Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Labelling differences between people as neurodevelopmental

I want to take further what I was saying about ADHD in a recent post. Over recent years, ADHD has been classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder with identification of comorbidity between ADHD and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). Claims that ADHD is a genetic condition (see previous post) are consistent with the hypothesis of a genetic neurodevelopmental continuum of intellectual disability, ASD, ADHD and other childhood conditions including tic disorders. The concept of neurodiversity (see article in The Atlantic), meaning intrinsic diversity of brain function, implies that neurodevelopment disorders are not necessarily pathological but may merely represent brain differences. 

People are different. The clamour to find a psychiatric diagnosis to explain our difficulties, eccentricities and odd behaviour may not necessarily increase our understanding of the reasons for these problems and differences. Admittedly these may be difficult to understand, at least initially, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try. These issues are complex and differences between people are not just due to their brains or genes. I agree with advocates of neurodiversity about human rights and the need for society to adapt to individual differences. That doesn’t necessarily mean, however, that increasing the diagnosis of ADHD and other neurodevelopmental diagnoses is the answer to understanding and managing our differences from others.

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