Saturday, November 09, 2024

Work needs to be undertaken now as part of the process towards complete reform of mental health legislation

I was hoping the new government would revisit the Parliamentary Scrutiny Committee’s report on the last government’s draft Mental Health Bill. This would have also given an opportunity to produce a new Bill taking into account the recent WHO/OHCHR guidance to countries on mental health legislation (see previous post). Instead the new government has produced a Bill not that dissimilar to the draft Mental Health Bill of the last government (see eg. blog post from DHSC Media Centre and version of amended Mental Health Act (MHA) 1983 as if amended by the Bill prepared by Alex Ruck Keane). 

Homicide by psychiatric patients is a political issue which still seems to be preventing proper human rights MHA reform (see eg. previous post about case of Valdo Calocane as an example). Such reform will now almost certainly need to take place over time, maybe in the context of the also necessary reform of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA). In my view, the last government should have been more ambitious looking to replace both the MHA and MCA. There also needs to be a cultural shift of attitude within mental health services to make them more person-centred. As Mind said in its initial reaction to the new Bill:-

[T]here is more to do and questions to ask about whether this [Bill] will go far enough to fix the broken system as we know it. The mental health emergency we are facing will need much more than a reformed Act.

Work needs to be undertaken now as part of the process towards complete reform of mental health legislation. Mere amendment of the 1983 Act as will be enacted by the new Bill is not sufficient. This work (see eg. previous post) should include: reform of the Mental Health Tribunal to make it more rights-based; improving mental health advocacy by creating an integrated service of Independent Mental Health Advocates (IMHAs), mental health lawyers and independent experts; and further reducing the commissioning of secure placements, leading to the prevention of all civil detentions to secure facilities, apart from to short-term Intensive Care Units. The latter development needs to be supported by a renewed focus on improving the quality of acute psychiatric inpatient and crisis resolution and home treatment services. Work could also be undertaken on creating a new Mental Health Commissioner for England. The mental health reviewer and Second Opinion Approved Doctor (SOAD) functions of the Care Quality Commission will also have a role in monitoring the implementation of the new S56 treatment provisions for Approved Clinicians to follow a clinical checklist and the introduction of statutory care and treatment plans.

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