something we use the language of a kind father who might tell his young amazed son, Philippus, that he knows he is doing that Thing. That Thing is so joyful that stuns any young boy. That Thing is actually playing with a very dangerous snake.
    We are going to develop this anthropological story. Those few sentences we have in the other thread are one of the greatest archaeological discoveries ever documented. Words are the most important. Jesus was not defending himself. He was defending his adversaries against the worst enemy of human being. He was doing it not because he was philosopher or orator, but because, well because only He was in close encounter with the Plotting Enemy. He had every right when he told to low rank soldiers, “I forgive you because you do not understand, because you do not have any knowledge of the Thing.” This was not a passionate last words of a condemned convicted person. It was a very plain, trivial fact.

  171. What do you mean by 'by the end of matriarchy'? Do you mean that language is infantilising? Or perhaps you are sexist in your theorising?
    I understand that you also infantilising by saying 'my son'.

  172. Just ruminate now, until later:
    “Another example of social/emotional causation of symptom flare-up can be found in Retzinger’s (1989) microanalysis of a psychiatric examination of a woman who had been previously diagnosed as schizophrenic. Taken from a widely used textbook on the initial psychiatric examination (Gill, et al., 1954), the flare-up of the patient’s delusions is usually interpreted as an unpredictable outcome of the patient’s illness. But Retzinger’s close examination of the transcript tells a different story. She shows that the psychiatrist’s (Fritz Redlich) manner initially was so warm and sympathetic that the patient responded to him in a patently sane and human way. The turning point comes when she notices that he has been glancing at the clock. Apparently threatened by being caught out by a supposedly insane patient, or perhaps worried about who was in control, Redlich’s manner abruptly shifts. Without warning, he changes from a friend to a relentless diagnostician. He repeatedly probes and leads, trying to unearth the delusions reported in her record, to the point that she relapses into a delusional state. Retzinger calls Redlich’s manoeuvre "reverting to technique", a subtle labelling and rejecting of the patient as a person. In this instance, the psychiatrist unwittingly shamed the patient into a delusional state.” From T. Scheff, with my underscoring
    We are not sexist.

  173. Visitas Conyugal: In some societies the family unit is maintained even if the father is imprisoned.
    Madeline Butterfly

  174. When I was a child, old and religious people used to say they were waiting for a day that the whole world would sink in the chaos and unjust. Then somebody comes, they called him Mahdi or Messiah or Jesus, who make the whole world full of justice. He puts everything in its place and revenges for the oppressed. He creates a heavenly kingdom that Wolf and lamb leave peacefully together. With this wording I cannot believe this story. Why and how he could go and find the place of each individual? No I have not such an idea of being fair and just.

  175. What happens when He comes? They say that he starts to visit each individual to put him in his right place, but before He meet anybody Dadjjal or antichrist or ‘The Thing’ riding on a donkey goes to that person. When that person look to thing he becomes paralysed, deaf and blind, frozen. Christ or Mahdi wants to speak to that individual and show his place to him, but notices that he is dead frozen. Jesus asks him, “do you know your place?” He says, “I know.” Jesus leaves him as he is and goes to next person. Dadjjal comes to frozen people and take them to Djaffar the liar (bogus), or impostor Christ.
    What is Dadjjal? It looks like a human being. But he is a machine programmed to inflict pain and misery on Christ. Whatever Christ sees, Dadjjal also sees. But Dadjjal has not any ambition. It does not want power, wealth or pleasure. It is a machine with a mission. It is like the machine you have seen in ‘Terminator 2: The Judgement Day’. That machine likes to look like a policeman for ease of its mobility in the society, to put itself in position of trust. It does not negotiate or understand beseeching or give pardon, or become diverted or enjoy from its mission, but it knows what can inflict pain. It is a relentless, ruthless machine that should destroy the child, only that. He even does not know why.
    They never mention Dadjjal name. They call it curtailed tail or tailless. They say it has brain of a monkey but body of a human. It has not language. It is thirsty in search of the words. It does not have name and no one ever knows its name. It hears words and names from the head of Jesus, and then it feels that it has words and names.
    Dadjjal is programmed to take itself to the most authorised place to make it activated. At the Abraham’s time it was an Oracle. At the Moses’ time it was a witch. At the Jesus’ time it was a temple rabbi. At Mohammad’s time it was a wealthy merchant.
    If it is supposed to come now, at which institution it can gain the most power of total access to its victim?
    What about Djaffar, The Liar, or impostor Christ? No, he is a human being with ambition of gaining the power of God. He has long dream and colourful dream of wealth, fame and everything. He becomes so excited of power of Dadjjal in reading the mind of Jesus. He dreams overcoming the whole universe.
    Dadjjal rides on a donkey to be confused with the donkey that Jesus used to ride. People say they should plant trees in front of their houses to prevent them become frozen when Dadjjal is passing by. I had the wrong idea that they say this to promote tree planting from pagan Mithraism. They also believe they should make a horse ready for Jesus to prevent confusing it with Dadjjal donkey.
    Dadjjal has not gender as they tell in their tales. It is neither male nor female. You can see we are not sexist.
    They say it is a snake melted in to the body of a human. Its heads coincided with the head of a human. Its tails comes as if people think it is its phallus.

  176. What are these things you are writing? Are these Arabian Nights story or psychoanalysis?

  177. I told you that you should kill your farther and mother if you want existence, like Julian. You thought I meant Jean Paul Sartre. I meant me. You thought I was scholar or something and want to have some after dinner discussion of the recent book that I have read? I told you mouth to mouth, breast to breast. You want me to change the subject. All right! Herbert Marcuse says...

  178. Did you kill your father and mother?

  179. Yes, my mother died when she gave birth to me. My father died because of being far from her.
    Manny Butterfly

  180. We have some further detail on Jesus’ life. He was living at the time that at Alexandria there were, it is believed, hundreds of academies with scholars and students discussing philosophy, religions, politics, literature, mathematics, astronomy and natural science, alchemy and medicine, apothecary and, you cannot believe, marine sciences with diverse ideas against official religions of Romans and other religions freely. Why on the earth they should persecute and crucify bastard son of a hooker whose mother supposedly had been expelled from her family for having extra-marriage baby. Specially that He always insisting that He was loyal to Roman king of Judea. This is why they say the king washed his hand as showing he has not any role in this story. What rebellion He could create in common people by saying that he was Son of God. Perhaps they would laugh at him, because they knew him son of a nameless drunkard. Even at that time rabbis were famous to have extreme commitment to learning and could easily vanquish reasoning of a tramp vagabond, except that he just would persist that he was Son of God.
    How could he have any influence on people or anybody when the only person who had given Him just a glass of water has become more famous than all the scholars of Alexandria? Can you even mention one name of those scholars without referring to a very special encyclopaedia?
    When St Augustine was young his mother asked him to become Christian. He read the Bible and laughed. He believed Cicero was far better than Bible. Why later, many years later he became a Christian?
    We only know where he went some body was there before him. That Thing was so cruel that It was going ahead of Him when He was carrying His cross to prevent people to even look at Him with compassion.
    Why people say he brought freedom of soul for them? Why they say He suffered for us? He could not help himself a glass of water, how could He convert water to wine? If He could, Romans would make Him their king.
    We want to investigate these question from the point of anthropology, sociology and cosmology.
    Wolfgang Strauss

  181. I understand that we are at the beginning of the road.

  182. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  183. I found a confirmation that story of thirteen people is related to lunar and solar calendar. It is said that Judas sold Jesus for thirty silver coin, which is another hint to thirty days of solar calendar in contrast to twenty eight days of lunar calendar. But in any case, Will Durant doubts if any Jesus actually did exist. He was a great historian, so you might be building on a void thing.

  184. I am worried. What happened to your Grand Unified Theory? You are discussing religion. I am waiting to be released.
    Manny Butterfly

  185. Now, let us free other wretched of the earth. You can see that we have been releasing them of their alleged sin after many centuries with complete legal, psychological, anthropological, sociological, cosmological, religious reasoning, without war, without spending money. See, I am Him. I have not even one friend, soldier, book, and money, only a computer under strongest harassment even on my emails. All of them were asking me to come, days and nights. This is their reward. I expand this until you understand how bible was written.

  186. But Jesus was Jesus Christ. He wasthe Son of God. He was Him. He…He….
    Manny Butterfly

  187. At that time he was not, yet, Jesus Christ. He was son of a . He peed in the wine of the marriage, because the Thing did not let him marry. Any girl he wanted to court for marriage, the Thing was already there. Those people would become dead frozen.

  188. Why my name is Madeline? Because of the French girl we already know her story from articles in this website. Because we have been doomed like her. At first she could not believe. More they kept her more it became impossible to leave her, like when somebody becomes member of a criminal gang. They do not leave him to go to police or live in a decent way. She had a plan to go to Colombia University to study philosophy and psychology. What a golden dream. Alas, she never learned to love her jailor.
    When Manny Butterfly came home, supposedly they told him indirectly only for one semester for rest, he immediately went on the website of, you cannot believe, Colombia University. He selected a PhD programme for a subject that he liked for his life to know (he is somehow a doctor, but he liked this subject especially). He created a daily planner of study. He put picture of a big white she-cat as me and a little pinkie kitten as Cordelia Butterfly at the top of the planner and at the bottom his name as the candidate; first qualifying exam at the date... second qualifying exam at the date… dissertation submission at the date….
    We know this a miraculous coincident. Another miracle is that we recently understood that at last Jesus Christ could marry some leper or something named Magdalena
    Madeline Butterfly

  189. I am not much familiar with psychology. I need to know what is encapsulation and what is acting.
    Leonardo diPardo

  190. Both of these things are a type of abuse of human rights. Acting means to single out a person and interpret his action, by premeditating on his natural context to an observed gauging context as sign of his craze. For people who have not been stigmatised as lunatic they call it framing. It is so common in psychiatry, asylum, and doctors that it is not possible to prosecute the cases. They do things to lunatics that he reacts in a lunatic way. If the lunatic does those things to them they say that he is manipulating them. Both ways are used against the victim.
    This two-sided action reaction has an antithesis, which is called encapsulation. They ruin your life if you become angry they say they made you angry to melt down your inhibition. If you remain calm they say they wanted you to control your anger. If you know these things they say they want to hide the characteristic demand of their experiment.
    These things can happen for years. Well, social psychologists, as far as I know, all the time trying to arrange experiments to recognise and break these impartialities. Most of the times their findings remain in their books and journals. They want to prove that many of these attributions uniformly are applicable to every single human being. Even costumes officers know that ordinary people could be more excited than traffickers when passing from them.
    It happened for me that many years ago I read a textbook written by a group of psychiatrists about applying behaviourist methods on lunatics. It was full of stories that they tortured poor patients to rectify them using this method. All the stories were non-terminated. For example, they hungered a patient who was many decades in the lunatic house to force him to say “food” when he was hungry because he would not talk even one word for years. At last after months of hunger, insult and pressure he was conditioned to say one word, ‘food’. Then it did not say what happened next. They commit any act without considering its consequences. They did not ask them why the man did not want to talk. He wanted to go home. Another poor creature was being harassed to have his food. He avoided having his food. The asylum personnel had to spoon-feed him. They started to make his clothes dirty when feeding him. He was very careful of his clothes. All these people were aware of the things happening around them. They were protesting with the minimum assets that were left for them. It is the right of any human being and even animals. Even Eysenck confess to this when he admires the service of R. D. Laing to these patients. Why so much power is injected to this institution? It is that that this stigmatisation is very effective in ruining the life of people.

  191. Now read this whilpoint:

    Hundred billion years ago there was a whim but there was not a world
    Ten billion years ago there was a universe but there was not the Earth
    One billion years ago there was the earth but nobody was walking there
    Hundred million years ago there was something walking there but it was not an ape
    Ten million years ago there was an ape but it was not a man
    One million years ago there was a man but he had not fire.
    Hundred thousand years ago there was a fire but there was not a village
    Ten thousands years ago there was a village but there was not a book
    Thousand years ago there was a book but nobody could fly
    Hundred years ago they could fly but not to the moon
    Ten years ago they went to moon but not to the mars
    Now they can go to mars but they have not enough money
    After ten years they’ll have money but not for every one
    After hundred years everyone goes there but they whim to put Jupiter ablaze
    After thousand years they put Jupiter ablaze but they cannot move the sun
    After ten thousand years they do it then they like to move the galaxy
    After hundred thousand years they move the Milky Way but remains the remaining of the universe
    After a million years they engineer the whole universe but they want to conquer the time
    After ten million years they conquer the time and the space but they cannot push them to one point
    After hundred million years they can push them to one point but they do not know what else they want
    After a billion years they know what they want: a whim.
    After hundred billion years they’ll have a whim
    So they create me
    I become the father of God.

  192. In the story of Adam, Eve and Snake, the Snake tempted Eve first and persuade her to tempt Adam to have the forbidden fruit and gain the power of the God. Also they believed that pain of separation of replica goes to mother. They also believed that the 'Thing' is a snake melted in the body of a human shape and its tail comes out as if it is its genital. They used to frighten children from the old lady who has got a cane. They believed they should circumcise boys such that it does not look like the tip of the tail. They also recommended and in some place force it for girls to be circumcised, lest the ‘Thing’ melt itself in the body of one of them.
    We added to these things that the language that the ‘Thing’ is using is an instance of language created at or just after the end of the matriarchy time. Putting these observations together created a wrong idea that the ‘Thing’ is female. But my brothers and I, all, have seen the ‘Thing’ and we are sure that it is neither female nor male. There is a secret that mystic followers from the ancient time knew. If you bring your ears near to my mouth I whisper it for you, but it is not related to gender. This was to take the burden from another wretched group on the earth. In the book of Moses and Noah and Sodom we return to this secret. I do not know these things from any book that I have read.

  193. I am Cordelia. Out of my seventeen years, my head has been pinned with my father and my mother to the wall. I do not know anything that my father might believe. I know him a lonely mad man. He has not got any relative or friend. I am caring him like when king Lear became mad. My father is kind of bright, thick person. He is doing everything from ironing and cooking to DIY and explaining history and literature for me. He says that he is really Zeus and I should be born from his head like Athena. Now I am still in his head, and I am talking from his head. I notice through his head unsolicited attention from an unknown source that has devastated our family life and, I (he) believe(s), want to devastate my life too. We would like to be left alone because we better can find our own way than the impostor. I leave this note for the history.
    Cordelia Butterfly

  194. We already said we would investigate a spectrum of mind and behaviour based on our grand unified Theory. There we said the word anti-social do not bear any deep meaning for us. It seemed that we said that in reaction to impostor. No, it is not that. We are many but we are consistent. Now we have evidence, which is very related to us. Please read:Quote
    "BBC News Headline 21/4/06: Some 200 extra police are to patrol the streets of … confronting women who reveal ankles, sport thin headscarves or wear short or tight jackets.
    Those found to be in breach of …'s dress code could face instant penalty fines.
    The move is part of a blitz against anti-social behaviour.
    People walking pets or men sporting outlandish hairstyles could also face fines, of up to $55 (£31), said …'s police chief….
    Manny Anti-social" End of Quote
    If we hear one word from impostor we never leave it without response.

  195. Those groups were already have got their own freedom without your help and comments. Are you nuts or something?

  196. No, those have no effect. The faithful does not revise upon politic or economic consideration. The entire secret is here. The difference of Jesus or Moses or Mohammad or Buddha is ontological. It is in the texture of the universe. This is the reason why people can remember Ben Hur - all of them, educated, common, rich, or poor - but cannot remember any of the Alexandria scholars. They should remember the saviour ontologically. It is the reason that moralists of all faiths believe you cannot define morality without Jesus, or without tradition of Moses, or without tradition of Mohammad. Among the latter group, for instance, a lot of recent politics is related to this dissection. (Here some secrets have been deleted because the google search might create some misunderstandings and hence problems for Yanis. We are going to create another place for some of the Mahdi's propositions.)
    This is the meaning of gaining autonomy from the inner voice by attaching to an instance of moral behaviour that has been created in the outside world. All the followers of these faiths advertise the idea that you should not trust on the conscience. Most of the people after a while can make the voice silent. Under the stress, that voice becomes louder until you start to hear it. In that way the Devil finds a tunnel to the inner world. The religion and also non-religious consummate moral behaviour understand ontologically that the tunnel is the beginning of extinction of the life and the universe. How it is possible that action of an individual, the little finger of a child, prevents the decline of the whole universe? It is all about the importance of ‘you’. For this reason I said you can start to create the universe or destroy it. This is the meaning of existence. I did not say existence to make Jean Paul Sartre happy. It is there you can start.
    Moral behaviour is created like the language in human being from a reservoir from inside the mind by dialectic from the existence signal that comes from the inner world by praxis with the annihilating outer nihilum. It is not subject to authorising power of artificial control. There is a conductor who gives the tempo: should dance all night to this DJ

  197. I do not uderstand. You should bind these things together in a more eloquent language

  198. See, language is your mother tongue. Moral behaviour is your father tongue. These two are global. They come up from and then go to the global mind of human being. You might remember once we required what is global, what is local, and what is organic. Now we know what is global.
    When male and female of human specie produce replica - or imitate it - they are face to face. Then they turn back to back to guard their unity against incoming threats.
    The 'Thing' is always face to face with itself because 'it' is genderless. It is the reason that St Julian the Hospitator killed his father and mother, because they were face to face. He killed the 'Thing' inside himself. He never moved from his golden castle. He always was there and remained there until he got the existence from the DJ, that is, from his parents. All he experienced was a nightmare that finished when he met Him. He was Him. Who was who? Which one was St Julian, which one was the leper? Who did make the journey? He went to St Julian.
    But his parents were in position of the ‘Thing’. Position of the ‘Thing’ is the position of safety. It is not the back-to-back position of guarding. When they are back to back or face to face, they are genderless like the ‘Thing’. But the ‘Thing’ is evil. If it was not for the darkness, the light would be a hidden treasure. The thing shows a tunnel to hidden world. If ‘it’ overcomes all feel naked. All become shapeless and amorphous. Everything loses its personality and uniqueness like those roses in the Le Petit Prince. Nobody would be dear. Nobody can play the social game. No cat and mouse game. Wolf resides with lamb. Then all start to wish death instead of existence. This happened in Sodom. Female in her lonelyness slept with herself. Male in his lonely ness slept with himself. All became like the ‘Thing’. It was not that they all become homosexual. Such a thing never happens for the whole population.The ‘Thing’ had shown a way to the hidden world. Hence they wished extinction. It is the reason that people might become self-harming since the ‘Thing’ has overcome to their inner world.
    But the ‘Thing’ also shows who is the saviour. Then all repeat the name of the saviour to have got existence. Some can find the way for themselves. They are not the saviour, but, still, they are anchors of the universe.
