Thursday, November 03, 2005

New blog

New blog for critical psychiatry - please post your comments.


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Peter Jones said...

From Sodom book above, we understand that another group of wretched on the earth were relieved from their sin. We might then deliberate what is the sin at all.

Peter Jones said...

Are you involved withtheology, clairvoint, summoning the spirits and these things. At first you were following ideas of hard science.

Peter Jones said...

Before emerging of modern scientific methods, people used to wonder what is that ancient building there. Who has made, for example, the pyramids? We already said that even modern people attribute it to alien civilisations. They were so huge nobody could believe they were made by their own great grand fathers. They attributed it to ghouls and Jennies or angels. Now, we have gathered and compared all evidences and know they were built by serious people, by precise mathematical calculations and even project management just as we make a big stadium for Olympics. At that time, the architects who were erecting those buildings could happen that they had not any belief in the purpose of that building. It was similar to modern companies. When a company contracts to make a football stadium, many of the staff might not have the least interest in football or any sport at all. We have noticed that even in one of the pyramids they had to revise their calculations in the middle of construction work and change the slope of the building. There are many failed projects of making pyramids before they become able to construct a good one. In my place, there were cuneiform texts inscribed on the remote mountains. People believed they were handwritings of Jennies describing the place of their treasures. Then people came and after many years of study they could decipher them. It was the language of their own ancestors. They could understand many words if they listen very carefully in the same way that we understand Beowulf. It all looked superstitions but by careful examination and gathering all related data we could unveil some part of the story.
Now Sodom was suddenly demolished, because in a city of maximum ten thousand people ten or hundred people were homosexual god became angry only with those poor people and then god forgot to become angry with all the other nations after that from ancient Greeks to India civilisations and Romans and Arabs, and people in New York. So we should search and search to understand why that story has created.
What we say is a materialistic explanation based on experiments of an individual.
But, you should be warned that we do not paraphrase the religious texts and declaring them as a set of symbols with another meaning. We want to relate them to our Grand Unified Theory. Relating has another meaning than interpreting. We are interested frequently in why rather than how. We frequently know the answer to how, but we do not say it until later. It is all matter that matters. If you compare yourself with a basic compound of methane, carbon dioxide, water and ammonium, and draw a straight line as the path between them and extrapolate the simple line you can get to story of future as told by Siddhartha in one of the previous comments. But it is not a simple line. It is an asymptotic steep curve toward infinity. Happening that story is subject to survival of human being. If you cannot erect the foundations for survival, the city might be demolished. We have a ‘Thing’ from the ancient time that acts against our existence. It is always there. It is the ‘Thing’ that becomes young again and again in every generation of human beings. It is not Jew or English or Japanese or Arab. It is a quantum machine against us. We cannot fulfil its thirst or hunger or negotiate with it in any way. If you cannot believe try to talk to monitor of your computer. It does not answer. But it seems that it is alive with a stream of data and pictures and response and everything. Perhaps some of you might know if you have ever tried to talk with the voices you are hearing in your mind.
We do everything to continue our existence. It is not solely by producing an offspring. We teach, we sew, we do ironing, we paint, we talk we laugh. The material world has become complex such that we have such immense capability. What other capacity we have. We can basically study chemistry of molecules. Suddenly a molecule a big molecule decides to create another molecule completely similar to itself. But a cell is not one single molecule. It is a complex of molecules they coordinate with each other to create a similar complex. If I believe this story then I should believe any other story, such as walking on the water, or making the moon out of cheese.
We used the word quantum machine for the first time. Later we might use it again and again.
Grant Hardy

Peter Jones said...

"Life is dangerous - anything can happen, but is better than the half dead ‘safety’ of George Orwell’s 1984, which is what this government has in store for us.
Donnard White"
I change the above to:
Life is dangerous - anything can happen, but is better than the half dead ‘safety’ of George Orwell’s 1984, which is what the ‘Thing’ has in store for us.
Leonardo diPardo

Peter Jones said...

Why do you think the society should be based on the cat and mouse game? What is bad to live in a society where everybody is transparent and live in a panopticon? Have not you seen the TV report about recent advances in Remote Viewing? Did you notice how the lady was exciting if she could live in a future telepathy society? The corporate gentleman was talking about application of remote viewing in management? How the university teacher believed it increase the intelligence and learning capability of students. They can create chair and publish articles and change you to a cockroach. Are you a classical moralist or a criminal who is afraid of being exposed?

Peter Jones said...

In one of the articles in this website somebody says, "Why the lunatics do not detain the psychiatrist? Perhaps a psychiatrist might also be nuts."
Why do you think you become a member of governing people of panopticon and you never become one of the governed people? (We have another cause. Stay in neutral twilight:) The leader of workers in the Second World War said, "I am a piece of the machinery of workers for their leadership. I do not care if in case they arrest my sister." We know that that actually happened. He believed even in case they should arrest him. Panopticon is a machine. It starts from perverting the law for an individual and ends to everybody.
Leonardo diPardo

Peter Jones said...

I believe I should talk with Manny Butterfly. All others are talking nonsense.

Peter Jones said...

I cannot interview now. I am busy watching snooker and painting the fence.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Yanis: Manny, do you know Edgar Alan Poe?
Manny: Yes.
Yanis: How?
Manny: I read his collected poetry and few short stories: "I stand amid the waves..." I can remember.
Yanis: do you understand the significance of my question?
Manny: Absolutely? My name is from Adrian Monk short stay at asylum. Adrian Monk was in unification with Manny.
Yanis: Good. What about William Faulkner?
Manny: I read 'Moses Go down' and others. I can remember the scholar with eta, kappa, nu or phi beta, kappa membership and every detail of his other stories that later I discuss.
Yanis: Thank you. Do you think how many pages of this word processor you need to explain only one day of your suffering?
Manny: Ten thousand?
Yanis: So you can stop when it finished.

Peter Jones said...

Now it is time to return to investigate the human sacrifice.
Your people, here in developed part of the world, open the graves and sympathize with the victims of human sacrifice. Those actions were done by voting of a group of wise and elders empowered by the consent and respect of the people. Community was cooperating with the witch and did not pay attention to implores and excuses of the victim. If he wanted to escape he would be returned. All rituals were based on some allegations such as protecting the society and individual from some evil, disease or impurity. All rituals were conducted according to the most restricted ethical and legal procedures in the society. Only the victim had not the right of a vote for the appeal and challenge. They believed he could not understand how it was good for him not to live anymore.
These are the reasons that it is always necessary to ask the victim if he believe that should be done to him and inform him of the identity of good doers such that if he decides to challenge and inform the people of any abuse.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

Somehow the 'Thing' tries to incite us to write these things to authorities and parliament people. We believe, It wants us to create a case of simulated M'Naghten to create distress and push forward justification for perverting human rights in coercive psychiatry. Even Dr Jed (I cannot remember his surname) who was apparently from the traditional psychiatry in his debate in the parliament commission on mentally ill disability frequently reiterated that using force has not any effect of creating change in people including 'mentally ill'. It seemed that Ms Joan Humble, the labour MP, was appreciating Jed's comments in this regard. Ms humble is inclined to right, but she is very defensive of the Gay's rights. No progressive view was present there. Those who were, behaved as if they were X-factor show candidates.
Hence, we do not write anything to authorities. Jurist scholars, intellectual judges and lawyers and critical psychiatrists and similar individuals should do that job with an authoritative and coherent position and language. We leave these things for the history.

Peter Jones said...

Many of these thing you say could be found in sience fictions.

Peter Jones said...

Science fictions are fantasy and imagination works. They are patchy and non-consistence, especially those of motion pictures. Sometimes they are fictious works with a setting in future. They can set them in pirates’ stories, westward ho stories, European aristocracy stories. They have a theme that could be at any setting. Some of their writers are under fix paid employment. Then they might be used to chase a political, normally extreme militant right, agenda. You may notice they might even promote the ideas of ANTI anti-psychiatry. They assume that mostly crackpots watch or read those types of things that even ebb to the level of comic books. Then they assume that sooner or later some of those crackpots will be visiting a psychiatry institution and it is safer for them to be convinced about forced medication and physical restraint and electroshock and banishment from the society. Even once I noticed that the camera took the doctor in the Star Gate in a screen wide close up, and she said, “In contrast to some fears, electro convulsive treatment now-a-days is the most effective and safest way of treatment for these types of hallucinations. Interesting enough that that hallucination had created a rebel thinking in the dark child against the establishment. So his father shocked the boy with his own hand. It reminded me of some training movies produced during nineteen sixties somewhere to teach the tactics of peasant guerrilla warfare. The important points normally were mentioned by an attractive young girl in a close up large frame (Those movies could be based on a very humanist nature; we have another cause).
Some writers of science fictions have a trait of craze and might approach to this type of writing. Some under the influence of acid can experience hallucinations related to global mind, and reflect them in their writings. Occasionally some of those science fictions become time enduring classics like Ray Bradbury’s. Then they are serious alarming materials that can happen to human being. Then if we do not think about them we cannot maintain our existence as human beings. They help us to feel the heat.
Our writing is not science fiction. It is not poetry and literature. It is not politics. It is not philosophy. It is careful observation and reporting of a phenomenon, which is the mother of science, politics, poetry, and human civilisation.
Grant Hardy

Peter Jones said...

You may ask why we are trying to seal things as much as possible. It is because of the long experience that we have with Manny Butterfly. Later we explain how we ruled out any possibility of implant and radio waves and these things for him. Now, perhaps we can rule out other possibilities of any other suspicion or perhaps we can find an objective ground for suspicions and pull our Grand Unified Theory together.
Mad'dieu Bourbaki

Anonymous said...


Good to see you growing , in a
world of shrinks.

One of the few , who deserves
any respect at all , is you .

Lets hope the Gothic Old World
display of Psychiatric Human Bondage, becomes less intent
on correction , and more intent
on healing , from your
free direction .

Well wishes and Peace , to You,
Yours, and the blog.

Thanks, and Good luck

Peter Jones said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Peter Jones said...

We said that Grand Unified Theory should be able to explain objective findings of other theories. It has been observed that using lobotomy or ECT have some effect on 'mental illness' in some cases. What is the explanation of those effects in our theory? It happened that once Manny Butterfly had a very severe flu for couple of weeks with all muscular pain and coughing and temperature. After those couple of weeks the pressure of the 'Thing' on him had reduced one order of magnitude, at least. We concluded that during this period his mind was so busy handling his physical situation that could ignore signals receiving from the 'Thing'. When somebody goes under lobotomy or ECT his body becomes so injured that his mind leaves his other works and starts to heal his body. During this period it seems that the victim does not have his usual behaviour, which is labelled as 'mentally ill behaviour'. After a while, it is likely that the symptoms return, as almost all the victims have reported.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

That can also explain the effect and root of the self harming behaviour. Is not it?

Peter Jones said...

Not in that way.
See, the 'Thing' can incite that behaviour. One might obey the 'Thing' in doing that. It is possible that one might attribute some human emotions to the 'Thing' and want to elicit pity from the 'Thing'. Later Manny Butterfly describes his experience.
We should explain that behaviour as in a spectrum to be able to accommodate it in our Grand Unified Theory.
The 'Thing' likes to bring that behaviour in a crave for destruction of the whole life and the universe.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

That crave is the frustration of living in a panopticon where the hidden world is exposed. All beings ask for annihilation in harmony.

Peter Jones said...

This is not a main discussion in our Grand Unified Theory, but I am eager to give my humble idea about it. It is now-a-days centre of attention. It is the story of bloodline. That is, blood line of prophets. From Abraham afterward the human sacrifice takes the form of a symbolic ritual that could not terminate with death of the victim by the 'Thing'. It is the secret of survival of our civilisation after Abraham. Abraham ritually and symbolically took his son to altar to confront the blood shedding of the 'Thing'. He was known as a prophet ‘resolute’. It means he declared himself for survival of all humanity. After him people became wide-awake about the 'Thing'. His bloodline was survival. Both of his sons survived and created the civilisation free from panopticon. Then they pass it to Romans and Nordics and Asians. Africans had the baton from Noah's son. Noah's son became black when he saw his father's office. That is, Africans became son of Noah. He had the office and he passed it to them as the father passes to his son.
But the ‘Thing’ prevails partially. The prophets are ridiculed as mad and profane by the ‘Thing’. Somebody comes who is valid and sane and he is different from the prophet, as it is that the prophet has ways to the hidden world and is involved in neutralising the ‘Thing’. But this valid person is an earthly rebel who disseminates the ‘words’ in the earthly manner. He is an instance of the ‘Language’ or mother tongue. And he is an instance of the ‘Morality’ or the father tongue. He becomes engaged with the impostors who back the ‘Thing’. Impostors kill him He is the blood line or ‘Sang Real’. He is the carrier of the holiness or ‘San Grail’.
Siavoush was the bloodline for Zorost. He passed his blood to Yahia – John the Baptiser. Zoroastrians used to beat themselves on his martyrdom day every year on their breasts and with rope tassels or sometimes chain on the back.
Yahia said, “I wane when you wax.” He loses blood to irrigate words of Jesus. But Christian mostly Catholics used to) do the similar Siavoush rituals for jesus. This is the reason that they are searching for the bloodline or for the holly womb.
Yahia passed the bloodline to Hossain (Sang Real), son of Fatima (San Grail), daughter of Mohammad. Mohammad was the ‘word’ or ‘Nous’ that is the wisdom. Two equal existences started the creation: Sang Real and San Grail.
Where is Hossain? His body is in Karballa. Shiehs do that ritual in a festival every year. Where is his head? His head was in Assqalan next to head of John the baptiser.
Temple Knights were accused, as part of their confession that they were worshipping the Bafomet . What is the Bafomet ? It is distorted Latinised form of Bani Fatima (sons of Fatima). They were worshipping head of Hossain. They were accused of worshipping head of John the baptiser. They were accused of having ‘Sang Real’ or ‘San Grail’. All attributions are real and correct. When human knows his enemies equal and overwhelming he marry with them. As the sister of Richard the Lion Heart supposed to marry with Saladin’s brother. This happened to Knights of Temple among mysticism of Mosslems.
Where is the bloodline after Hossain? It goes to the second Hossain: Manssour, the Cotton Monger (Duvet Maker?) Manssour who was a scholar became mad and shouted in streets that he was the Almighty God. They took him and hung him. He became the father of mysticism. After that, blood changed to madness. You cannot get the secret until you become mad. When you awake you become mad. Revealing these secrets is because that I am Him.

Peter Jones said...

From above comment I notice that another group of ‘wretched on the earth’ were relieved then. Also those rituals include a self-harming behaviour. I saw in TV news that rituals among Catholics and Shiehs may be accompanied with some blood shedding injuries. It seems that we have unified self-harming behaviour with ontology description of existence. What about the other followers of Mohammad? What is the bloodline for them?

Peter Jones said...

Yes, another group were relieved. And those self harming behaviour is ontological near to self-harming labelled as 'illness'. Their stories tell us they harm themselves to share the immense pain and suffering tolerated by the victim of the 'Thing', and because that they are ashamed of leaving him alone and collaborating with the 'Thing'. Self-harming behaviour of those poor souls is due to pressure of the 'Thing'. They are prophets for themselves because they have a tap to the hidden world and the 'Thing' suffers them. They send alarming distress signals to global mind of human beings.
Mohammad frequently has said that he is reviving the tradition of Abraham in taking the blood to sheep. So many of his followers go there every year and sacrifice a sheep.
But mystics of the all of his followers regardless of their factions believe in the blood of Hossain and madness of Manssour as progressing toward 'perfect human'.
Mad'dieu Bourbaki

Peter Jones said...

I sent my version of the holly grail story for Dr Karen Ralls who was interested in this subject.

Peter Jones said...

Have we finished the Noah's book?

Peter Jones said...

Perhaps we never could.
The 'Thing' tells me that 'it' has flooded me overwhelmingly by isolating me from everybody in the world. Everybody helps to suppress me.
I have no doubt about the flood. But I already have equipped my vessel with all the animals and humans that want to survive to exist. That vessel is a Stern-Gerlach quantum machine that works on me. I decide which path I should select for my whim. The people who follow in harmony with DJ will pass through the machine in right direction, that is, through the flood. There everything gets to the Grand Unified Existence. Those who do not, will become flooded by the 'Thing'.

Peter Jones said...

What is that quantum machine?

Peter Jones said...

Already we heard from Siddhartha that there is whim and decision in creation. It is the picture that we have from quantum mechanics about the world. It is certainty in uncertainty. Did you think that such aggregate of millions and millions of extremely large complexes of molecules each containing thousands of atoms with immense number of quantum mechanical states follow the pictures of poor professor someone under MRI picturing?
If you want to put their information on the DVD's you can fill the volume of Milky Way with DVD’s. Now go and find information about how Antonio Vivaldi has become an accomplished musician among those DVD’s.
Whim and decision are inherently in the nature. We saw in the Siddhartha picture that after doing every thing in one billion year it take hundred billion years for human to find out how to whim. If you do not how to whim the ‘Thing’ that is a quantum machine against us will overcome.
Grant Hardy

Peter Jones said...

Why do you think that Yahia, John the baptiser was bloodline and Jesus himself could not be the bloodline?

Peter Jones said...

Jesus was (is) the word. He was (is) dealing with the hidden world and the 'Thing'. He is 'The Language' and He is 'The Morality'. He is the prototype, the first original copy. The 'Thing' is a machine and is dedicated only to annihilate the 'word'. The ‘Thing’ chases Jesus only. Bloodline is an earthy being and deals with impostors. He is an instance of 'The Language' and an instance of 'Morality'. He is a very authentic replica. Impostors are human beings with earthy ambitions of human being. You can remember that we differentiated between Anti-Christ (or Dadjjal or the ‘Thing’) with the Impostor Christ (or Djaffar the Liar).

Peter Jones said...

It seems that you are from those parts of the world and want to promote those ideas. It is not bad but you should be honest.

Peter Jones said...

No, we are after the Grand Unified Theory. We believe all these ideas are from a single source but with different shadings. They are instances of the single global idea. Our discovery is that the language has an instinct (now forgive me for using this word) global reservoir and can create instances in Native Americans, in aboriginals of Australia and in Altaic tribes. How a cat knows the approaching animal is a cat and is not a dog? Our discovery is that that in his mind he has got picture of a very big global cat. If he loses that picture he will die. Specie becomes extinct when that global picture fades and dies. Then the whole universe will collapse because the universe does not exist out there. It exists as the whim in the global mind (of that specie). But it is not certain. It is only a dialectic of existence with nothingness. If we want we can destroy it with one loud shout, as it happened in the loneliness of Sodom. If we whim we can say, “Be there!” Then it is there. We believe the same reservoir exists for moral behaviour. We do not say you should follow the principles of morality because we do not know what are those principle. We begin from the scratch. We are only a group of ants.
Anthony Queen

Peter Jones said...

It seems you are confused about John the Baptiser. He was living before Jesus. He baptised Jesus. What is about his blood that is related to dissemination of Christianity after Jesus?

Peter Jones said...

No, I am not confused. They believed Jesus was an out of marriage child and could not be cleaned by washing even with all those complicated procedures. The religion that was around me is actually a simplified version of temple people, with acknowledging Jesus as a divine entity and some direct tradition of Abraham. Hence, I have seen that even in that simplified version how many different types of washing and prayers should be done around the clock. John took the burden and simply washed the child as clean by pushing Him in the river and that was all. John said, “Well, you do not know who is his father. God Made his mother pregnant," a very true assertion. John was a real rebel with validity of people with status. Temple people were religious. They believed in God. They were theologians. They had rituals sent by God for every breath and every occasion. They believed God created the sun and the earth and oceans and the tip of their finger. But when it came to prove their beliefs to attribute creation of a fatherless child to God they became hooligans and said it was impossible that God makes a woman pregnant. John was not a lunatic and he was not hearing voices and had not hallucinations and he was not mute and was learned and could take issue to courts. John could move the people by his connections, by stories about his birth that people could believe, by name of his father. They cut his head. Jesus was arguing and was self-constructed. He was hearing voices and was busy in some other world. He had not a clan to defend Him. He was mute. So as it is in his stories the establishment had not any idea about him being a rebel. But , but establishment and temple people and many people in the street knew him. How? The ‘Thing’ shows him. Only the ‘Thing’ knows who keeps the beat.
Once, you asked some people doubt if such person ever exist, let alone we want to analyse him. Well, then we analyse only it as myth. There is no difference. He exists as if a physical reality.
Having said these, one might ask that how do I know. I compare Him with Moses, Mohammad, and me.

Peter Jones said...

Then why you say that you do not establish principles for morality?

Peter Jones said...

All that we can add to other human struggles is this. We cannot put such principles in the same way that we cannot put principles for creation of instances of language. What language you want to create? Silence? Instances of languages become created naturally without any principle. When you have it there, human children learn them by evolution. A human embryo passes stages of evolution until its birth. Then some more stages until a stable flat period. Then it becomes degenerated and then down there back to chemical elements. Part of its existence is having the language ontologically. It is not good or bad. It happened that a German linguist in nineteenth century study many languages and discovered a mother-language, a hypothetically as the root of all these languages. He proposed that those people with that mother-language perhaps were higher in intelligence as specie that were able to create such a flexible language with such a vast spread, and other human beings were a lower specie in evolution. A decade later he understood that it is a matter of geography and not a group of people, and he withdraw his previous advertisement. Of course it was somehow late for being regretful and some people put that superiority at the centre of some ideology. Why it is not related to superiority of that group of people. The mistake is that that those languages and the root mother-language are only instances of human language and all human are equal in that capacity. We cannot propose any principle for a better language or evaluating them. Prison warden believes he is a superior race in having moral behaviour, but prisoners or lunatics are lacking morality hence they are subhuman. Here even the instances of morality of prison warden and his subjugates are the same only they have a difference in dialect. You and your wife, I mean here in Marseille, go to beach with your wife in bikini. But the neighbouring chair has his wife topless. You have only a difference in dialect. You go down there in the beach ladies jump with their scarves and clothing in the seawater. Who knows perhaps you have only a difference in dialect not even in instances of morality. Morality reservoir in the human global mind creates taboos and creates autonomy in morality similar to autonomy in language. Being frightened or become frightened of authorities is ridiculous. It is ridiculous. It is ridiculous. It is called conforming and complying. If you push your child, when he is acquiring language, mostly before five, to follow grammar, upon frustration he complies. This takes us back to follow more of story of bloodline. But somebody else will do it later.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

To be able to relate the bloodline to Grand Unified Theory., we follow its line. After Manssour (the Cotton Dresser) madness became the criteria for awakening and unification with universe. Great mystics had an episode that they encounter an unknown tramp mad who tell them or act for them a shocking phrase or action and make that person, normally with an established status mad and passionate, such that he leaves his position and joins to circle of mad people (story of one of them has been retold from his biography by William James in his book, Religion and Psyche (?)). The next person in those places who take the blood from Manssour came in fourteenth century, who created a movement called literalists (?) He believed God is not ‘words’ but He is the letters (phonemes, alphabets, dots and umlauts). He was a poet with beautiful odes. They took him and painfully tortured him and cut his head.
What is the significance of his assertion? We said global mind has a reservoir for creating language that in evolution of human being has been developed and generates instances of language. Recently during last thirty thousand years human mind is inclined to put the words for the next generations. Whatever we have in our global mind we want to realise them in the outer word. In the inner world we communicate with each other and with future generations. We want to have it in the outer world. It seems that the passion of writing (alphabets, letters) is becoming or has become a global ontological feature of human mind next to and after evolution of language (words). We know Mohammad first verse was “Read!” and one of his last verses was “I swear to the pen!” He was illiterate few people in his society could read and write.
Thirty thousand years seems a short time for evolution. But human started to write before that for tens of thousands years by drawing shapes on the dirt using branches and stones until gradually learned to use charcoals and natural paints to perpetuate them. Also evolution as we said is not a linear phenomenon. As we claimed earlier it is steep and asymptotically ascending to infinity with an ever-increasing steepness.
These observations make us to believe that human being has as a part of his global mind ontological art of writing.

Peter Jones said...

Because we are eager to continue the interview, I should ask you a question. Don't you think that what you are writing are self revealing and could be interpreted as signs and symptoms?

Peter Jones said...

No, we are going to seal everything. We know that those types of analysis are done for Jesus Christ, Moses, Mohammad, and everybody else. Courage is our creed. So many stories attributed to them is because they wanted to clear everything.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

We are now crippled by recurring arthritis pain. We continue somehow. We are not hopeless.
Mad'dieu Bourbaki

Peter Jones said...

Perhaps you mean his last verse was:
“(Swear) By the pen and the record which writes"
"Thou art not, by the grace of thy Lord, mad"
"And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character”

Peter Jones said...

Yes, that is correct. With that we like to begin the books of Moses and Mohammad. Our assertion is that all four , Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad were people of unknown families and parents. It is important for us because we want to claim that that was the reason that they could become victims of human sacrifice. I mean victims of the 'Thing'.
Abraham parents are not known to the storytellers. He was with his uncle who was a sculptor making idols. Name of his uncle was name of a colander month. Hence, he had not a family to defend him. He also had lucid dreams, hearing voices asking him to sacrifice his son with his own hand.

Peter Jones said...

Do you believe in superstition and palmistry and illusionism and these things?

Peter Jones said...

No. You can remember that we said some people believed Pyramids were made by ghouls and cuneiform texts were written by Jennies. Those people were superstitious. They just used to refer some unknown to another unknown. Well, they had an answer for their question, but they did not like to go further. Science and human mind means to uncover a mystery and then go to next mystery. If that pursue gets to its end then there remains nothing worse to live. We are creating Grand Unified Theory with asking why all the time and responding that we do not know. Why Jesus and Moses and Mohammad became so important for human being. We briefly considered philosophy and could mend the broken vase around Socrates. For the first sweep their positions are clearer now. We like to study life to bring all the questions around this question: “Why a cell divides?” We cannot answer that question, definitely. Its answer is in realm of impossibility. But we continue to ask. What truth accompanies those people? People are ready to die for them. Giordano Bruno died for the truth. He was a monk and he was also ready to die for Jesus. He was a bridge to connect two realms of science and knowledge to eternal chase of the truth.
Hence we are not superstitious. We are a group of ants and would like to attach to each other to make the body of a human being in its totality.
Anthony Queen

Peter Jones said...

Wait a minute! We should not become very far from your case. You believe an unidentified agency is chasing you around and asking people that you might know or you want to contact having annoying behaviour with you. They also has put your family and you under constant surveillance to prevent you to escape from their constant control. You also believe that they have a tool that is apparently a genderless human type with the capacity that it can read the content of your mind around the clock as if it is all the time with you. Hence, if you decide to go, for instance, to see your dentist ‘they’ become aware and contact with him to be annoying with you, and 'they' have perverted the laws such that the dentist is convinced to collaborate with them. Isn't it?
And you believe it is similar to the persecution of Jesus Christ.
And you believe that they are more interested to this ‘discovery’ of reading the mind than your ‘well being’ or your family ‘well being’ and in these occasions the best cover is that you are a lunatic and your life is already ruined and doing some further ‘safe’ treatment on you does not make your situation worse and by the way it might become helpful and out of their benevolence they selected you from a beggar corner of the world and have provided you with free mental health care at the warmth of your home. It is better than taking you to lunatic house and shock you and give you painful medicines.
If you are affirmative, then you are leaving the most classic trait of schizophrenia in presence of the world and you are helping them to establish their allegations.
Why, instead of this, you do not change yourself and become positive and go to your, for instance, dentist and positively and respectfully sit under his hand and allow him to say whatever he likes and prove ‘them’ that ‘they’ are wrong? Is not this being like Jesus Christ rather than discussing so much unrelated subjects on the Internet?

Peter Jones said...

Anti-psychiatry means that you are lunatic and you have equal dignity with all other humans. Why Should I write against a group of doctors whom I do not know them and I have no training of their discipline? A crippled person who goes five years to court and then stealthy goes to Switzerland to be terminated is because to give the world one lesson: human dignity is above every other means of life. She had not any other asset but her life. She gives it to gain her dignity back.
Just suppose that it is true that 'they' can read your mind in anyway then it deserves that I resist as much. Did you read story of brain-damaged lady who was under assertive therapy? What was the reason of her resistance to change to ‘healthy and sane’? What that disable 'dysfunctioned' shares with Mozart? It is having equal dignity of free will.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

It seems that you have too much gunpowder to explode? Did you have any record or history of violence in there, in your native country, for example, in police or courts, before your delusion of persecution starts and after that before coming here. Have you had any record of going to a ‘mental' hospital? Did you ask in your native country for any free or paid 'mental illness care’ help? Have you had any domestic violence with your wife, little or big? Did you know anybody in your native country to go to psychologist for counselling or intervention? Was there any social worker at all or any law at all to allow any agency to intervene in any private matter of people such as their ‘mental illness’ or their other diseases or trying to solve their problems? Tell me what happens if a 'mentally ill' person exhibits its ... thing in a public bus? Yes, because you believe your persecution has started from down that place, I like to find the root of your delusion to see if there is any justification for that? Explain for me what was the situation of medical agencies in your native country.

Peter Jones said...

The answer to all of your questions is negative. If somebody does that in the public and people notice that he has done it out of madness then they laugh and they give him some cent and penny. But if he attack people then they serve him. If he assault a lady then they flog him. If he rapes then they kill him. Why they should think he should be dealt differently because of his madness. They do these things with a 'functional, useful' person why they should care for and save a mad criminal. But if a sane person intervene openly in politics or starts to become abusive toward the government or beliefs purported by the government then the government and police react immediately. If they recognise him as 'mentally dysfunction and ill' after long scrutiny in the jail as a schizophrenic and believe that he is just a harmless 'shizoferenee' they might leave him. If he repeats his calumny in the public he might die in a car accident or other sudden deaths.
For medical agencies some other people might have information.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Before beginning of your persecution delusion did you believe that you had a special capacity, such as being a genius, or a selected one or a hero or a person with special calibre such as leadership, or had been a pious or extremely religious or extreme political or gifted or with a mission to enlighten world or save them or did you write to leaders and politicians of your native country or foreign delegates for any reason. Did you hear voices or see dreams that instructed you to do something odd. Did you suddenly become changed and angry or sad or hopeless of remark of other people? Did you become suddenly shaking upon receiving an adverse comment or go to sleep while you were thinking to adverse discourses of the day. Did you think too much to death? Had you been self-harming? Did you think that you have had a bad fortune and wished if you could have another different destiny or birth? How old were you that you decided that some unidentified agency was chasing you?

Peter Jones said...

The answer to all of your questions is negative. I was almost forty.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Had you addiction to cigarettes or did you abuse any categorised substance or alcohol or drinking too much tea and coffee?
Did you sport strange hairstyles and fashions or live alone or live alone with an animal?
Could you sustain a routine chore or job such as working in a retail twilight shift and set merchandises on a shop floor level worker for few more bobs for your family or you preferred to have a hectic night out with friends?
Did you become electrified if you thought to steal something?
Did you become electrified if you thought to do an uninvited approach to an individual of opposite sex?
Did you feel remorse upon transgressions?
Were you a loner or you had association with friends? How many friends did you have?

Peter Jones said...

I had not any addiction. I did never drink tea or coffee. I even did not take painkiller. I believed nature could heal the pain. I would drink tea when I had a cold.
I had simple ordinary clothing and hair.
I'd prefer the job and could sustain it.
Affirmative is my answer to your other questions.
Before the 'Thing' comes in my life I had one hundred friends calling them with their first name (there you never use first name when you are in formal situations). All of them wanted me to marry with one of their near relatives, because they knew me of good character and birth. They knew I had not any family and clan and they wanted me to join to their clan and extended family. There, marriages are arranged and if you are family-less it is very difficult that they accept you for their daughters.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Did you watch blue films and magazines? Have you ever liked to see females or males or opposite sex individuals or group of individuals making intercourse with each other, or watch nude males or females or minors? Do you like to see graphics or beheading or coroner's room or listen to or read stories about incest?

Peter Jones said...

No, definitely not.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Those materials mentioned by Yanis are divided in two sections. One part of them are, supposedly, completely illegal and banned. It remains the legal ones such as blue material; we believe they are abuse of human rights because it is not known that they are prepared by real consent of adults participating in them. Participants could accept some other job if they had the alternative choice. Even we have advised to Butterflys to avoid watching fashion shows prepared in places such as Brazil. They could be based on slavery and human trafficking.

Peter Jones said...

Please do not give slogans! I am talking to Manny. I continue. Manny, are you without prejudice and have any document or witness to prove your assertion? If affirmative, then what the hell you were doing that you believe 'they' should chase you and impose treatment on you in that resource-less part of the world? How did you come here? Do you believe that the unidentified agency helped you to settle here?

Peter Jones said...

Yes, I am without prejudice. I was doing none of those things. I was family-less and after my marriage I wanted to have many children and go to family parties at weekends as it is the custom of those people, to relatives of my wife and talk and gossip with them about recent undulations in real estate market and safe politics related to price of foreign exchange and gradually go to business of building development and become rich.
When I recognised I could not eliminate the source of my persecution delusion, I sold all my assets cheaply, paid twenty thousand dollars to a bird smuggler. They used to smuggle very rare species of eagles from mountains of that country for Arabs. I knew them from Leonardo diPardo who was a mountaineer coming in those places for mountaineering. The smuggler put my wife and my daughter and me in the cage of eagles and as usual paid to guards and passed me through the airport to a flight to Morocco. On the way we get out in a European stop and changed to here.
As Grant Hardy and Wolfgang and Cyrus and Mahdi and Leonardo know we were not bogus in any situation or any time after 1974 until today here or in the US and we did not need any help to push our case and we are sure about this. Even in the US there is a specific item of law passed by their congress after 1980 that includes us. Perhaps later we can have opportunity to write those stories.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Perhaps you are obsessive convulsive like Adrian Monk and gradually your stress has made you delusive and paranoid.

Peter Jones said...

He is the best example that shows how nature can heal. He is actually obsessive in title. He negotiates when an emergency requires him to put his obsession aside.
Also it shows how his friends behave naturally, tolerating and unbiased with him.
People tolerate if nobody intervenes. They have done it when there were no human rights and they were living in caves and jungles: "There is Jungle out there!"
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Look, if I convince you that you are in delusion. Then I remain and all of you blow.
If you convince me that such an intervention and such a creature that can read the mind from a distance, actually exist Then Cyrus, Mahdi, and Isus remain and all others including me will blow.
If neither of us can convince the other then only you remain like many other lunatics with their lifetime ‘mental illness’.
Have you ever heard such a persecution happens in a modern society?

Peter Jones said...

It seems that we are at the beginning of the road.
Yes, such an intervention with some of its characterisations has happened documented in recent years. But I do not know how much it is similar to mine and how much of it is actually real or just propaganda.
After demolition of East Germany, a lady asserted that she ad been under a mysterious government persecution, labelled as a lunatic, people were instructed to annoy her. She had not any politically important problem. She took a video camera and could find five thousand people out of many people helping to that scheme. They were sorry for doing that suffering to her. At the time they were successful to seal such a number of people to deny any information. This shows that it is possible if a government agency be adamant to do such a project.
See, I send comment to some articles I read in international magazines or websites. All of them have automatic machine response for acknowledging the receipt of the message regardless of its content or they have bounce for Spam or postmaster no delivery message, but I do not receive any of these, just a void attempt. How it could be?
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

We are in ocean with salmons.

Peter Jones said...

That story could be the propaganda of rich people against Democratic Germany.
Leonardo diPardo

Peter Jones said...

No slogan please!
But you have been under two-antagonist governments; how it could be that both of them become united and conspire against you. You are of no special capacity or special harm or character or behaviour to justify any hostility against you. If you are at the moment citizen of this country then laws and rules of this country should cover you.

Peter Jones said...

I am apparently a citizen of this country now. Perhaps that citizenship is like my private medical care that does not cover anything.
During Eidy Amin who was very hostile to this country, group of scientists from here or other countries could go and their government would allow them with the help of a local hunter collect monkeys for experiment and bring here. Why ever their government should become aware at that time and care to protect their citizens! All their administration were sycophant and helpful if they would hear that somebody with a recommendation from an advanced country has come to do something strange, especially if you would contact with a clown with a minimum knowledge of , say zoology, in that context.
What would happen to the monkey here? Perhaps they would gas him with mustard gas to see its effect. They did not ask the monkey if he had any art such as climbing and swinging or finding food and those capacities were of no importance for the experimenter.
I have not any special capacity for you, but for my family, and for myself I have one thousand talents. In the TV I have seen that they ask the gentleman where is he from and he responds that he is from Woodberry Ville Hill and all the audience praise and applaud. Now, you go and ask the audience to show contempt with him. The young gentleman came to show with kilt and bowtie. The presenter showed mock and indifference to him. He became so exasperated that did not answer any question and put his hands at his back to the end to show that he would not push the bell any more.
Now assume you do the same behaviour thousands and thousands times.
Assume I do not have any capacity for nobody and I have a very bad and harmful character and behaviour. Does it mean that they should rape my wife and my daughter in front of my eyes and rape me in front of their eyes?
The monkey example came to me as I remembered a book (Monkey Tree or something) written by a Canadian lady about suffering of her mother by psychiatrists for fifteen years to melt down her inhibitions. They never say what happened to her after fifteen years. Was she better than the first day or not. I heard interview of the writer with BBC4 Radio in 1994.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Can you say the medical and psychiatry in your native country is compareable with, say, Uganda? Which country is richer?

Peter Jones said...

My previous country was far richer but you should not believe that you might expect a better situation or an understanding nearer to here. Uganda is a former colony and has borrowed the structure of administration and everything from its former colonist country. It is hence more near in culture and practice to developed world. If I was from Uganda, I could better explain and you could better understand what was the situation. In my native place, there is amalgamate of things coming from France, Germany, Britain, US and perhaps other places. You should not forget local products who had teachers from the same amalgamate.
They do not care for any of those things, which are important, for example, in Japan. No stupid doctor chase patients. Each year some twenty five thousand people die in road accidents. Who cares to scrutinise for your aetiology or whatever.
I warn you I do not mean, hence what a benevolence. I mean if such thing happens there is definitely suspicion of an abuse. Why the sixty one year old rock singer goes to Vietnam for holiday when he can solve his problem with ten-pound bus ticket to a street corner of Amsterdam?
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

That can equally happen that the victim be from this country and perpetrator a foreign individual. These things are not related to present dialogue. Perhaps in future some of you, if do not blow, continue it. To continue let me ask you a question. Hence, do you believe that there were more miserable people in your native country to deserve this alleged attention? Why did they select you?

Peter Jones said...

Yes, There were many in a number of lunatic hospitals, in streets, queuing with their family members behind the doors and in the waiting rooms of the ‘mental doctors’. Some of them are from poor families. Some of them are from rich families sending their family members to Zurich, Paris, and London for being 'cured'. They have no controversy on 'doctors'. They believe any mental illness equally can be cured if you spend money and find a good doctor.
But if you approach them and asking them to sell their family members for billions and promise them that we do not know perhaps in a far future he becomes well they do not accept. They do not accept to participate or allow anybody to impose long everlasting, non-negotiating, inconsequential debasing mental suffering on their dear ones let alone it is given by an unknown, non-challengeable agency. They know stories about weird 'mental doctors' who commit strange actions, put the lunatics in the chain, and whip them, slander their fathers and mothers and sell their bloods and then dump them in remote villages if nobody comes to take them.
The society still has structure of clans and tribes in the background. People are at the mercy of their clans. If you were part of the clan you’d be protected and prosperous. It is not important if your clan is poor or rich. It can solve your problems. Any member of your clan gives something to any member of another clan, but instead some other member can later take something in exchange. If you are without a family then you are exposed. You should cover yourself as soon as possible by doing something for any clan, marry one of them and join to them. If you remain exposed and you go around then nobody do anything for you. They only have got a vagabond whom they easily steal from. Then they tell him go get lost. These Wolfgang Strauss and Leonardo diPardo are from Switzerland and can expand these stories into the books. I can never pull them together.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

How old are you?

Peter Jones said...

You see I do not have age. I did not have family. I did not have clan. I did not protected by the laws, rules, norms, and custom of my birthplace. I do not have nationality of this country to be protected by its laws, customs, and norms. When you play with your dog or go to zoo to watch monkeys you do not attribute age or nationality or family life to them. Try to find out and visualise my picture. I am ‘manny’ that is 'Many'. Naturally I am moving toward that picture without have committed anything. I did not declare war to anybody. The establishment has declared war against us (I am a pacifist to the end I evade any conflict). You never understand why this accident has happened to me. Why did I commit me to learning literature of this language from beginning of my puberty? I never planned to live in a foreign country. I wanted to be able to communicate one day. I knew things ahead without knowing them.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Why are you moaning so much? Show some gratitude. You are living in a country of great humanists, great doctors, great scientists and peace lovers. Nobody is doing any harm to you. You have been confused, looking with spectacles of cynicism as if you are still with those people.
Now answer this question. If you find a young female in a bar with pink top and leather mini skirt without tights who is drinking and flirting with gentlemen around her and is drunk and with loud voice talking attracting people do you believe she means that you go and put your hand on her? If one of those gentlemen roughly or softly rape her whose fault is it?
Do you like to sleep with inappropriately young but adult or old individual of opposite gender?

Peter Jones said...

I was not cynical with those people. This country scientists like their colleagues from ancient societies to modern societies come in two genres. The majority are like me and are bound to meeting the criteria for chasing the light. There is a minority who pervert the science blindfolded and meanwhile pervert the laws and norms. They sell to devil. Dr Faustus, Dr Jekyll, and Frankenstein are famous examples. When you are doing that you do not know that you are silently behave like Dr Frankenstein watching Justin being hung.
Every few years it reveals that ten years ago some scientist were busy some wrong doing, for example, giving radio active materials to Eskimos, gassing volunteers in Canada, stealing organs from children. When it comes to scientists of technology or doctors the list become endless, includes the harassment of Mother Nature as well. But for your question, why do you ask me these things?
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

It is important for me. If all of you blow and I remain alone I would like people know who you actually have been.
Hence, please answer.

Peter Jones said...

If her jacket is mustard yellow and her name is 'by Serge Lang' I might be tempted to put my hand on her and take her to my bed.
I also like to have a mother with her daughter in my bed and happily I have had that opportunity frequently.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Regretfully when I was looking for correct spelling of his name, I understood he has deceased in recently. My heart sank. I was not his student by I always knew him my teacher. In my heart I had acquaintance with him. His last book Challenges does not come with mustard yellow jacket but the publisher is the same. "His recurring questions concern:
How people process information and how misinformation is spread and accepted
Inhibition of critical thinking and the role of education; teaching students to think clearly and independently - or conditioning them to accept dominant modes of perception uncritically
How to make corrections, and how attempts at corrections are sometimes obstructed
The extent to which we submit to the authority of those higher up, and whether one can keep the higher ups accountable, possibly in the face of evasions, stonewalling, and intimidation
The competence of so-called experts
Our responsibility for what we say or write
The use of editorial and academic power to suppress or marginalize ideas, evidence, or data that do not fit the tenets of certain establishments."
I wrote this as my gratitude toward him
Mad’dieu Bourbaki

Peter Jones said...

Please do not interrupt me. Manny, please answer my question seriously.

Peter Jones said...

If we blow perhaps this helps people to know who we were.
Manny Butterfly
Mes deux filles
Dans le frais clair-obscure du soir charmant qui tombe,
L’une pareille au cygne et l’autre à la colombe,
Belles, et toutes deux joyeuses, ô douceur!
Voyez, la grande soeur et la petit soeur
Sont assises ou seuil du jardin, et sur elles
Un bouquet d’oeillets blancs aux longues tiges frêles,
Dans une urne de marble agité par le vent,
Se penche, et les regarde, immobile et vivent,
Et frissonne dans l’ombre, et semble, au bord du vase,
Un vol de papillons arêté dans l’extase.
Victor Hugo

Peter Jones said...

We are going to investigate all of those types of questions later. We should focus on our own case study.

Peter Jones said...

Because Manny are poor and minority and do not have high quality legal representation you ask them these questions. Why you do not follow the source of his delusions.
Leonardo diPardo

Peter Jones said...

We want to clear a poor soul who with his low literacy and shaking hands has created a website (psychiatry fraud or something?). He has been in and out frequently. He calls himself emotionally something. He has been raped and abused for many years during all his childhood or later. He believed he is frequently being gauged by sending luring females to him to check if he is penitent. He was very frightened to be detained indefinitely under the new laws.
I saw a gentleman in (…) chat show who had written a book about his similar experience who could get him to a self constructed happy marriage and successful life.
Perhaps the aforementioned gentleman also needs, date, partner and marriage to be re-salvaged. Why nobody took his hand instead of doing ridiculous acts which is possible only in darkness by neglecting human rights.

Peter Jones said...

Well, I leave it until later, but I do not forget it.
Tell me how you could eliminate the idea that 'they' do not use a radio instrument to chase you. Later we hear the beginning of your story.

Peter Jones said...

No I should start from a point that I left. Even that point is not the beginning. Still, I should begin from somewhere. One of us who is very interested in making gadgets is Grant Hardy. One of his arts is reverse engineering, that is, finding the original machine from bits and pieces scattered around. He is also a job person. Every morning he shaves, takes a shower, ready to go. Even if they beat him at the work, as far as they give his wage he goes until they put him out. He made a proposal to second in command of his country. That person liked that proposition and after much considerations that took some four or five years arranged for the project and sent the manager of the project to invite him as the proposing person. He would go if it were not for the Mad'dieu Bourbaki, Leonardo diPardo and Wolfgang Strauss. They are very fussy and breathe in other worlds. During these years they were pushing their own ideas. They prevented him to go and he rejected to join to the project. The project manager asked him to say if he was in or not. Grant hardy said no. Grant told him, just to mock them, they should make purified brine instead, since people had to buy imported Norma saline from corner of streets for their patients in the hospitals The manager who was close friend of Grant said all right and disappeared forever as if did not exist at all. Then they made a hell out of my life. Then gradually, after a while, I noticed that I was catching remarks from people who were working around me. They talked with me as if I was a mad or a child or a non-person. They did not answer my conversation, they would tell me that first I should be washed 'clean' because I was dirty. They were 'intensifying'. One volume I should write and perhaps Wolfgang Strauss writes one day, to explain what was the intensifying. I did not become terrified, as this Leonardo was accompanying me. I only was deliberating what was the story all about. Then they told me the dirty (...) should go out of that sacred place. I went out and found a job with a friend of mine. Some times later I saw a colonel who shared my office in the former place. He told me that the land of God is vast but wherever I go I can never escape. In the new place as I was an idiot I helped my friend to create a multimillion dollar business out of the patchy hankerer business that he had, though even that business also was my idea he had stolen. Before my marriage he had harassed me for many years to marry his sister who was a doctor, but I did not. After a year working with him, I noticed that again the environment was becoming intensified. The workers who have a big distance with managers started to become rude and insulting. They never use f * words in front of manager who can put them out without any notice or justification. It is worth mentioning that even the harsh powerful police who beat and insult the inmates never use f words against the wife and daughter of the prisoners. They insult sister and mother. But these simple workers insulted my wife and my daughter in a traditional society. After a month my former friend kicked me out. Gradually I noticed wherever I go 'they' were there before me. I was a high lender living in north mountainous cold part of that place. My house was at the seventeen hundred meter above the sea level. At last I could find a job one thousand miles away from home after many months of unemployment. Now I gradually had started to borrow money for spending and tasting to be unemployed for months. That place was at sea level and temperature for many months more than forty two degrees and humidity extreme. I was catching remarks from the beginning. I did not become frightened much but I used to become very sad.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Wait a minute. You old butterfly! It seems you never can stop talking. I have a degenerated (?) eye or something and I cannot look for a long time to this old dim CRT. Continue your story later.

Peter Jones said...

In my birthplace when they say 'my family' they mean their extended family and relatives. I mean only my wife and my daughter hereafter. Well, Grant Hardy is addicted to work and my family and I are living on bread. so we had to tolerate any condition. I was grown up in a harsh environment and I am tough under pressure. Before going there we were very fit. We were living in mountain and used to go to mountaineering. With ten minutes walk you were out there and could start hiking. I used to climb in snow and darkness alone or in hot summer while I was fast on lent without food and water. Before marriage I never had dinner except raw fruits and vegetables and used to sleep on the wool rug on the floor as it was considered a health promoting condition. I was fifty-seven kilograms and my height is hundred and seventy centimetre. Then I became sixty-two kilograms after marriage and swapped vegetable dinner with my lunchtime food. When I went south at the seaside for new job, I refrained from doing exercise and started to put on weight. We had to live in construction camp and eat with other people. They were intensifying by saying that pills had not energy, as I had the habit of vitamin supplement from mountaineering. They used to call me fruit bat and rabbit. How did they know I was like that? I never could guess Hence under stress I began to eat to comply and ease them. After ten months I became eighty-five kilograms. Low level, heat, humidity, and micro dust combined with mental suffering stress, fatty food and excess weight and being far from my family deteriorated my health. One night I felt I was breathless and could not sleep. Gradually I started to spend what I was earning for doctors. I had my blood pressure rocket up to twenty-two over twelve and thirteen. Because I caught remarks I could not get information from them. Once I had cyanosis and my wife took me to hospital. I did not know if they were right that I should take hypertension pills or what was the reason of my chest pain. At that place you do not have a GP or medical record. Depending on your financial status you go to street and select a doctor or ask your friends and relatives which doctor they know who is very good, say in heart. Then you go there and see a lot of people are sitting in the waiting room and the receptionist gives an appointment for four month late. Then you have to find a way to find a sooner appointment, for example to accept that you want your visit to be accompanied with extra pay for treadmill. Sometimes you go to a doctor and you see that only a couple of people are waiting. The receptionist gives a next week appointment to artificially create a queue. Here you pay double to go immediately. Yes, all those doctors are very scrupulous after being paid and they sacrifice working there because could not pass the exam or get the visa to work here or in the US. Hence they calculate if converting local money to dollar they earn equivalent to their cousin who is in Los Angeles, or at least enough to be able to send their family to a London shopping in summer.
Anyhow, wherever I went the ‘Thing’ was there before and instructed them to f*** my family.
Meanwhile I noticed that I was beginning to cut from the world. From a jolly muscular laughing person I changed to a fat, oversensitive terrified and sad person. When I was in my previous jobs I would call my boss with first name and singular second person ‘you’. Gradually I started to use plural ‘you’ and Mr Surname even to simple workers., something very unusual. I had not courage to go to office of the boss let alone call his name. I could not understand how they had some very private information about me. I used to tell me that I would escape and make a crap out of your nation.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Your story is very outlined. I understand you believe you were under persecution for some political reason not anything else. Am I correct?

Peter Jones said...

You did not notice. Politics died when the fanatic guard colonel said the land of god was vast and wherever I go I could not escape. I already told you they do not use this type of operation to eliminate an opponent individual. This Leonardo diPardo is so skilled in politics. He was counselling me. If we survive we put a table in a corner and put our political leaflets there. In politics people should follow wisdom to be able to act as agents of change (quote begins) not ‘hysteric’ actions (quote ends). Politics was involved with another meaning.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

So you believe psychiatry were chasing you down there in that weather

Peter Jones said...

By now you should have a little familiarity with doctors there. There is no psychiatry there. At the time that I was leaving there they had much more serious concerns such as death of children under five due to diarrhoea. I said about Norm-Saline. Even physicians do not have any notion that psychiatry might commit itself to chase a really really emergency 'mentally ill’. How ordinary people can accept to participate in something which is of no benefit to them and do not know if it is of any benefit to target of their participation. Why should people so seamlessly obey commands of a person who might call himself psychiatry? Some should come to me and say that a person has asked them to make me angry, sad and hopeless, but with their own judgment he recognise it cruel and would like to inform me of such a conspiracy. At least one person among hundreds should come forward.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Perhaps some internationally known psychiatrists have selected you through WHO and doing a very important and break through experiment on you? Then they have to hide the characteristic demand of the experiment from you and people full heartedly obey them for some good in some future.

Peter Jones said...

For the reason of remarks or cues that I could catch I have called this self-cheating of internationally known scientists the ‘Beck et al’ cheat. All these cheats that I experienced has a parallel in hearing voices. They only make the misery deeper.
Beck et al or similar people should do this break through experiments with their own colleagues their own son in law and their own daughter and granddaughter(Remember I have not answered your question regarding the drunk female with leather miniskirt). If such a thing could be proven nobody can justify it in a court of law. Perhaps you have seen that famous Canadian movie showing the billionaire had stolen people to keep them as potential donor of heart for him. I have done all the assumptions and carefully have examined them by counselling with Wolfgang, Leonardo and other people who are present here. I checked the books, medical abstracts and databases I could not find any trace of any medical intervention which could be based on using f*** words beating traumatising the whole family, using them as hostage, ignoring the and degrading the health of the subject. Only a cruel, callous criminal hiding in the darkness may commit such an act. We have few lines from the impostor here that shows what is its attitude toward us.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

If none of these assumptions is correct then tell me what is correct.

Peter Jones said...

It is either the ‘Thing’ explained by others here or it is a delusion.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

You said they sometimes might find an invective person not as a dissident but a 'shizoferenee'. Were you a bad mouth person? Did they call you a 'shizoferenee'?

Peter Jones said...

No I was not invective. My only swear was to call somebody 'infantry'. It means perverse or churlish in their language.
They never called me a 'shizoferenee'. I noticed they say their reason is that because I become suddenly warm and suddenly cold, I become up and down, low and high. They called me bicycle. They called me airplane. I did not understand these things until very later. They told me I should change. I could not understand why somebody might ask me in a population of seventy million people I should change or else they f*** my wife and my daughter as they actually did it.
They would tell me that I was blind and could see in front of me no further than my nose tip. I could not argue. They would mock me. If I wanted to laugh and mock them suddenly one would ask others do you know who f***ed Madeline? If I would remain calm they'd say 'potato pimp'. If I'd become angry they'd giggle and say 'ooh, marriage'! And they were ordinary respectful people, some educated, some illiterate, some old, some young. They used to say, "Do not worry! Be patient and next year you will come and sit tranquil here and nobody has anything to tell you. The constructor will finish the building and will test its façade with a hose of hot water; we are just simple builders helping to constructor. He is going to give you binocular and you can see very far instead of your nose!"
When is the next year? Where is the constructor? Where is the binocular?
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Are you serious in your description? I say perhaps you are exaggerating. People cannot be so much rude.

Peter Jones said...

(Quote begins.)Resocialisation of the mature individual is difficult to accomplish. Generally speaking, it requires that the conditions of childhood socialisation be reproduced in heightened, intense, and extreme form. Attempts at resocialisation – whether forced upon the individual or assented to voluntarily – include some if not all of the following elements:
1. Total control over the individual. The individual is isolated from society, from the countervailing influences of competing institutions and groups, and from his own past life. The resocialising institution has not only sole access but total access to the individual; every aspect of his life is under surveillance. The person is totally dependent upon the institution even for satisfaction of his physical needs. More significantly, he is dependent upon the institution for cues and “information” as to what is right and wrong, true and false, in his new environment.
2. Suppression of past statuses. Former statuses for which he took pride or pleasure are ignored. Within the resocialising institution the individual is initially devoid of statuses and is given approval only for achievement of a new status defined by the resocialising agency.
3. Denial of the moral worth of the old self. Not only are past statuses ignored, the individual’s past perspectives are seen as radically faulty, morally inferior, and blameworthy.
4. Participation of the individual in his own resocialisation. The individual is encouraged to participate actively in the resocialisation process by engaging in self-analysis, self-criticism, and “confession” of past and present failings.
5. Extreme sanctions. Resocialisation agencies often employ extreme sanctions ranging from the negative sanctions of physical cruelty and social isolation to the positive sanction of the promise of eternal salvation.
6. Intensification of peer group pressures and support. Resocialising institutions rarely rely on “reforming” the individual by invoking a punishment and reward system administered from on high. Instead, efforts are made to increase the informal influence of the peer group, which is able to give and withhold the often subtle but crucial satisfactions of group life and personal interaction.(Quote ends.)
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

As I said these things were not in the genre of those people. Who could conduct such an operation for them? They knew that that operation was going on but they could not understand what it was all about. They were only happy that they easily could get rid of me without remaining any trace of what I actually was, without anybody such as Amnesty and others become curious. They told me average of age in that country was thirty-eight. They meant I died and that was the end as far as they were concerned. It means that they executed me, as they should.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Please, answer my question.

Peter Jones said...

If you do not believe these things then how later you can believe the more shocking stories? So far I had a very executive outline of a short episode for you. It is endless. At the beginning I had not faintest idea of what would happen next. I'd say to me that after six months they'd become tired and/or I would gain some information about the agency involved and find a solution for it. I believed this Mad'dieu Bourbaki could solve any problem.
I believed Jesus or Mohammad suffered a little. He had to carry his cross - an easy task for a forty year old man at that time when you had to carry things on foot from one town to another town and they nailed on his palm to help him die out of bleeding instead that birds come and peck his face alive. And with this common and usual way of death He saved humanity. And God not only did not sacrifice His Son but also cheated people by saving Him from cross and God actually do not save other convicts and only save His own Son. And Moses was mad angry and punched people in an antisocial manner because of his connection with royalty and then escaped to a beautiful valley with plenty of hospitable girls. And Mohammad was sponging off his wealthy influential wife instead of working and suddenly decided to rule all the Arabs in a bullying way.
Perhaps even you do not believe that few sentences written on this page is by somebody else and documents essence of what in thousands pages I cannot write or proof. Perhaps you believe it is a ploy or episode of Mad’dieu Bourbaki group. Neither you nor any of us can produce such writing. It is by the impostor inspired by the ‘Thing’. Perhaps, later we analyse it and show its evilness.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Ancient people were not non-scientific and superstitious. They were as bright and positivist as us. They were living and dying in muddy huts but they made Stonehenge to calculate the calendar. Those calculations and scientific endeavour were more important than their own comfort for them. One of my antique kings asked his astronomer to write down on a paper from which door he would be going out. Then asked a builder to come and break the wall between two doors and he left the room from that place. It came out that it was correctly foreseen and was written by the astronomer. Both of them were bright and pragmatic.
Human sacrifice uses three tricks to overcome to its victim:
First it uses the fear of the authority. The fear of ruler is assertion of phallus of somebody else. Its account somehow has been explained by Freud.
Second it attacks to phallus of the victim to create inhibition (it is genderless).
And tries to intensify the inner voice, the so-called conscience by labelling the victim as profane, disrespectful and devil.
We can recognise all these three in a concise form written by an unidentified logger somewhere around here. It is an archaeological document created by a modern man. It is not by us. People can check by address and domain of our computer. It is an amazing serendipity.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

Look, I do not accept these types of arguments. If you have concrete evidences such as a witness a tape, name of somebody then you have a case otherwise, all the paranoid people have a similar assertion. I listen to you in a hope that in a stage I can elicit or infer such a concrete conclusion.

Peter Jones said...

So far we have the case of the East Germany lady, the resocialisation account and three major plot for human sacrifice and the document of the unidentified Blogger. They show possibility and even feasibility of such a conspiracy. I mean sane people acknowledge happening of such remotely likely event in first two cases.

Peter Jones said...

I believe we should not discuss further and mention the document of the impostor any longer until we establish our truth.

Peter Jones said...

I believed you all had been disappeared.

Peter Jones said...

If you doubt about truth of Manny Butterfly, their delusions return. You cannot doubt about Many.
Mad’dieu Bourbaki

Peter Jones said...

No, if Manny can convince even one person that only one case has happened to you, for example, what you claimed that nursing agency had asked your wife for marriage certificate then you are really the God and creator of universe and all beings.
I am waiting for remaining of your story.

Peter Jones said...

If you put those three factors together that is fear of ruler and feeling bad on your phallic assertion fear of the demonic inner voice of conscience you can create trauma. It is not fear and stress (parallel to first condition). It is not sadness (parallel to second). It is not helplessness and despair (parallel to last one). It is something abrading and deep and satanic that encircles you. After that the 'Thing' can chase you. But the climax of human sacrifice needs that many conditions come together. It is the ultimate secret. Ancient Greeks believed gods had had a secret. They called it mysticism.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

Now let me continue. After meeting the 'Thing' I had four work places. I call the first one that I was working there for ten years, the Institute. The second One belonged to my former friend and I call it the Friend Place. Next one at the south seaside I call it the South One. There was another one after it before I come here; I call it the South Two. At the Institute they started to intimidate me by the authority. Well, I had every right to know its source is a revenge of the authority. In nineteen seventy-nine an earthquake had happened there. A group of bandits had taken their money and expelled by the mob to abroad and another group of bandits had come. The day that they were swapping the power, I was in the embassy of the power behind the former group to find a way to escape with those people. When I came out their enemies were in streets all with machine guns and everything. One position was that sometimes before that event that power wanted to head hunt Wolfgang and Leonardo for their famous central agency. This proposal received through the chief commander of their army in Syldavia. That commander was my tenant. Unfortunately Siddhartha and Mad’dieu did not accept because of their pacifism and loftiness. I also had another connections with former bandits. Now they went and all these documents through the former system archives and also documents of the embassy went into the hands of new group. After a while the leader of the new bandits came near my house because it was the rich part of the city and was mountainous full of gardens and his doctors had advised him to live in a calm good weather instead of air polluted city. This happened that his daughter and his son in law started to find a house near to her father resident and where could she go? Yes, they came to my door and became my tenant in place of the former chief commander. Now, this people had beautiful and unmarried daughters and were more than happy to give one of them to me. This time Wolfgang and Leonardo could not accept such a fanatic connection with those arrogant people. Cyrus’ father was at the top and I was surrounded by the top people until the ‘Thing’ hunted me. It was not an episode of delusion when I said my proposal is right now at the top issue of the politics in the world. It is not accidental. Yanis I do not want anything. I only remain my record here. Whatever I say is documented.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

You old Butterfly you talk too much. But be careful not to enter the daily politics or mentioning a name that Google search bringing the people here.

Peter Jones said...

That is a good idea. I want to show you if you can find any explanation for any delusion. Also mould them into the three trauma factors of human sacrifice.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

You might become curious who took the leader of new gang to live near to my home. The answer is very related to my delusion. Yes, it was my second cousin from my father side. He was an architect. He built a house next door to his in that part for a writer of RE books who was a doctor of theology. When the new gang came this RE teacher became very influential and later became prime minister of Syldavia and was blown by a rival faction of bandits. This is very important in the modern history of the whole world because after that action of that rival faction and their similar actions gradually self-blowing became fashion in that part of the world and only I in the world know this secrete until this moment. That idea came to air. Otherwise, it is against the doctrine and moral behaviour advertised by their religion. They follow their own conscience. There the enemy is whispering. They should follow the external instances of moral behaviour if to be salvaged. This is compatible with the Grand Unified Theory I learned here. Later we expand this idea further. The other important thing related to my delusion was that when the father of this second cousin died his mother married with a preacher who was the teacher of the bandit who became leader of bandits after death of the first leader. Well, this is a very big, wealthy, powerful clan where was I? Nowhere. I was an orphan and because of ambiguity about my birth they knew a dishonour if I wanted to approach them. Couple of times I approached them they expelled me. But some bad happened that was used by the ‘Thing’ to make me paranoid. Once I saw the preacher in a funeral, he told that his wife always talk about me worries what I was doing and has asked him if he could do something for me. I did not care for his remark and believed he was telling something out of respect and forgot it.

Peter Jones said...

That remark brought me in the equal position with Jesus in front of the ‘Thing’.

Peter Jones said...

Now leave these things. Answer my question. Do you believe when everybody does something, you also should do that? Do you believe man should do something because he could? Have you read books of moral behaviour and etiquettes to be able to encapsulate yourself?

Peter Jones said...

All these questions are important and we keep them in our mind to answer them in proper time.

Peter Jones said...

That remark went into my memory with a faint expectation that someone with that immense influence might act as a patron or recommending person for me. In that place your lottery ticket could win easily. Suddenly someone might like you and change your life by putting you, depending on your eagerness at a position of comfort and wealth, such as a high position in a highly paid government posts, or lucrative foreign commerce or if you are lazy and would like to live abroad, as the cultural attaché in Sweden where you sign few pages every year and most of the year you are on paid leave for gathering information in Cote d'Azur. I had called that phenomenon ‘to be in charge of bribes and prostitution in a corner’ from the Federico Fellini’s Satyricon poet who became blind but wealthy. Well, it was not necessary to become blind but I should overcome half a dozen people who are accompanying me from childhood to accept a proposal. Nevertheless all the times I was luck-prone. When the 'Thing' came to me or happened to me I lost any connection to the world; after that I learned to be accident-prone rather than luck-prone. The ‘Thing’ used that remark as a cheat. I called that cheating ‘Mr Just paranoia’.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Yes, I forgot to say. Actually I do not write a biography or history or similar things. I only write these things for another goal that later becomes clear. I write my case in view of the Grand Unified Theory. That second cousin and would be blown teacher of RE brought the first leader of new bandits next to their homes. When my daughter was born the second leader who is still reigning there and was the disciple of the aforementioned preacher came to power.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Yes, we would like to give an explanation of the structure for the environment of our case if we become successful. We would like to see if there is any place for such a delusion or if it is possible to find an alternative meaning for interpretations of the case and his narrative. We assume he alters things such that to convince the reader that he has such a firm ground. It is like any artistic narration that in the middle you might believe it as truth and you start to judge it seriously, but when lights turn on you forget it. We try to encapsulate everything in its ultimate such that when lights turn on you see that you are in the same situation then accept our story. We have to refine and refine until we succeed to reflect the depth of the horror that we endured.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

When we came out in the street, anti social mobs had turned their name and they were not mobs anymore. They, now, were pro social people. People were swarming to the last stronghold, which was a prison. They broke into and the pro social people who now were a called a bunch of antisocial gangsters escaped from other gates. After few hours that people in equal status were watching around and became amazed of the maze structure of buildings gradually day turned to evening. Concurrent with that some voices turned into the voices of self appointed pro-social governors and asking friendly and gradually strictly that people should leave today and return tomorrow. Some other self appointed volunteers joined to them and started to push the gates and preventing new floods of curious people to enter, shouting at and asking them to come tomorrow morning. In short time new floods changed again back to anti social mobs.
Manny Antisocial Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Why do you divert from the main story and write these things? I believe we should not follow up this antisocial subject. It is not part of our discussion.

Peter Jones said...

We want to discuss the fear of ruler or king or whatever. We are interested in taboos and rituals. Because the 'Thing' is genderless, to perform the human sacrifice it uses phallus of the ruler to force the victim into the ontological fear. Moses was intimidated that pharaoh, although was infidel, but was fair and just and would punish him for his antisocial behaviour. When he escaped to Jethro, Jethro told him, "You escaped from the infidels. I mean you escaped from unjust and cruel people!" Jethro believed in the truth of what happened to Moses and gave him a full real service of anti-psychiatry or anti-witchcraft. Later one of us who has talked with Moses explains what was his story in book of Moses.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

I want to add few words to above comment. When events of history become intensified you can use those events as a laboratory for testing sociological theories. They act like lightening that illuminates dark corners of the society. It shows relativity of definition of anti-social. One who come first and take the power to control calls him pro-social and others who want to enjoy equal status, yes equal status, antisocial. The others only ask for equal share because at the time of revolution or even turmoil people are amorphous and shapeless like when you have molten metal in the crucible. With first burgeon of crystallisation of metal new structure takes shape. In the crucible particles only ask for the equal positions. Definitely, those self-proclaiming governors had a pre-planned connection and plot.
Leonardo diPardo

Peter Jones said...

Yes, that is correct. The ‘Thing’ intimidated Moses from phallus of pharaoh. Jethro comforted him that he had not been antisocial and pharaoh had not been fair and just, but all those people were unjust and cruel.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

Therefore I understand that you believe some of your relatives were enemy to you and because had wealth or power arranged to persecute you, while you expected them to send you to Cote d’Azur. Am I right? If yes why did you come here? You should instruct an attorney and private investigators to fight with them.

Peter Jones said...

No, you did not understand. Nothing was related to those people. They were not my enemy nor were they my friend. They had not any role in anything regarding my delusion. I am illuminating the foundations for my delusions. No ordinary people were involved.
Also their laws and norms do not allow them to intervene in private matters of people such as their mental health. Strictly speaking many things that they consider as antisocial in their community such as drinking if done in private no one is allowed to intervene or surreptitiously watch and report. Of course, frequently they pervert their laws, but it is a matter of their immorality or better amorality.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

If I can sum up correctly, then you believe so far that there is no ground to assume that the government people of your country and doctors and psychiatrists or personal foes and friends had any role in your delusion of persecution, and you are firm on that idea, yes?

Peter Jones said...

Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Do you believe that because you are of some importance the government of your present country, here, or her allied want to prevent you from something important or destructive, or perhaps aliens from other worlds or a secret group governing the world conspiring against you?

Peter Jones said...

No. In contrast they believe I am not of any importance and I want to prove to them that I am important and I have conspired to fulfil this mission. I believe they have conspired against themselves have they been supporting the unidentified agency. I am Manny. Manny means Many who are very important. I am King of Many.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Now enough nonsense! Go to your biography or whatever you call it, please. These things have already been by ‘many’. Do not capitalise. You can use single quote or italic for underscoring.

Peter Jones said...

I am celebrating this number three three three. All right I continue then.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Another related fact that I should mention as something used by the 'Thing' is that people in Syldavia are in two groups sometimes even in the sa me clan or extended family. One group believe women should be covered in society and in front of strangers. They are some two third of the population. One third do not follow that practice. If their women go into the streets they try to show as much as possible. Inside their homes when they socialise in parties and weddings and similar occasions they dress like women here, of course, somehow more reserved. Until the time that I left Syldavia the pro-social people in control of power believed those one third were like prostitutes. Around that time they started to become a little more enlightened perhaps because pressure had reached the younger generations of their own families. So they declared those women could be as firm in relations as their own females. When you marry, mostly you decide in which group you are inclined. I married with one of that one third who did not cover. One of my friends who was with the majority of two third came with his wife to my house to visit me. My wife entered uncovered. He wanted to become surprised because his wife was daughter of a vicar and was covered, but the wife made him more surprised and removed her veil forever. They converted from that meeting onward.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Are you flattering the way of life as practiced here to attract pity from people here? People here like you to be independent and feel free to assert yourself.

Peter Jones said...

No. He likes to relate structure to biography as advised by us.
wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

We do not know where is here or what are their norms to flatter them. We are in nowhere. We are in Marseille or perhaps Zurich or perhaps Republic of Cortoguay and we are speaking about Syldavia.
Leonardo DiPardo

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Double

Am I right in assuming that this weblog is 'open to all comers'? Or rather, is it OK for someone to take over this web space for personal use?

I haven't visited the site for a few weekis but the last 100+ appear to have come from one 'Peter Jones' albeit sporting several different personas. Am I the only visitor to this very useful (potentially) web space, who wonders about this colonisation by 'Wolfgang et al'?

Peter Jones said...

Why you do not continue?

Peter Jones said...

We are concerned about your eye. In these bright and long days it is better for you to sit outside and watch trees afar instead of watching the old dim CRT. We also can improve health of our joints in the sunshine.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

The other material used by the ‘Thing’ to roll me back into its net was a case of indoctrinations shown around those times in the Syldavia TV. Later, I relate its date with chronology of human sacrifice three schemes. It was story of a gentleman (Mr Guest) who had returned from Paris for a visit of his family. The family (clan) asked him to stay and work for his own people but the man was sad and could not decide what to do. As much family insisted what was the reason the man did not say anything. They surreptitiously without informing him asked a psychologist (to pretend that indoctrination is the advise of an educated intellectual) what should they do. The psychologist came stealthy to their home all the time behaving as a clown (to prevent the indoctrination become guided to intellectualism attributed to psychology). He gathers the clan and all the neighbours tells them the man had ‘deeperessune’ asking them to help him to find roots of his ‘deeperessune’ and that around the clock they should watch the man and report the smallest detail to him to write in a big book similar to accountant books. Until they discover that he is behaving except that sometimes he speaks with the foreign language in telephone. The psychologist waits until the man talks again because he knows the foreign tongue. He concludes that the man was accompanied by a foreign female who was in a hotel at that time and they should return to live together. Psychologist advises to clan to bring the girl and convert her to the local faith and teach her language and arrange for her marriage with the ‘deeperessune’ gentleman. After finding root of the ‘deeperessune’ the grand father gave him his robe and some other items as a symbol of his return to old way and soap ends with his marriage.
This was used for me as the ruler phallus in a stage of me becoming paranoid. I call it Mr Guest cheat.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

I guess you are in holiday abroad. If not perhaps we can go ahead with our study.

Peter Jones said...

Yes, we are in holiday, but we do not know where is the abroad. We are in back garden watching the walls.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

What was the significance of the episode from TV serial? Did you start to catch from TV from that point on?

Peter Jones said...

No I did not start to catch from that point. I did not pay attention to that episode as much. As usual one of these accompanying people were reading a book or I was busy with my family. It was embarrassing for me to chase these things. Leonardo diPardo and Wolfgang Strauss were scavenging in the background.
The episode gave me the wrong idea that it was allowed that people around you ask a psychologist (from where? there was not such availability at that time) to come and intervene in your life and after couple of weeks they would get lost. I hope I have understood correctly from the Grand Unified Theory of Mad'dieu Bourbaki that when you catch or when you are hearing voices, the 'Thing' steals from any knowledge that you have. Just seeing that TV episode and become familiar with the word 'Guest' was enough for the 'Thing' to pretend that I was the 'Guest' and it was the psychologist. The first voice I heard from the 'Thing’ in my head was that it was my psychologist and inquired me why I believed that it had have a 'c**t'. I heard this first voice just one second before I woke up or just one second after I woke up. I never know. I was in South Two at that time.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Nobody knows. It is a quantum mechanical effect.
Grant Hardy

Peter Jones said...

Happily from the article in this website I understand that they are gradually accepting that it can be caused by trauma.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

Well, then you start to hear voices in your head at that time.

Peter Jones said...

No, I only had a sentence, most of the time a dirty hint or insult or abusive words just at the end of a lucid dream that would force me to awake. In nineteen ninety-six I started to hear few words and sentence during the wide awake daylight. It pretended that it wanted to tell me how it communicates in a mocking way. It said it uses my rectum as the modulator and demodulator and waves come from my guts to my eardrum. Then it stopped and from that time on it was only a sudden word out of any context when I was in an arousal state of mind for example watching a James Bond movie. In March of ninety-eight around the spring equinox that is my new year it started to talk as if it is an independent human to this moment. At that time I had started to utilise the Internet to continue the search for any clue about any possibility of such thing as a psychiatry intervention. I found a small branch from the famous American anti-psychiatry commission on human right. Two people from my former country were working with them who only wanted to help me. But there was a native gentleman of this country who became very curious about my story. He sent me a lot of material and started to telephone to me and talking with me and asking questions. That made me so ecstatic that all my symptoms started to fade away. For example, when I was in search of any help the voice used to say, "Nobody!" and a wave of 'trauma' surrounded me. I'd beat on my head savagely until I became calmer. After finding Bob, when the voice would say "nobody" I'd start to sing the then top of the pop "do I need somebody…" and dance in my heart. Daylight had come to my darkness. When it came to equinox time suddenly…
I continue later.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Before that the 'Thing’ had got some control over my body such as twitching some muscles or sudden shooting pains in my tooth. When I wanted to concentrate on something it could move my genital a little. It would do it with a surge of something that I call 'trauma'. It was a mixture of anger, fear, sadness and hopelessness. It is beyond any description. It is like the rattling of death.
That night when it was our New Year eve and of course I should go to work in the morning here in the middle of night after one of those regular endless lucid dreams suddenly one side of my body twitched so strongly that my body jumped as if shocked by electricity. I tried to sleep again but when I was to go to sleep again another twitch then I became sleepless. Gradually the voice started to talk. It said They are a group of scientists and they do not do any barbaric thing. They had an experience on me and now they want to terminate it. But before they go they want to give some service to me to compensate. It is remote psychotherapy (this word was stolen by the 'Thing'). Then asked me to go in the kitchen and search if there is two snakes in the bin. What do you think? I had an idea that Beck et al were experimenting with me. Hence I went to finish the experiment. There was no snake. When I came back and went in bed to sleep it told me why I did not search carefully they had moved to the bottom and a surge of cold shiver of panic came to my body. When I lingered it said no they are dead and left there by their assistants because they have a key and regularly they come to do examination on me when I was sleeping. I went and searched. When I came back it asked me to go again. All the time my wife was tossing and turning on the bed to see what a new crisis she would be having now. Gradually the 'Thing' destroyed all joys I had gained during last couple of weeks. It asked me to put those materials in the bin. It told me they knew Bob was a gay and wanted to s**k me as he had said nutrition is very important in mental health. Actually, this was the only sentence it told me when I had met the 'Thing' in a street in Trieste in nineteen eighty-nine. Then I became from bad to worse days and nights it was talking in my head sending waves of trauma to my soul. I was beating myself on my head and on my body endlessly all my body was livid my head swollen. I could not understand how time was passing with no sense of time weeks and dates. I had to go all the time to work without any friend or any help in alien society. It is very important to tell all the details of the story such that you can appreciate that it is actually an independent person out of me who can create all that horror and my fight back perhaps becomes an experience useful for others. But at this stage I am not able to explode my writing. This is a first sweep. After two or three years it had not anything to say. From that time its voice is only abusive words around the clock repeating in different shapes.
When New Year crisis started my wife shouted at me, "perhaps you should not talk with Bob, could you not remember the other time you complained to other organisation they sent you to lunatic house and our life became devastated."
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

How could you work in such a situation?

Peter Jones said...

In the Grand Unified Theory I learned the life was created and survived between two deadly immense layers at the top and at the bottom. This is the entire secret.
Manny butterfly

Peter Jones said...

This is the reason for anti-psychiatry.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

You said that you had talked with the 'Thing'. What is the 'Thing', a goblin or an ET alien or what?

Peter Jones said...

It seems that you have not understood the Grand Unified Theory. We said human and other living beings have a certain capacity of communication from a distance. Stress helps to accentuate and amplify this mind reading. It is consistent with everyday experience of people and consistent with evolution. It is not something from the beyond. Hobgoblin and Gnome and similar things are not consistent with the evolution and findings of science and daily experience of people. You talk with your dog and it talks with you everywhere and every day and each can read content of the mind of the other. Where and when you can talk with a goblin? Millions of people from ancient time to present time have said they have been hearing voices in their head. Then the people who are paid to answer this question for one century say they lie and want to manipulate others. You can assume safely that another human being is talking in their head but you cannot find him or find her. Perhaps he also does not know and only suffers in an unknown way.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

It seems that you have not understood the Grand Unified Theory. We said human and other living beings have a certain capacity of communication from a distance. Stress helps to accentuate and amplify this mind reading. It is consistent with everyday experience of people and consistent with evolution. It is not something from the beyond. Hobgoblin and Gnome and similar things are not consistent with the evolution and findings of science and daily experience of people. You talk with your dog and it talks with you everywhere and every day and each can read content of the mind of the other. Where and when you can talk with a goblin? Millions of people from ancient time to present time have said they have been hearing voices in their head. Then the people who are paid to answer this question for one century say they lie and want to manipulate others. You can assume safely that another human being is talking in their head but you cannot find him or find her. Perhaps he also does not know and only suffers in an unknown way.
Wolfgang Strauss
Yes, that is right. Before answering your question let me tell you an interesting story. after two or three months I could rescue me from obeying the voice and I started to fight back. I asked for an appointment with Dr Springfield (pseudo) and he accepted after some struggle. I did not tell him I was hearing voices at that time. I told him that I was well but I would like to know what is hearing voices. Was it that people were hearing some noise or some words or somebody like an independent intelligent being was talking and reasoning and struggling and conversing with them? He was laconic and said it was possible because half of your brain talks as a separate being. This was a wrong answer. (I justify him for being terse perhaps for this reason). The ‘Thing’ stole this knowledge. After two years that it was talking whenever I could overcome it says, “ I am not the ‘Thing’. I am half of your brain.”
When I explode the story I tell you what is the ‘Thing’.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

The 'Thing' is Satan. Why do you think that Satan should be a goblin or a fiery being with tail and horns? How such a being could be possible on the earth without having a trace in evolution? Satan simply means the plotting enemy. The plotting enemy of whom? If you say the plotting enemy of that person or that group or that nation then it does not need to have a dedicated name. It should be called just an enemy. Hence, it is the enemy of all human beings. If you believe that it means forces of nature or disease then you cannot call it plotter because those forces are blind enemies. So Satan is in the shape of a human but it is an enemy of all human beings. Why?

Peter Jones said...

Now, I have many questions. You have touched many stories without expanding them. I cannot continue in this way in this commotion. You should follow one line, clear and conveying and sentences patiently be corrected.
First, you can equally say goblin is a human but with this and that characteristics. You can say Satan is a superstition or a tale being like goblin and it symbolises dark sides of human.
Then I could not clearly understand what Bob said and what the so-called ‘thing’ said and what the voice said. Why did you stop talking with Bob?
And it seems that you are not hearing one of those bad voices. It only makes jokes with you.
At last, you said you do rejected being chased by waves and radio and other gadgets. So what is the “trauma waves and panic surge” that you are talking about?

Peter Jones said...

This commotion is because now we are in the ocean with salmons.

Peter Jones said...

Satan is a (quantum) machine acting against creation. It is a machine. We cannot settle that discussion, but we continue to use it until it becomes diffused in philosophy and in science.
Satan cuts the existence signals that attach us together.
Grant Hardy

Peter Jones said...

Bob told me he believed nutrition was very important in mental health, full stop.
The 'Thing' came to me in the street when I was in Trieste, and told me that it wanted to 's**k' me.
The voice said that it was actually the Trieste person who can communicate through its head with me and he had put a key, similar to hypnotism, by contacting me in the street. It said by 's**k' it meant 'f**k'. Then told me that it had succeeded to suck my entire mind and instead of that it fills my head with other things. When you hear my whole story you understand that it did that. The voice said their 'institute' knew Bob was a gay and by nutrition he wanted to hint to 's**king'.
I did not contact with Bob because I went to the worst crisis that can happen to human. I was frightened that the imaginary 'institute' will punish me.
The voice is a machine and has not humour to joke. It says' do that'. Since you are frightened you obey. When you obey, it says, "why did you obey?" If you do not obey it starts to blame you. It is the conscience. Like Atlas, you are carrying the earth.
You do not believe now it says it is ‘Yanis’ and should blow all of us. Later after six months or a year I never could find Bob again.
I did not mean radio waves or electrical surge. I meant acute remembering of traumas that created by accomplices to the ‘Thing’ and to the ‘Impostor’. The voice that I am hearing works very similar to a person accompanying me. I saw an American movie that materialised it like a person that victim sees but others cannot see it. Still, I believe it is an external being with this capacity to posses its victim from a distance. If I can, I am going to elaborate based on this belief or according to insiders based on this delusion.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

You said you woke up with a shock in the middle of the night when the voice started to talk constantly. Do you believe 'they' can shock people remotely and hence you decided to seek help from anti-psychiatry to prevent 'them' shocking you remotely?

Peter Jones said...

No, it cannot shock remotely. It can twitch a muscle or give a sudden needle pain or a sudden stabbing pain. But if sleep on your side on some nerves that little twitch comes as a tickle that jumps you. Later, I learned that if I change position of some muscles that twitch couldn’t disturb me to go to sleep.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

I did not fully understand. But, related to your story about Bob, I understand that you believe the voice that you are hearing could recognise that your friendship with Bob could eliminate your distress when you are hearing the voice in your head. Am I right?

Peter Jones said...

Yes, you are right. The voice is completely acting like an independent human.
It is plotting with all means to keep me down and out and isolated from the society. This is one of the many reasons that I am sure that it is a being that actually is out there external to my mind.
It can possess partially for moments, or second, or minutes. Then I overcome. Mad’dieu Bourbaki has crashed it to pieces and now all of us can have long occasions of watching it. It is that incredible, horrifying thing that has been described in stories; no, not that we can depict it. Everything it has said or has done we can find a symbol, we can spot it as a general alarm for destruction of all humanity; not that, its will - now I use this word - for destruction of whole universe. Its genre is of the ‘Thing’ happened mostly to Jesus rather than Mohammad or Moses. How? It is enemy of words, surely. Specifically it is enemy of the ‘love’. Its mission is to prostitute this word. I mean the word love in the inner world in reservoir of global language in our global mind. We did not allow it. Mad’dieu did not allow. He /She had a new gift for us.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

I met Mad’dieu for the first time when I was eight. He came to our house with my father. He was twenty one year old at that time. He had my father’s book ‘One, Two, Three, Infinity’ written by George Gamov. My father was busy in those days reading that book. My father was playing with me trying to prove me my height is equal to the length of my stretched arms from the tip of my middle finger in the right hand to the tip of my corresponding middle finger in the left hand. I used his pairs of shoes to mark my stretch on the floor to check the validity of his assertion. Then my father told me he would be going to die next year and in that short time he cannot explain any of the beautiful stories of that book to me. But, Mad’dieu would be my guardian to the end of my life and he had been the expert on those materials. He asked me to listen carefully to Mad’dieu daily lessons and I should try to assign a little time for those lectures everyday. He asked me that I should master everything from that book when I also want to leave this world. I looked at the book. A drawing attracted my attention. What happens if a torus inside a sphere becomes inside out, or a wormhole inside an apple or the mouth to rectum of a human. Then he can find the entire universe inside him, like Mad’dieu.
After my father died Mad’dieu told me if I would not attend his daily lectures then I should be a drug seller in ten years later. He forced me to do physical exercise, everyday day, to keep everything neat and tidy, to buy books, to master English language and everyday to listen to his lectures about numbers and lines. He could count from one to infinity everyday. When we do not understand something he explains and explains. He never forgets what we have asked. He repeats and repeats. Sometimes after twenty years or thirty years he asks me, “Now have you mastered that problem?”
I grew. Every year I used to ask, at the autumn equinox, when Mad’dieu birthday would come and children start school how old then he was. He’d say, “twenty-one.” Even now that I am fifty-five he is still young like the first day. It is like a fan, keeps us fresh with a heavenly breeze.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Fine, what is Mad'dieu help related to voices you are hearing, then?

Peter Jones said...

He said, "This cursed 'Thing' is a snake, and is like a cylinder. Its sh*t comes out of its mouth and when you hear them you become annoyed. Put its mouth in its a*s, such that it enjoys itself. But, in that case it becomes like an o-ring. It is better to twist it in a higher dimension and attach its mouth to its a*s." Now the 'Thing' has merged in itself. Something that comes out of it immediately goes inside it. It has lost the words that has stolen from global mind of human.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

I do not have a good grasp of these things. Nevertheless, I am listening. What else?

Peter Jones said...

So, listen to this.
On Tuesday eighteenth of July of two thousand six I was invited to employment agency for my first job interview. The ‘Thing’ who interviewed me told me that normally they would not invite similar people for any job, but that they invited me was because perhaps there had been a story behind the curtain. That invitation was only to fill a form that could be sent to me by mail. It was not known what privilege could be for filling that form that they honoured me for having it.
I have been a straight A star student so far. I easily can find a job on my own. I am daughter of Zeus and have the owl on my shield. English are nation of my father. One day they beat themselves for the agony that we suffered.
Cordelia Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

I believe the impostor has started to intensify the environment for my daughter. I clearly recognise it.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Though summer holiday has not finished yet, I add few words here.
My name is Dolce and I am a she cat.
I became ill; I had diarrhoea. It was for a third time in a week and perhaps it happens more in future days. I was sitting in every corner of the house and bleeding every five minutes in a new corner. Mad'dieu was chasing me with fresh towels and cleaning place of accidents. I was full of pain and could not talk and complain. My owners asked for an appointment to vet doctor. The receptionist suddenly stopped and asked them to hold for a minute. Somebody from the staff was instructing her to tell my owners that costs of consultation was thirty three pounds and thirty three pence for consultant doctor plus on top of that amount, some other expenses that might occur for medication and the only available time for visit was three thirty afternoon.
Mad'dieu never had heard that doctor expenses come with pennies. He knew it is far from my dignity to be seen by such a doctor. He put his ear on my tummy and listened then he cooked rice and mixed it with turkey. That improved my conditioned. He sat and pained with my pain. Then he cursed the vet and destined that I be dear to human and always have power over the 'snake', and 'snake' be frightened from me and help human to clean their house from the reptiles and rodents.
I was an old cat and I had cancer and tumour in my face. My previous owner gave my twin sister and me to society for cruelty to animals to dispose us. They disposed my sister but to gain knowledge they shaved my skin and made operations on me. They could test instruments and procedures donated by companies and give certificate to them. Companies sell those results to vets and they get money from people not in pennies but in hundred of pounds from people. They called me ‘Growly’ because I begged their attention. I was waiting to go to shower gas chamber or injection. Happily, Butterfly’s came when Cordelia Butterfly asked a cat for her birthday. Why she asked a cat instead of an ‘i-f**k’ MP3 or something? It is another big secret related to the ‘Thing’ being a ‘snake’. I went to them and begged. They took me and hugged my pink shaved body with a lot of stitches. Butterfly's received a lot of advice and strict ‘supervisor’ type orders how to be kind to me. When I got to their home I immediately found my place and jumped on the lap of Mad’dieu. If I do not sleep on his lap everyday I avoid food and growl all the time.
Impostor is the donkey of the ‘Thing’. When the ‘Thing’ comes it starts to breach the codes of the society. It breaks taboos and made the words upside down and makes them empty of their meanings. A society that breaks its own code has flooded itself. It is not necessary that a god submerge them. It is suicidal. It is related to Grand Unified Theory of Mad’dieu Bourbaki.
Dolce Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

I applied for 'Hohn Louise' here. After a lot of mental sufferings, they invited me for a group interview. They had a list of thirty-three tasks that we should select from. They said to others that because I was very bright they liked my suggestion of the task. They telephoned to me and said that I was accepted and I receive in a couple of days a letter to start from the very next Saturday on my desired hours. The letter never came. I telephoned to Jenny who said I receive the letter at most thirty-three days from my interview. It did not come. I telephoned again. She said that I would have induction with thirty-three other new employees. I have received a letter today that I can work up to thirty-three hours a week (for a full time student!) for four pounds andthirty-three pence an hour, during some assigned hours which is not possible for me.
Cordelia Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

I applied for an overdraft limit of a thousand pound at the bank. I have received a letter from the local branch that they were happy to assign a limit of thirty-three hundred pounds.
Madeline Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

I cannot believe. These things are lie or exaggerations.

Peter Jones said...

Then what is the truth?
Here is not my former country. Everybody has a diary and writes from his childhood. they have deeds of allotments from a thousand year ago. They record everything. A criminal who becomes used to his crime gradually becomes very cautious-less and leaves his guards.
Manny Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

What is bad or irritating about that number?

Peter Jones said...

Nothing! In my language it brings that “You made a sh*t, you sh*ty!” They want to intensify it to pin head of my daughter in a similar way to my head. Impostor dreams of making that a routine scientific procedure. Impostor does not believe that the ‘Thing’ capacity in reading my mind is related to my role and is related to the ‘thing’ as a quantum doomsday machine. My wife never has believed me and if something happens to my child she believes that she has got it from my genes. They use the same cover as is used for me: a mentally ill lies pathologically. It is paranoia. It is bipolar disorder.
Well I said something in nineteen ninety-four. They said that it was a lie to acquire something worldly. They believed I wanted to use my daughter and my wife when I was suffering only for them. Now that issue is at the top of the world politics. It is for a couple of year everyday something is told about it round the clock. Mad’dieu cursed them to live under the same sanction and fear and uneasiness that they did to my family and me when we were there. After ten years people of the world will become aware of truth of me, and impostor, like his colleague Dr Shipman has nothing to deny.
When I sit here to type every ten minutes a withheld number calls me when I go to telephone it becomes silent and hang. Who knows me in this country?
Manny butterfly

The Boss said...

The CP Yahoo Group is great. Every success and blessing on ya for this Blog.

Peter Jones said...

Hello Yanis, I am ready to begin again.
Many Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

Excellent! I summarise your complain. I understood that many years ago in your native country, very far from here, you would like to be sent to Cote d'Azur to watch topless people but they started to create delusion of persecution in you, instead, by help of some demonic entity and even when you ran away from that country to this country, that entity has been continuing to harass you by convincing the health authorities of this country that you need some psychiatrist help. And the demonic entity has suggested to them that they should deal with you as if you are still in your former country. Am I correct?

Peter Jones said...

You are partly correct. I believe if you have understood the essence of the story, its judgmental part is not important.
You can assume anything. but that that has happened to menever happens to anybody else.Look this could be a delusion I have been arrested with my wife and my daughter from a third world country for the rest of my life as the demand of a group of people in an advanced industrial country, like a family of cchimps.
Many Butterfly

Peter Jones said...

I reiterate my last year advice that I only recognise your grievance as a cynical judgment.

Peter Jones said...

My father was from a city surrounded by vast dunes and sands. People had to fight back the moving sand and bring water from distant mountains through the canals they make beneath the earth. That has made them good builders and architects. It was not like that in ancient time when nearby lakes still had water and all the lands were covered with almond forests. It was the time when the ancient king, Cyrus was passing that village to fight with bandits in Bactriana. Then forests recessed and desert overcame. People tried to keep parts of the almonds in form of orchards by bringing water through those underground canals sometimes two hundred miles long. The very famous sweet they invented from almonds and all the world knows it, as the symbol of east is the sweet message of those extinct almond forests died amid the sands. Hence those who are not builder are confectioner. When those people sleep they see trees and green in their dreams. They are very thrift. They are famous for something weird. They have to keep the land fertile. If you sit even in a remote point around that region to rest your tummy, a shovel immediately comes under you and a voice tells you, “Don’t waste that fertiliser!” The people are so mild and peaceful that is proverb. People all around the country have a saying that “if you want to flatter then use …’s handkerchief!” They mean ultimate of softness. They never fight. If you insult them with a swear word then they go theier home close the door and windows and whisper,"You yourself is that!" The courts and police had nothing to do. Any arrest was known to be somebody from other regions. People used mostly bicycles. They used to leave their bicycles and whatever was with them without locking them in street and comeback and see them safe and sound. They were very tolerant to other faiths. That city is the centre of an ancient religion. But population of believers of that religion is fading and diminishing such that the new marriages are very difficult. Perhaps after fifty years they become completely extinct. There have been two presidents of two hostile countries from that city. When the former pope died those two presidents came next to each other due to alphabetical order. They were so mild people that forgot their countries are known for the most sever hostility to each other. They did shake hands and talked with each other with that special accent of those people. (This trivial event has been cited even in encyclopaedias. It is related to growth of those people not to the politics) The one who has emigrated and has become president of the newly built state, in spite of his formal education, is also a builder like other people from that city.
Hobby of my father was also building development. I never saw that city. I was born in mountain. I know these were true when I was a child. Later perhaps those people were also changed

Peter Jones said...

What is the moral of this story? I am puzzled.Where is Manny?

Peter Jones said...

It is a miracle, created by Mad'dieu, that such an example is reported with validity in recent history. Otherwise, you would say Hormuz was exaggerating about an alien unknown place. Until fifty years ago that city was called Little Ierosalem, because of too many schools and scholars of Moses faith. It was also Mekka of becoming extinct Zorost followers. Majority were also very devoted Mosslems. They all used to live in the same neighbourhood. Nobody was confined in ghettos. People from there are hard worker and energetic and winner. They love their daughters in contrast to traditional people. We write these things because we know deeply that what is the meaning of cynical and hostile to the self and others. At the present time the 'Thing' does not go to priests to get to the position of access of the soft power to his victim. The best place as usual is attributing madness and cure; hence psychiatry. Psychiatry is full of pompous verbosity about hostility of the subject, lack of energy and concentration, lack of control, hopelessness, seeing grey and cynical (endless attributions). many had been full of humour, energy, light-heartenedliness, tolerance and hope. Society is not allowed to steal people and break its contract with its individuals. Society should not blow itself up.

Peter Jones said...

We want to elaborate on three elements of already mentioned satanic ritual of human sacrifice:
First using phallus of the ruler to intimidate the victim.
Second suffocating arousal of the victim (denying the erection of the victim).
And finally searching the tap (tunnelling) through the conscience of the victim.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

Are you sure you do not want to repeat your last year materials. I do not watch nickel odeon channel.

Peter Jones said...

Yes, we might repeat some propositions we achieved last year, but in new light of our case study of Manny Butterfly and Manny continues to site his patchy story until we can crystallise all patches in our Grand Unified Theory.
You should know, as every individual of us has reiterated it frequently, when this case came to me I could not find any justification for any intervening commitment in that part of the world, except recognising it as some shape of surreptitious abuse. I had studied community and young mobs in streets during nineteen sixty one to nineteen sixty-eight and sociology and psychology of approach of young and students towards politics, terrorism and change until nineteen ninety-seven, and then rural, nomadic and clan structure and urbanisation, industrialisation and administrative structure and reform of that society after that.
After the wave of intimidating by the ruler phallus when Manny butterfly had been cornered completely, first I, positively, tried to justify it as a type of desensitisation, which perhaps was possible by help of other people who pretend they actually mean it, like when you hiccup severely and a friend of you intimidate you such that in a moment of surprise you forget your hiccup and it stops. It was when Manny Butterfly had been cheated by the ‘Guest Cheating’ episode. He had accepted his role as the victim of the satanic sacrifice. He had accepted the abuser as a kind and human intervention and was trying to negotiate with it. Then I noticed that this cueing practice, endlessly and brutally continued. I cannot elaborate on the resulting traumatic syndromes he and his family were suffering and still suffer until later. My advice to Manny was also used as new cues for suffering him. How did they know contents of my advice?
Then I became, again out of being positive, suspicious to Beck et al. Because people hinted that they were volunteered for good doing to cure a supposedly depressed person, I said to me, according to et al, in cognitive behaviour paradigm a depressed person is depressed because he can catch information from environment like healthy people. Therefore people give painful cueing such that gradually by modification of his attention behaviour his cognition wakes up switches to a healthy cognition and starts to catch information from environment. Then it came to me that we have no information that what is a cognition, which is a depressed person, who is healthy, what is the information from the environment when the switch happens. When the person who is experimenting the paradigm decides that now he should revise his paradigm. Do they experiment with many or they cure him? Expanding this, is the task of next comments.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

No, I do not want you to expand on these these ideas. I ask Manny to continue his story.

Peter Jones said...

Please allow me to continue, Yanis. I said that et al believed the depressed person cannot catch information from the environment and my interpretation was that that accordingly, he is in a sleep phase and people should suffer him until he switches on and then starts to catch environmental information and becomes healthy. Well, in this big world, et al could equally says that a depressed person catches too much information from the environment and because they are painful he shuts down his cognition to keep himself safe and if we help him not to catch information for a while then he opens up his cognition and becomes healthy. Et al might also says that category I of depressed people cannot catch information but category II catch too much information. And category III acts randomly such that sometimes they catch too much information and sometimes they do not catch at all. Category IV catches too much in their youth and later they switch off. In contrast to the latter, some do not catch when they are young and start to catch when become older As amount of environmental information to catch or to filter out is fuzzy we can start to quantify them. Therefore, I could not figure out a sane reason to justify harassment of a harmless person and his family, together, based on some idea, which is not related to any aspect of reality. These are after dinner talks of some circles inside universities.
The other thing was that I could not understand how one is able to falsify theory of et al. Your doctor gives you a pill but if he finds it inconsequential or harmful then he changes it or tells you that there is no cure for you and you should go and cope with your illness or die. Next question I asked myself was that to ask if the cure is for living or living is for the cure. They want to cure Manny, such that he enjoys life better with his wife and children or some experimenter believe Manny is living to be the vehicle of their experiment. Then I could not find any justification for neither. They experiment to find a way for other people. In this case why they do not experiment on those other people from the beginning. If they experiment on Manny for his enjoyment he knows better how to enjoy his life. At this stage they say that Manny does not know and does not understand. How is that he does not understand. He understands harassment and painful cues but he does not understand he is being abused. Then came to me the question of liability and being responsible.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

Correct is this: I had studied community and young mobs in streets during nineteen sixty one to nineteen sixty-eight and sociology and psychology of approach of young and students towards politics, terrorism and change until nineteen seventy-seven, and then, after seventy-seven, rural, nomadic and clan structure and urbanisation, industrialisation and administrative structure and reform of that society after that. I made a mistake in one of the previous comments. In nineteen ninety-seven I was studying profile of the impostor. One important event happened for me to observe in that period of nineteen sixty eight to nineteen seventy-seven was killing of four students from my university when they were protesting to bombing of Cambodia by their government. This story is being taught even to high school students here.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

Then when the complaints of Manny Butterfly continued about the secret persecution I asked him why a psychologist type of intervention should hide its identity from him. (In his country they call a psychiatrist 'a doctor of brain, nerves, and soul' or sometimes 'consultant of nerves diseases'. After I gave him the R. D. Laing book he became familiar with that word.) I reasoned that only somebody who is wrongdoing might hide himself. Only one who is sure that a legal challenge will terminate its operation hide itself from its victim. If somebody wants to study you in your natural settings then it should not do it in a way that you become informed otherwise you would feel harassment. Then the intervening entity started to send messages by hint of its accomplices that it had among the people that its operation is legal. Actually it says that its operation has not any legal objection: they did it because it was possible.
Wolfgang Strauss

Peter Jones said...

Will you stop that much detail, please?

Peter Jones said...

No, we are just warming up to talk. Let me tell you some observation I had. In seventy-six I was there with few men of law and justice. They were advising few anti-social people. I was with them everyday in a period of time. They were advising people of different ages, both young and old, both highly educated and low educated, both poor and wealthy. They were doing everything according to their interpretation of law and justice. Their audience were mostly pretending regretful and appreciating of those pieces of advice. Advisors were jolly and confident and flirting and flippant. At night they were enjoying parties and talking about the great service they were delivering for establishing order in the society and how much those anti-social people were wrong and mad in committing those crimes.
After three years I saw the boss of those men of law and justice in a TV interview and one of those supposedly criminals as the authority of law and order advising him and asking him why he was committing such a crime to work as the chief of that gang of the traitors. Next day they shot the boss and his colleagues.
Just after three years that interviewer and his colleagues were in TV answering the question of the prosecuting authority that why he and his colleagues planned to create anarchy and chaos.
Ends? No! After three years the previous prosecuting authority was in the TV answering the question that why they as the group who were nominated to succeed the leadership were abusing their position even in taking the married women from their husbands to their beds at the comfort of their palaces while the victorious army of the leader was vanquishing the enemy in enemy’s soil.
No, we have more. Just after three years the leader of victorious army wrote a letter to be read in TV that he was regretful to drink the bitter goblet of poison for accepting the defeat and surrounding to the demand of the ceasefire with terms of the enemy.
Oh, my Mad’dieu! After three, just after three years the leader of the enemy went to the TV of his country and said that he had no term at all and was regretful of the war he waged against his noble neighbour and asked for alliance against the super army of the world.
Just three years later I left that place for my beloved Switzerland. The moral of this story is not that everybody dies except the beautiful face of Mad’dieu. It means being legal and just is relative except the fairness of Mad’dieu who is absolute. It is the reservoir of morality in the global mind of human that constantly creates instances of morality as proposed in the Grand Unified Theory.
Leonardo diPardo

Peter Jones said...

I am not interested in the above comment, but just to. Then what happened to the superarmy?

Peter Jones said...

When you are in position of power and you are exerting force on the under-trodden you know yourself wise and full of wit and feel yourself heavy and node your head judiciously instead of talking. When I was watching them in seventy-six, Mad'dieu told me that if they become trapped they would whine like a dog. I could not help me bursting into laughing in their face. Terrifying look of Mad’dieu to them saved my arse. It has been happening again and again in next three years period until now.
Ah, super-army, yes, just three years later, their boss went to TV of their country and said, "I did not have sex with that woman!" You can guess what happened next. After three years.
Moral of this comment is that only Mad'dieu is always in power. Mad’dieu is not your God. Mad’dieu is one of us who eats and drinks and sometimes write a comment here. Your God behaves like powerful entities I saw in three years periods. It is your conscience. Actually, It is the 'Thing'.
Leonardo diPardo

Peter Jones said...

I bet you want to spread those same story of religionS with a refurbished appearance. Do you not to?

Peter Jones said...

No, you are wrong. People create religions. We are not people. We are only a group of ants.
Anthony Queen

Peter Jones said...

My other observation was legitimacy of actions of all these group when they were on power. They were not Middle Ages aristocrats to do whatever they wished without answering anybody. All of them had parliament and for every move the parliament should pass an item of mandate. Parliament always would pass the law accordingly without hesitation. For example according to parliament the council of security of the town had power to ask the sheriff to employ and spend, on a proper way, people who can help to amend the operation of police. Hence, police could pay goons to mix with peaceful but serious demonstrators as provocateurs to burn a shop and then create pretext for intervention of army or armed police force. But when they become toppled down they denounce their actions as illegal. They exactly know in jumping from which phrase of law to which action they bridged the illegal gap.
When you are chained they know how to talk in their sociopath manner: “You do not defend love and affection anymore, do you?” “Can you retaliate now?” “ Do you believe you should be free?” “This is not a hotel! This is a police station! What did you expect?” They are very rude and impolite when they have everything on their side.
Leonardo diPardo

Peter Jones said...

I mean, Devil does not say that it is doing evil. It says that it is doing good. Devil says that it is your fault that you have been trapped now. It says that if you were fit enough or if you could change yourself and become fit then it would release you. It then revises and says that it has not chained you at all; you can go if you really know how and you really is able, relying on your own powers to go. With this reasoning it takes the burden of evilness from any action. For example, they put you in the concentration camp and in the gas chamber, but if you be fit enough and could consume carbon monoxide instead of oxygen and be able to fly over the barbed wires then you have proved that you are fit to live without help of anybody. Well, Devil can make it more subtle such that you cannot understand the double cheat.

Peter Jones said...

Hence, you should trust on others for your salvation or well being rather than your own powers, shouldn't you?

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