Tuesday, May 07, 2019

People made dependent on psychotropic medication have not abused or misused the drugs

Twitter conversation this morning (see thread leading to my tweet) has made me realise that it may be misleading to say that people who have experienced antidepressant discontinuation problems have become addicted to antidepressants. I'm certainly not wanting to imply that people made dependent on antidepressants have abused or misused the drugs. There is confusion in the nomenclature (see eg. previous post and my Antidepressant Discontinuation Reactions webpage) and I don't want to add to it.


F68.10 said...

You can be addicted to a substance without having abused or misused the substance.

That happens for example with opioids. No a priori reason that it doesn't happen with antidepressants.

DBDouble said...

Not quite sure what’s behind your question, Susanne. Can you explain a bit more?

DBDouble said...

I do understand what you mean F68.10, but several people who have had discontinuation problems do not see themselves as addicts. In fact, they find the term misleading, even stigmatising

F68.10 said...

"In fact, they find the term misleading, even stigmatising"

Yes. But that applies all the same to schizophrenic patients. And everyone tells them to "shut the fuck up".

I'm against double standards.

DBDouble said...

Obviously there is uncertainty in medicine in general, Susanne, and psychiatrists as much as any doctors should base their advice on evidence. As far as treatment is concerned, although NICE, for example, provides guidelines for doctors, it does admit that its evidence is not necessarily as strong as it would like, even basing some recommendations just on clinical opinion.