Friday, January 20, 2006

New thread for blog

I am starting a new thread for people that want to discuss critical psychiatry and engage with the issues.


  1. This thread was started to allow a "fresh" start for this blog. Anyone like to start ...

  2. I'll kick off.
    In the sixties and seventies I was very much influenced by existential psychiatry and, naively, thought that the future lay in these ideas. Organic psychiatry has not only retained its grip but has strengthened its power since that time.
    Society believes in the lie that psychotropic medication is precise, specific and effective and is willing to support coercion and incarceration as treatment because of this belief.
    Much of the critical psychiatry debate in the past has been centred on the locus, focus and technology of psychiatry. (Miller and Rose)
    My opinion is that the only way forward is to insist that psychiatry has to be continually subject to an analytical and critical framework with human rights and civil liberties at it's core.
    People who have the misfortune to be diagnosed as mentally ill cannot continue to have inferior rights to the rest of society.

  3. I did post to the previous thread but was deterred from making any other contributions because the blog became a vehicle for the design of some grand theory. I do not feel that I am able to contribute to such a theory so I welcome this new thread and I hope that others will take the opportunity to add their views.
    What I want to present with this post is the opinion that we should campaign for the end of all forms of detention in psychiatry. In a technologically advanced democratic society, detention should be the monopoly of the criminal justice system and every citizen of the state should be provided with equal rights under the law. Detention has no place in medicine and its continued widespread use is a mark of psychiatry's failure to provide effective forms of treatment.

  4. Dare I suggest that this isn't really a blog. It's effectively a bulletin board, but it's not advertised as such, therefore you may not get people coming here who would use it that way.

    In essence, a blog is a sort of journal. You might post an entry that goes something like "I had an exchange of emails with Prof X about how his model of nursing fits in with my model of psychiatry and....
    Later I saw a client who... and I got to wondering how my earlier conversation impacted on this..." You then invite comments, and thus you give the conversation some thrust.

  5. The question then is what you do with those who are a danger to themselves or others; or who behave in an antisocial manner when ill. Is a criminal record better than a history of having been sectioned? Having experienced the violence and degradation of my local psychiatric ward, I think I'd rather be in prison; but I'd rather have been sectioned than prosecuted.

  6. Referring to above comment: You are not interesting in ill behaviour. You 'know' that they do not have time and resources for sectioning people of 'ill' behaviour. They throw out of the work when people have ill behaviour. They section when somebody complains to them for his own illness or when they recognise somebody of dangerous or self harming if they encounter to such situation. You are not interested to 'ill' behaviour. You are interested to that Thing. The Thing gives you the opportunity to persecute. Now, I am gradually putting the lamp jinny in the lamp. When I own it I gradually own you in the same gradual way that I put it in the lamp. That Thing is very interesting thing. It is like an animal. It is amazing. It is amazing. I am not amzing. You should study it. Never, you can publish or say anything about your local psychiatry ward. But one day people will know like other things. You should control yourself. You should 'know' Satin shows the way to hidden world even the hidden world of your local psychiatry ward and sectioning and criminal record and ill harmless behaviour and persecution and prosecution and prisons. This bulletin board has helped me much to put it in the lamp.
    Be ready.

  7. "Never, you can publish or say anything about your local psychiatry ward. "

    I can, and do, say things about my local psychiatric ward. It's the only way to change things for the better, and it works.

  8. Now I elaborate onthe comment "antisocial when ill." this means alternatively "when ill then antisocial." Therefore, let him have a criminal record as well. The writter of this comment, it seems that does not understand what is antipsychiatry or critical psychiatry.
    Two street upper than the block that I live there is a playground for toddlers. What type of toddlers? Toddlers who sell alchols and cigaretts to under sixteen. toddlers who sit there and smoke canabis toddlers who become violent when neighbouring people ask them to leave that place. It is two years that they write to concil annd police and ask them to demolish the place and do something especially at weekend nights to preventthese type of people go there. But police have not time. During two years once police have checked the area at 11 o'clock in the morning on a weekday and has found nothing. Police have told the people they should go and talk personally with annoying people because during the weekend police have not time. I read this in my local newspaper. This for antisocial and criminal record.
    The police who came from neighbouring city and arrested me while I was caring my minor child at the busiest time of the week -friday night. is in charge of policing of a city where in its town centre people draw gun, stab, push the passerby's to ATM machines with knife. They closed the town centre pub because they had not enough force to secure the town centre. Every month a bi8g gang of armed drug dealers become arreste there. Now, what on the world a fifty five year old disabled retired teacher with wife and child could have done against the social of this area that police should leave its other tasks and come and punish him, perhaps the idiot abuser abusive who has raped the honour of my family and mine only god knows. Are you listening to me? I win. I win. Those who sold me to Satin have not sleep now. You read the newspare, Don't you? I win the way that makes me happy. You are gradually betraying yourselves. Your computer address is different with mine. These people can check.
    But meanwhile I prayed and kept them busy the very next day for a long time.
    Jesus Christ

  9. I find the notion that toddlers can smoke and trade in cannabis or other drugs absurd. You do nothing to enhance your arguments by saying such things. Find me a toddler who can even count high enough to work out how much money to charge anyone, or one with sufficient manual dexterity to hold a cigarette long enough to smoke it without physical assistance. And how much harm can an angry toddler do? Not a lot at that age. An older child, maybe, but not a toddler.

  10. Monk goes to Asylum
    After being discovered in Trudy's old house, Monk is temporarily institutionalised. Once committed, he stumbles upon a decades-old murder. Or is his mind playing tricks on him?

    A confused Monk is found trespassing in the home of his late wife, Trudy, and is sent to the Medford Psychiatric Institute for two days of observation. The hospital, like Monk's scarred psyche, is currently under renovation. Monk meets the hospital's brilliant director, Dr. Morris Lancaster, as well as fellow patients John Wurster - an overly empathic, Zelig-type ("I'm a detective too!") - and Manny, a man in his thirties who still believes in Santa Claus.

    Wurster tells Monk about a murder that took place at Medford four years earlier. A patient named Bill LeFrankie shot and killed Dr. Conrad Gould in the medical supply room, then stole barbiturates and died nearby of a fatal overdose. However, the gun used in the murder was never found, and Wurster confides to his "colleague" Monk that he never believed the official story. At first, Monk pays little heed to Wurster's theory.

    In group therapy, Manny reports looking out his window and seeing Santa Claus hovering over the chimney the night before. Intrigued, Monk later finds what appears to be a swatch of torn red cloth dangling from the chimney. Monk soon begins to suspect a possible connection between what Manny saw on the roof and Dr. Gould's murder. Using a newspaper clipping of the murder scene, Monk re-enacts the Gould slaying, and deduces that the killer most likely wasn't a patient, but a hospital staff member. Monk begins to suspect Dr. Lancaster.

    Lancaster reacts by sabotaging Monk's investigation, manufacturing evidence to "prove" Monk is crazy. He says, “Monk has delusion, has mood swing, he is bipolar.” His efforts are so successful, even Monk starts to believe he is wrong - until Sharona uncovers evidence that supports Monk's theory. Monk resumes his investigation.
    Lancaster lawfully search pockets of patients in their absence, put things in their pockets, destroys evidence. He does whatever he can for the sake of health and control
    The fact that the fishing line is missing from a fishing rod in the director's office soon completes the picture for Monk: Gould was up for the hospital directorship, Lancaster wanted the job, and he shot Gould to get it. Next, he framed a patient for the murder, and then dropped the murder weapon down an unused chimney. Now, four years later, renovation is threatening to expose the gun, so Lancaster arranged to have Manny, the Santa Claus nut, moved into a bedroom that overlooks the chimney. Lancaster then returned to the roof in a Santa Claus outfit so he could literally "go fishing" for the murder weapon, knowing Manny's reports about Santa being on the roof would be dismissed as lunacy.

    Monk confronts "Santa", a.k.a. Lancaster, on the rooftop - just as Lancaster successfully recovers the handgun and points it at Monk's head. However, Sharona and the police arrive in time, and Lancaster is led away in handcuffs, leaving Monk to comment ruefully that, "You accused Manny of hallucination, You wanted to kill Manny, Except for the murders and him trying to kill me, he was the best doctor I ever had."
    Manny Antisocial

  11. Picture Movie The Collector
    You won't dare open your mouth, but you'll be screaming for her to escape!
    A man kidnaps a woman and holds her hostage just for the pleasure of having her there.
    A game of cat and mouse ensues and over the course of the erupting minutes, one is never quite sure what will or will not happen. Will she escape or will evil prevail?
    “I suppose it was the loneliness and being far away from anything else that made me decide to buy the house. And after I did I told myself I'd never go through with the plan, even though I'd made all the preparations and knew where she was every minute of the day.”
    Freddie, a socially withdrawn bank clerk and butterfly collector, decides to expand to collecting human specimens. That's where art student Miranda Grey comes in. Miranda matches wits with Freddie the icy sociopath. Freddie is an inept bank clerk with no future. His only hobby is collecting butterflies, which gives him a feeling of power and control that is otherwise totally missing from his life. He comes into a large sum of money, and buys himself a country house. Still unable to make himself at ease socially, he starts to plan on acquiring a girl friend - in the same manner as he collects butterflies. He prepares the cellar of the house to be a collecting jar, and stalks his victim over several days.
    Miranda Grey: I've stayed the four weeks.
    Freddie Clegg: I just have to have you here a little longer.
    Miranda Grey: Why? What more can I do? What more can you want?
    Freddie Clegg: You know what I want... it's what I've always wanted. You could fall in love with me if you tried. I've done everything I could to make it easy. You just won't try!
    He is that most capable of monsters who needs no makeup or agents from the supernatural world to make his mark, but rather the corrupt nature of a beast that blends so well into the woodwork as to be unseen to the naked eye.
    Upon winning a sweepstakes prize, Freddie Clegg, an inconspicuous and deeply troubled young man, spends his time capturing and cataloguing butterflies. Meeting lovely art student Miranda Grey, he has now found another creature he wishes to possess. Exercising sociopathiacal patience, Freddie manages to bag his prey using a handkerchief soaked in chloroform. He brings Miranda to his isolated farmhouse and holds her prisoner, all the while trying to convince her to love him. Miranda Grey 's liberated woman, open about sex and knowledgeable about art, frustrates Freddie Clegg repressed captor, adding further tension to the situation.
    In the film, Miranda Grey has a profound affection for THE CATCHER IN THE RYE and Salvador Dali, things that Freddie Clegg does not understand. Miranda has little hope of ever enjoying her freedom again but she'll do everything she can to get out alive.
    She morphs from a carefree, young art student to a woman caught in a web of deceit, sexual outbursts and insanity. She has become the latest 'catch' for Clegg, the crown jewel of his collection. Miranda has only one way out -- to learn to love Clegg by being his 'guest'. Will she? It will become a battle of survival of the fittest.
    The book took the form of a diary as written by Miranda after her capture and betrayed all of the emotions, gambits and tragedies that befell the twosome.
    Freddie could not understand what was wrong with detaining the girl. Well, she had everything in detention.
    Freddie believed that the death of the girl was due to her own fault. He wanted to restrain her but she resisted and received injury.
    Freddie was a sociopath.
    Manny Antisocial

  12. Apologies for changing the subject (!) but I have just finished reading the very interesting book by Bracken and Thomas (Postpsychiatry) in which they refer to "the increasing number of psychiatrists participating in the Critical Psychiatry Network (CPN)".

    I know that we owe this blog and the site to Duncan Double but have ANY psychiatrists (apart from Duncan) ever participated in any open discourse on this site? Or is there some other, 'private members club' for Critical Psychiatry o which I have not yet gained membership?

    Phil Barker

  13. You could start one. Surely with your reputation, you could draw in some serious contributors?

  14. If I was inclined, I might be inclined towards cynicism. This website, which purports to represent a radical, paradigm-shifting psychiatric nexus, seems little more than a ghost. I am confident that Duncan Double hovers somewhere in the background but all the 'names' listed as representing 'Critical Psychiatry in Action' seem to resist taking action beyond 'signing up' to the site. As a live event, the 'chatline' is drenched with irony and raving discontent, none of which represents what I assumed 'critical psychiatry' to represent; and this 'blog' (however alternative) has been overtaken by arcane philosophers (?) who write like some Peter Sellers spoof-character, or maybe I am thicker than I think. Whatever, as the young people say.

    The net result is that, despite its proud assertion, this site still has to declare itself as genuinely 'critical psychiatry'. Yes, some intersting paper and links, but these could be found in any published medium. If this is to be an 'internet site' then the 'big names' who purport to support it, or indeed ARE Critical Psychiatry, must put aside their port glasses of an evening and actually commit themselves to communicating their 'critique' via the net. Otherwise, we can all go back to writing/reading books.

    Phil Barker

    Trinity College Dublin

  15. Nutty, do you not give an answer to for The Collector Movie? You can use sentences from that comment

  16. Dear Professor Barker,
    I am very sad that you decided not to pop in this Blog. Your soothing presence was extremely helpful for me to create a narrative of my experience that in turn I believe might be helpful for other people with my experience. I had not any idea about your life and career until yesterday that I visited the Tidal Model website. I found very common points in your biography with mine. I knew you only from your paper appeared in the article section of this website. For the reasons (explained by T Sceff and also one of the articles in this website) that are related to my misery that is being cut for sixteen years from any friendship or conversing party I never assume that Dr Double or you or anybody might have read what I am writing and I have dubbed as Grand Unified Theory. I also did not assume any reaction or response. We know from Aristotle that one type of rhetoric is that the orator talks without arguing with the audience. And audience are allowed to leave if they like. I believe an unidentified agency related to coercive and traditional psychiatry is persecuting me without informing my wife or me. That idea brought to my mind that I should leave my side of the story for knowledge of future people in a safe corner.
    Happily, that agency at last made a mistake to come here and assert itself with anonymous label.
    I have reasons that keep myself anonymous. But, I believe, correct and lawful people do not hide themselves in the darkness. But a criminal makes a mistake at last and adventures to come to daylight. I noticed that the 'NuttySurvivor' at last became rude and started to become abusive toward you. I understood that he wants to cover himself under my anonymous name and create an episode of madness (similar to Manny in the Adrian Monk Story) that might smear my attempts to talk in this website. I suppose there is a way to differentiate its IP address from mine. I do not have money to subscribe to an anonymous hub. Also its language in those few comments is correct language of a native speaker, which is different from my distorted language.
    It is not compulsory for Bloggers to follow a thread. Internet is an angle based on the intrinsic feeling of human beings. In the same way that our minds are connected globally together in the background texture of the universe we have modelled these humble assistances of our memories to be connected together to share our experiences. If you go to thousands and thousands of Blogs some are related to alien worlds civilisations, some to fitness, some to politics some to inventions and here people who are interested to anti-psychiatry or critical psychiatry or whatever. In all of them sooner or later a pathologic bully will come and intervene. All of us know that we should ignore him. If I want to analyse the content of the bully speech who has come here it takes one year and then you will appreciate I do not need Wittgenstein or Chomsky to acknowledge my findings. I experience what they want to scientifically explain. But when I find affirmation in theories of their lifetime work I become very fulfilled. Perhaps, if they become aware, they also become fulfilled. That language is an extreme instant of the language for mental suffering of the opponents, and it is likely that it has been created after the end of matriarchy. Its mild instances are used in politics when two parties are in full war and hostility with each other. I want you to emphasis its magnitude. Who can create that language? Perhaps one day we can discover. The voice that became silence after the story of Adrian Monk and the story of The Collector might give us a clue. I believe it escaped.
    In any way we decided to comeback, but in our own thread. But in this thread we might come and analyse those comments.
    We are using the Internet Blog as a novel, cheap and exciting way of psychoanalysis without spending time and money for an expert analyst. By the way analysts might by some chance come and read it, as I mentioned in Rudyard Kippling poem. You see I hear voices on the Internet in my local computer from a global mind. It is the Internet ‘schizophrenia’. I try to prove that it is not mine. I also imitate a divided Internet personality.
    To reduce the cruel demonic voices I hear on the Internet, I use a random generator of password that logs me without informing me of the password, but perhaps ‘they’ can decipher it. I do not know if such a capability exists for the government-supported intruders or not. I try to clear-cut myself from my enemy.
    Best wishes
    Peter Jones

  17. "I noticed that the 'NuttySurvivor' at last became rude and started to become abusive toward you."

    I do not accept that I have said anything rude or aggressive. On the contrary, I acknowledged Prof Barker's eminent status and warmly suggested that he start his own blog. I should be very surprised if it were not popular if he did. There are few people in the mental health field with the positive reputation amongst both mental health professionals and service users that Prof Barker has.

  18. Above comment: What are you? Are you psychiatrist? Are you a psychiatry user? Are you a survivor? You are talking very intelligent? As you said (you can publish your psychiatry ward and it changes to better) OR (you never publish and it changes to worse). If you wait, how old are you, after fifty years everything would change for you. I do not know. You should decide for what side you are talking. I DID NOT READ YOUR COMMENT. SO YOU ALSO CAN IGNOR MINE. I ONLY NOTICED YOUR NAME. YOU SHOULD DECIDE WHICH SIDE YOU ARE DEFENDING. LATER we analyse your previous comments. Blog means this. You say something and people say something else. You should not think too much. I bring you to SUNshine. Go and read more about Grand Unified Theory. From your previous comments I understand you do not have a psychiatry problem. You should go to political websites and Blogs, but what you have left here is of some value for us. I copy your last comment and keep it for future analysis, because you are great. you are magnificent. You should become president of the Star Trek and whole galaxi. You should go to political sites and offer your bright ideas for international peace and FREEDOM to THEM. I assure you I DID NOT READ YOUR LAST COMMENT BECAUSE OF MY RESPECT FOR YOUR CONFIDENTIALITY.

  19. Comment related ONLY to Nutty Survivor: I believe you are a very masculine handsome gentleman. But unfortunately I do not have your name and address. Will you please leave them for me. I am a bored housewife. Nutty Nutty.

  20. Dear Nutty Survivor you are sending so many spam. Nobody reads those spams. You do not have energy to write something. Anything is useful and helpful. Just anything.

  21. "Dear Nutty Survivor you are sending so many spam. Nobody reads those spams. You do not have energy to write something. Anything is useful and helpful. Just anything." (Peter Jones)

    I have not sent any spam. Perhaps you would clarify which of my postings you regard as spam.

  22. Re: Above comment: enjoy yourself!
    Wolfgang Strauss

  23. Stop spamming MH boards you cunt.

  24. Stop abusing my name nutty survivor , you damn psychiatry yet work for NIMHE . That's a criticism of you as well Duncan. You are being happily paid to do something you claim to loath. Get rid of the day job dude or shut the fuck up.

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  107. I used to work for a chemical company that were bribing the Health and Safety Executive as they had done no pharmacologocal test on their chemicals.
    They employed a psychologist that pretended to be a chemist and he wrote up notes that the chemicals were having anti-psychotic effects on their workers. He told me that he made it up entierly that the chemicals were anti-psychotic as the typical profit on a psychiatric drug is 4000% and they were working on a new one that was going to make 8000% profit. The research was sold to drug companies that wanted to develope anti-psychotic medicines and he told me that they knew he was making up the initial claims that the chemicals were anti-psychotic in effect entierly.
    They sacked me for becoming ill due to being poisoned as there were no pharmacologogal tests done on the chemicals there was no toxicity data on them and so no occupational exposure limit set by the Health and Safety Executive. It was all highly illegal.


  109. Dear Duncan

    I have been a silent CPN member for a long time now. I strayed into this blog to have a look, but this new look and format do not seem to have made any change to the way the site/blog is being used by trolls.
    This is a put-off for people who want to know/discuss about critical psychiatry.

    By your not moderating (I dont know how well you can), you are letting the CPN down. I would like you to either delete the blog or moderate it in a meaningful way.

    Can you not stop the nasty and long posts? Can you not take steps to prosecute the violators?

    Chandrashekar Gangaraju

  110. Hi there,

    I have just launched a new site which aims to expose the way the mental health system fails and re-traumatises adult survivors of severe childhood trauma and abuse. We support the view that no victim of abuse - however distressed - should be given up upon as "incurable". This site calls for a reform of the mental health system and offers survivors a space to share their own stories.

    I am hoping to collect as many survivor voices as possible to serve as testiment to the harm misguided "services" can cause....

    Hope it goes down well!


  111. Also does anyone know of a suitable place to study for a PhD in Critical Pyschiatry from an Anthropological/ Philosphical Perspective? Anywhere on the globe....???

  112. Hey just joining, glad to be here! I'm Aliya and I'm inspired by my husband, I'm a fan of operating and getting nutritious :)

    Sooo anyways, enough about me, see you close to and hello once again haha.

    PS, how do I change the little picture thingy like some people have, I like it but can't figure it out haha

  113. Hey just becoming a member, glad to be in! I'm glad to be right here eventually, heading to post considering the fact that I've been reading a lengthy time.

    Sooo anyways, enough about me, see you about and hello once again haha.

    PS, how do I change the little picture thingy like some people have, I like it but can't figure it out haha
